is it true - cake

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Calum sat in class staring at the new boy. He had long blonde hair and he wore a black hoodie with black jeans. He didn't admit it but Calum was gay. The kids at his school would tease him to no end. "Ok students we're going to partner up now, I'll be choosing so if I call your name stand up and go sit with that person." "Hemmings go with Calum." The teacher instructed.


Calum and Luke sat in Luke's room shoving styrofoam balls through sticks. "So is it true?" "Is what true?" Calum asked picking up another stick. "I've heard the kids at school say it, are you gay?" Calum blushed putting the styrofoam down. "No, I'm not gay." "Well that's upsetting." Luke mumbled taking a marker and writing on the balls. "Cause you know," he said loudly staring at their project. "I'm gay myself." He sighed out waiting for calum's reaction. "I-I mean I'm not sure. I've never really kissed a guy. And the only girl I've ever kissed was Vanessa in like 10th grade." He stuttered. "You're so cute." Luke said pulling him in for a kiss. They pulled away and Calum was blushing like crazy. "It's kinda late I should go." Calum grabbed his bag and basically ran out of Lukes house.


They were in calum's house this time. They'd been making out the whole week working on their project here and there. Luke was sitting on calum's bed with his back against the headboard and Calum on top of his lap with their lips locked. "We should probably finish our project." Calum said in between kisses. Luke groaned not moving away from Calum. They kissed one last time before Calum pushed himself off Luke. "Calum." Luke groaned pulling him back. "Luke seriously, we're almost done with the project. We can do whatever you want after." "Whatever I want?" "Whatever you want." "Okay deal." Luke said getting up from the bed.
   After working on it for two more hours the boys were finally finished on their project. Calum finished writing their names on it with a yawn. "It's getting kinda late don't you think?" He could hear his parents getting ready for bed in their room. "Is it okay if I sleep over?" Calum blushed and nodded. "Will your parents be okay with that?" "Of course they'll be okay with me sleeping over at my boyfriends house." Calum blushed. "I'm not your boyfriend." "Yet, not my boyfriend yet." Luke said pulling him into a kiss. Luke pulled them off the floor and onto the floor. "Luke my parents are home." "So? Just be quiet." They kissed again, everything began getting heavy for Calum. His sister was in the room right next to him. She'd hear everything. Luke was grinding against him and sucking on his collarbone. He had his hands deep in his curls with his eyes closed. He was in pure bliss. "Luke." He moaned softly into the mans ear taking in every ounce of Luke's touch. Luke moved from Calum and back to his lips. "Luke, my parents are home, and so is my sister." Calum panted out. Calum couldn't deny how hard he was right now but he was nervous. This was the farthest he's gone with anyone. He doesn't want Luke to think he's a loser. He doesn't want Luke to try anything and realize calum's a virgin. He didn't care that his family was home. "What's the problem pup? They were home earlier when we made out." Luke said holding calum's hand. Calum sighed not meeting eyes with Luke. "This is the farthest I've gone with anyone Luke. Making out is new to me. I don't want to dissatisfy you." Luke rolled his eyes. "Calum if you don't want to have sex we don't have to. I don't want to force you into anything babe." Calum blushed at the names Luke kept calling him and not to mention the word 'sex' was thrown in there. "I don't want to leave you all aroused either." "Blowjob?" "I've never given one." "I'll guide you." The blonde said with hope in his voice. Calum nodded and Luke gave him a wide smile. The got up from the bed and Luke took his pants off, underwear going down with it. Calum was on his knees staring at Luke's length. "You don't have to." Luke reassured him. "No it's okay, I want to." Without a second thought he grabbed it and began pumping it up and down. Just how he'd do it to himself, he thought. Luke was letting out small puffs his hands going to calum's hair. "Spit a little on your hand baby." Calum did what he was told and began pumping him again. "Now try sucking on just the head." He had butterflies in his stomach. How was this real? He was about to blow Luke Hemmings? The boy at school that girls have been throwing themselves at. Oh god, school. This whole week he's made out with him and no one knows. Will Luke stop paying attention to him after the project? Calum didn't know but what he did know is that he had to start giving Luke his blowjob. Slowly he put some of Lukes length in his mouth hearing him sigh. "Bob your head up and down, pump whatever you can't fit baby. Don't overwhelm yourself." He melted hearing Luke call him baby. He did what he was told looking up at Luke. His head was thrown back with his eye shut tightly. His curls were all over the place and his mouth hung open. Calum pulled off and began moving his hand all over his length again. "Was that okay Lukey?" "Practice makes perfect." He said back making Calum blush again. Calum licked Luke's dick and then began sucking on the head. He heard the boy let out a soft moan and pulled on his hair. "So good pup. You're doing so good baby." That only encouraged Calum to fit Luke into his mouth. He had half of Luke inside his mouth and he began moving his head up and down with the movement of his hand. "Oh cal." Luke said as he pushed on calum's head slightly. He felt the warmth in his stomach and he knew he was about to cum. "I'm almost there cal." Calum pulled off and began pumping Luke fast making dead eye contact with him. Luke saw the glossy, innocent eyes, that belonged to Calum and lost control. He let out a low grunt and came all over calum's hand with some getting on the boys cheek. Luke was panting staring at the boy below him. "Come on, your turn." Luke took his shirt off and wiped calum's hand and face giving him a kiss. Calum laid in the bed watching and Luke undressed his lower half. The blonde wasted no time putting calum's length in his mouth. Luke bobbed his head up and down. Calum was on cloud nine. This was the first time he was feeling this kind of pleasure. It was always just his own hands. Before he knew it he was coming in Lukes mouth. He felt pleasure all around him but he came in Lukes mouth. Luke pulled away with a huge grin on his face. He pulled Calum into another kiss and then kissed all over his face. Calum gave Luke some pajamas and put his on too. "Goodnight Lukey." "Goodnight cal."


The next day Calum has given Luke some of his clothes to wear to school. Calum was afraid luke would act like nothing happened between them. "We can leave the module in the car until 7th if you want." "Yeah that's fine with me ." They both got out. Calum didn't want Luke to feel uncomfortable so he started to distance himself. "Why are you walking so far baby? Come here." Calum blushed and went next to Luke again. Immediately the taller one put his arm around his waist and laced his hand with calum's. "I was thinking we could go on our first official date after school today. Is that okay?" All calum could do was nod. Luke Hemmings, the popular new boy, was prancing around the halls hand and hand with Calum. They got a lot of shocked looks. Calum knew Luke noticed too but he chose to ignore them. They made it all the way to calum's locker when Luke finally let go of him. "I'm gonna go look for Ashton and Michael. See you in class later." Luke pulled him in for a kiss and then walked away leaving the boy shocked and happy.

:l LOL I tried it :3 hope u enjoyyyyuu next up (hopefully soon) is 3some / pt 2 to this and currently working on a other smut but tell me what ship you'd like? idk lolololol logged out of the twitter account because I had no interactions :'( nonetheless thank you! I know it's a late update but I didn't want to 'finish later' and not update for another two months ;'( don't forget to vote & comment. Thank you to everyone who gives me their opinions, writes their praise, or just hits the vote button. Means a lot and I love interacting with people I wish more of you did it! :) thank you so much for reading!

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