city- malum

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Michael was finally playing calum's city. After weeks of racy dms and slight flirting here and there via Instagram Calum could finally see the man face to face.


Get to see that beautiful face tonight. Can I expect any fun from you tonight baby?

Calum blushed reading Michael's dm. How's he supposed to respond to something like this?

Yeah ;)
you know how I want you.
Fresh of stage, dripping sweat, make me yours tonight Mikey ;)

Calum locked his phone and plugged it in. Michael had guest listed him and his other friend to the show. And after the show he'd finally get Michael. He was currently running a little bit of mascara over his lashes and was fluffing his hair a little. "Oh cal, my dearest friend, you'll be the death of me." He looked in the mirror and there stood his best friend, bee, skirt and silk shirt. Her hair was short and blue in some places. "Are you excited?" Calum turned to look at her. "I feel like I should be right? I mean he said we'd be set to be backstage, but we could be in the crowd if we wanted." "I can't believe you're actually meeting up with him. You usually ghost these dudes after they ask to meet." "Would it be wrong if I actually liked michael? Like I actually want to kiss him?" "You like the lead guitarist? Dude! Come on! Do better! Ashton Irwin exists." Calum roller his eyes. "Michael's the only one who swings that way. And no offense to Ashton or anything but he's such a dick." The girl laughed helping Calum fix his hair. "Come on we should go."


After walking past the line, Calum gave his name and then they were given the backstage passes, along with wrist bands. "The band is already walking towards the stage. Do you want me to escort you to the crowd or would you like to stay backstage?" Calum looked at bee. "The crowd would be nice." Security took them and lead them to the crowd. He told him he'd be back for them in thirty minutes but if they wanted to stay longer or leave earlier to let him know. "Text Michael."

My friend bee and I are here ;)
Front row.

I can see your beautiful face.
Come back stage so I can give you a kiss.
Please? We have a minute till stage

Calum blushed and pulled bee away. "Michael wants to see me backstage." He waved another security and showed him his passes. He saw all three boys laughing at something. "If it isn't Michael's boyfriend!" Luke cheered making the other two snap their necks. "I wouldn't say all that." Calum said back. Michael smiled and made his way towards the boy. "Stage in 30 seconds boys!" Ashton and Luke went through the curtains and Bee moved away. "Quick kiss?" Calum blushed pecking the boys lips. "See you after the show?" Calum nodded and watched the blonde go through the heavy curtains. "Oh you're so whipped." The boy groaned moving towards the curtains. "It's not my fault! You see how adorable he is? I just want to kiss all over his face." "Keep it to yourself, Hood."


It was time for their break before the encore. He saw Calum record a little bit of the show and the rest was just the boy watching him and his friends. He was dripping sweat and the only thing running in his mind was Calum. He was barely getting through the show but at least it was almost over. Calum looked so adorable in his skirt. It reached mid-thigh and it was tight on his thighs. The shirt was just a simple black shirt with a Metallica design. They ran off stage and they quickly gulped down water. "Are you enjoying the show?" Ashton gasped looking at the two strangers. Bee nodded and made conversation with him. "Did I tell you how pretty you look?" Calum blushed shoving Michael. "Shut up. You look good playing up there." The chanting got louder which meant the boys had to go back. After the last two songs they gave their final goodbye and they were gone. Calum followed michael to his dressing room. "You looked so good Mikey. You always play so good." "Oh baby, I love it when you compliment me." Calum smiled and kissed his wet cheek. He scrunched his nose at the smell. "Isn't this how you wanted me? Dripping sweat remember?" Michael moved his hands to the hem of calum's skirt and then moved them so they were inside touching his thighs. "Maybe we should go to my house? I don't want anyone to walk in on us Mikey." Michael leaned in and kissed the boy hotly. "Yeah, okay, quick shower and we're out okay?" Calum nodded sending a quick text to bee.

To: babybee
Michael and I are heading back to my house.
you can go without me :)

From: babybee
Haha okay ;)
left with Ashton anyways
gettttt ittttttt ;)))))

Calum blushed and shoved his phone in his pocket again. Twenty minutes later a fresh Michael Clifford came out and he wrapped an arm around the kiwi. "So glad we finished the tour." "Are you sure you want to go back to my place? You must be tired Mikey." "Not tired enough." Michael winked. After getting in their Uber to calum's, michael couldn't keep his hands off the boy. He kept going up his skirt and leaning over to kiss him. The man driving the car sure seemed tired of it because he sped to get to the mans house. Before Calum could close his front door Michael was already attacking his neck with wet kisses. "I wanna take you just like this Calum. skirt rolled up and shirt off." Calum moaned feeling Michael pinch the bud of his nipple. "You looked so hot on stage Michael." "Oh baby, all I could think of was you, how hot you looked, the fact that'd I'd have you quivering under me." They were on calum's kitchen table and Michael reached into the boys skirt to take off his panties. "Definitely keeping these." Michael mumbled rolling calum's skirt up. The raw denim was rubbing against his boner and it was driving him insane. Calum felt naked even though he was wearing his skirt and his knee highs. The shirt was tossed a while ago and Michael was standing with his shirt off and pants half way down. Calum's
panties were tucked in his back pocket and Michael slowly pushed Calum down. He spit on his fingers and slowly rubbed one inside Calum. The boy huffed and gripped Michael's bicep. "All I thought about was you, Calum. Every night I came closer to this moment with you. I'm not gonna lie, when you dmed me I definitely thought you were just some whore who wanted a quick fuck. Baby, you're definitely not that." He shoved another finger watching Calum open his mouth to moan. "Feels so good, Mikey. Just like that, please, oh fuck." Michael leaned in for a kiss moving his fingers fast. "Please Mikey, more, need you to fuck me now." Calum begged watching as Michael took his fingers out and spit on his hand again. He rubbed it against his dick and then slowly pushed into Calum. Michael moaned feeling Calum's warmth engulf him. "Oh fuck baby, you feel so good around me." Calum moaned and sat up. He spread himself a little further and Michael put one of his legs on his shoulders. Michael began nailing into the boy and Calum rolled his head back. "Fuck Mikey! Just like that. Oh fuck!" He moaned not caring that the people in the building could probably hear him. One leg up and the other one wrapped around Michael's waist. God this is the best sex calum's had in a while and he's only two minutes in! Michael moved slower and reached for his phone. "Can I take a picture of you pretty boy? Look how beautiful you all spread out with me buried deep in your asshole. I bet you feel me right here hmm?" Michael touched the boys stomach and continued to slowly thrust. Calum just nodded and before he knew it there was a flash and a grinning Michael. "So beautiful." He started moving fast again making the younger boy erupt in noises. Calum dropped his leg and sat up. He started marking Michael's chest and neck making the older boy groan in pleasure. His moans were music to calum's ears, so raspy and quiet. He loved it. "I'm so close cal. Almost there doll? Are you gonna cum?" Calum nodded resting his head on the crook of Michael's neck letting the older boy do all the work. Before he knew it michael was rubbing on his slit and had him coming with a loud moan. Seconds later he felt Michael's cum shoot into his asshole. "Is it okay if I crash the night? I'll be out of your hair before you wake up." Calum only kissed him sloppily. "Please, stay as long as you want to, I won't mind." They cleaned themselves up and Michael still kept his panties in his back pocket. They wrapped themselves in calum's blankets and fell asleep in each other's arms.

perhaps i pt2 every smut 🤠

ok also sorry I don't like the vampire!cal or any of the mythical stuffffff I'm sorry :(!! There's books for that stuff tho! ;) sorry for the hold up :) enjoy!

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