City pt2

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They were eight months strong and Calum was watching his beautiful boyfriend preform. It was their last song and tomorrow Bee would fly out here to go to the next city with them. She and Ashton had hit it off. Calum took a quick video for his Instagram and quickly people replied to it. Michael and him kept the relationship pretty lowkey until their five month anniversary when Michael thought it'd be cool to post a video of them kissing. No one was surprised though considering there was already a bunch of pictures of them on each other socials. He watched them bow and then run over to the stage. Quickly Michael engulfed him in a hug and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Gross you're all wet Michael." "Do you two always have to make out in front of me? Disgusting." Calum rolled his eyes at Luke. "Luke you need a girlfriend." Calum said laughing at the younger boy. "I need a lot of things Calum." They walked to the dressing room packed their things, ate a quick diner, and they were gone towards the hotel they'd sleep in tonight.

It was the next night and the boys were luckily on break for the day. They left for the airport at six am and then play the show at eight pm. Michael, Ashton, and Luke were currently out getting them dinner while Calum sat in his hotel room crying on his best friends shoulder. "Oh bee! How will I tell him?! He'll hate me! I've basically ruined his life." He sobbed. "He'll want to put everything on pause, his life, his career, everything! It'll be so unfair to him." "Cal, look at me, he won't be mad. Michael loves you! He talks about wanting kids all the time right? Maybe this is a minor set back, but he won't hate you." "How do I tell him? I've been feeling sick for a week now but I just thought it was because I've been on the road a lot." "Just be straight forward with him. And if it doesn't go well I'm a few rooms over." She smiled. As soon as she said that Michael walked in with takeout bag laughing at something Luke had said. "Yeah okay man, I'll text you." Calum quickly wiped his face and Bee got up. "Ashton's still in the lobby." "Okay, I'll just meet him down there." She got up and left the two boys. Michael walked towards the smaller boy and his smile dropped. "What's wrong baby? Why are you crying?" "Oh nothing, bee and I were watching a video and it made me sad. Come let's eat! I'm starving." He massaged his stomach. He couldn't believe it, he was eating for two now. They sat in the small table provided by the hotel and sat quietly. After their dinner they cuddled up in bed and let the TV play quietly. It was Michael who began sensual touches. At first he slid his hand inside calum's night gown and started rubbing his thighs. Now calum's sitting on top of the boy moving his ass around the boys sweat pants. "God Calum, how'd I get so lucky with you?" Michael moved his lips around the boys neck and played with his nipple. The younger boy moaned quietly. He loved when Michael did that. "Mikey I need you now." Calum lifted his night gown and Michael took the boys panties off. "God and these fucking panties cal." Michael still has the first pair that he took at his house. Their sitting in his top drawer next to his boxers. Calum moved so Michael could take his sweat pants off and immediately went in between the boys legs. He pumped him slowly looking into the boys eyes. How'd Michael get here? How'd he manage to make the boy his? Sure, Calum was only an instagram model and Michael was as a literal rock star, but no one could amount to Calum. Michael was taken from his thoughts because soon Calum was bobbing his head up and down on his length. He ran his tongue over a vein while looking michael dead in the eye. "Oh baby, just like that, don't stop cal." Michael tugged calum's hair making the boy close his eyes and moan. Calum moved his mouth away and went back to pumping him. "Do you remember how we did it this morning Mikey? How you had me pinned against the bed? Ass in the air while you fucked me?" Michael leaned in to kiss the boy moving his hands to the boys ass. They switched and Michael took the rest of his clothes off. He didn't know what it was, but he enjoyed fucking Calum while he was semi dressed. Michael moved his slightly more up before moving to the boys ass. Michael separated his cheeks, rubbing slightly on the hole. Still open from their morning. He spit and watched calum clench his asshole. "God Mikey, just fuck me already." He spit on his hand and rubbed it all over his dick before sliding in slowly. Almost instantly Calum closed his eyes. No matter how many times they'd had sex, he'd never get used to Michael's length and girth. "Fuck Mikey, so big and good. Please just move." He moaned quietly. Michael started moving his hips and moaned. The feeling Calum gave him was amazing. "You like this cal? You like it when I fuck you like this?" He decides he wanted to see his boyfriends face so he stopped and told him to flip back. Calum pulled Michael down so he could give him a kiss. Michael moved his hips and then pulled away so he could leave hickeys on the boys chest. They couldn't be messy and leave the ugly bruises on each other's necks because everyone would know what they'd done prior. Calum clawed his back and moved his head to the side. He'd hit the boys prostrate. "Right there baby? Is that where you want it?" "Yes Mikey, fuck please right there, I'm so close Mikey. Ohh fuckk." He dragged out, tightening his hold on Michael's bicep. Michael started pinching his nipple, making his toes curl in pleasure. Before he knew it he was moaning and cuming all over his gown. "Mikey, mikey, oh fuck yes mikey!" Michael let out a throaty moan before cuming deep inside the boy. He pulled out and reached for the T-shirt on the floor. He cleaned calum up and then himself and then watched his boyfriend take the gown off. Michael put his sweatpants on and then went to his luggage to get a shirt for his baby. "Thank you Mikey. I love you." Michael smiled. "I love you too." The shirt basically swallowed Calum but it was fine. "Mikey we need to talk." Calum said pulling the boy towards the bed. "Are you breaking up with me? Did I do something wrong?" "What?! No! What?! Mikey we just had sex, you think I'm breaking up with you after sex?!" Michael shrugged. "Well these words never end good." Calum felt weight on his shoulders. Fuck it. "Michael im pregnant." He said watching Michael's face go from upset, to shocked, and then a grin. "Baby no way! Is that why you've been throwing up in the mornings?! Oh cal! We're gonna be dads!" Michael pulled Calum into a kiss squishing his face. "You're not mad?" "How could I? I'm gonna have a little family with the man of my dreams! Can I tell the boys? Does Bee know already?and our mums? Oh they'll be so happy!" "You can tell them. I was thinking I'd fly back home after we're done here, you can finish Japan and then fly back home? I can get the appointment and then we can tell our families together." Michael nodded kissing Calum. "I love you so much Calum Hood." "I love you too Michael Clifford." Michael grabbed his phone to text the group chat. He already had texts.

From: Asston
Dude, could you be any louder? Four doors away and I can hear you like I'm in the room.

From: Asston
And I can't even say get a room, you already have a fucking room

From: Pukey
I'm across the hall

From: Pukey

How do you think I feel right now?

To: Pukey, Asston
Sorry guys
Haha also Calum just told me he's pregnant:)
I'm gonna be a dad!

From Asston:
I'm gonna be an uncle! Holy shit! Congrats Mikey!

From Pukey:
Please ash, don't call him mikey, I have calum's voice ringing in my ears right now.
Also congrats :-) can't wait to be his favorite uncle.

From Asston:
That's definitely my tittle, Lucas


k bye enjoy

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