fuck pt2 - cashton

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It'd been three weeks since the boys met. Calum had been visiting Ashton in his workplace bringing him lunch and giving him kisses. James and him shared an office and he would sometimes just watch as his ex husband talked and kissed on his new boy toy. "So I was thinking we could go out tonight with my friends Michael and Luke. They're cool dudes I'm sure you'll enjoy them." Ashton spoke biting into the burger. James on the phone closing up some deal. "Is this your way of taking me out irwin?" Ashton had gone back to his old last name. No longer was he Reynolds. "Yeah I guess so." Calum just nodded. "Well I'll text you later tonight gotta get back to the tattoo shop before they have my head." The older man nodded and let calum kiss his forehead and watched him leave. As soon as the door closed jakes began talking. "Moving on so quick? Have to flaunt him all over the building?" "Fuck off you're the one that fucked our assistant. Funny how she hasn't come in here yet. Used to be here every second of the day." They both began typing, they might be getting a divorce but this kept money in their pockets. "I want a divorce James. Why haven't you signed them?" "Why should I?" "Because we're both on different people! You cheated on me! And now I want nothing to do with you! I'm not even going by your stupid last name anymore." Ashton walked over to the mans desk with the files. "Sign it." "No." "James nothings changing, we're both keeping the company, you get the house, and we both split the money! Come on what's so difficult about this?!" "What's so difficult? Really?! You basically have a boyfriend already and I have to watch as you kiss, talk, eat basically everything because he's always here! He's using you!" "Really? He's using me? Right okay. Just sign the fucking papers James." The man took his pen and signed it angrily. "Thank you. The movers will get the rest of my stuff on Saturday." "Yeah whatever." Ashton went back picking his stuff up.

To baby:

James just signed the papers! celebrate after we hang out with my friends?

From baby:

That's great love! I'm keen on celebrating ;)

Ashton blushed as he waved goodbye to James. He got in his car and called Michael right away to tell him the news. "Hey ash! What's up?" "Well you asked to hang out I'm just double checking that we're still on." "Yeah! Order pizza and have dinner at my house or go out. I'm not complaining on either." "Okay I'll bring my friend calum. If that's okay with you guys of course." "Right your friend." Michael said in a taunting voice. "Yeah bring him over I wanna see the child James has been complaining about." Ashton laughed parking in front of the house. He still had some stuff there and his new apartment wasn't ready for him yet. "Okay well I'll talk to you later. Let's meet at yours?" "Okay see you around eight?" "Sounds good yeah." He got out and called calum. "What's up babe?" "Just letting you know I'll pick you around seven so we can meet the guys at eight." "Sounds great. What should I wear?" "Um something casual I guess. Whatever you wore when I first met you." The boys said their goodbyes and then Ashton started showering. Ashton didn't know how he ended up kind of dating calum but he was enjoying it. "Ashton! I'm home!" He rolled his eyes wrapping the towel around his waist.

When calum got in the car they both leaned over to kiss one another. "How was work babe?" "Well this asshole came in complaining about one of his pieces. We told him we didn't want to finish his face because it's risky stuff." "I'll never understand how people can get tattoos. Way too painful." "You should let me tattoo you." "Say that again when we're married." "Funny how much you talk about marriage. You haven't even asked me to be your boyfriend yet." "Is this your way of asking me to be your boyfriend?" "No it's a hint of what I want with you." Ashton rolled his eyes. "Cal will you be my boyfriend?" "Babe I'd love to be yours." Ashton parked in Michael's driveway and turned to kiss calum. "No offense to you or anything but I didn't expect to continue seeing you." "What made that change?" "Seeing James face all mad I guess." "So I'm just a trophy to you?" Calum sighed. "Not at all babe." "I know I'm just messing with you." They kissed one last time before getting out. They were hand and hand when Ashton knocked the door. "We decided on pizza. Luke's a bit sick and doesn't want to go out." Ashton nodded pulling his boyfriend inside. "Calum this is my best friend Michael, michael this is my boyfriend Calum." "Boyfriend aye? This afternoon he was your friend." Calum snorted. "Yeah I wasn't gonna get friend zoned by a millionaire." They walked to the kitchen where luke was already eating. "Hi ashy!" He pulled him into a big hug. "How's James?" Ashton sat down with calum trailing behind him. "Well he signed the divorce papers today and he tried kissing me when he come home from work today. He still thinks we can work things out. We're going to court next week to finalize things." "I still can't believe that asshole cheated on you! And with Cas?! I loved her." Luke wrapped himself around Michael who was eating his pizza. "I forgot to ask who the guy was." Luke said blushing. Calum decided he didn't like the chatty boy much. Preferred Michael. "Right! This is my new boyfriend Calum! Met him the night I walked in on James." Luke smiled at him and picked up another slice. "Watcha do for a living Calum?" "I own a tattoo and piercing place. It's down the block from Main Street." "Dude no way! I've been looking for a place to get touch ups." Michael beamed showing calum the tattoo on his elbow. "Oh man how long did this take?" "Like three two hour sessions. Hurt like a bitch." Ashton and Luke had wondered into the living room leaving their boyfriends talk. "Ash you're moving quite quick for a man getting divorced from a five year marriage." "I love James, I do, but Calum's different. He lets me have my own opinions and James was just close minded." "Are you sure he's not just some rebound using you for money?" Ashton rolled his eyes. "Rebound? Maybe time will tell but using me for money? No. He didn't know what I did until I told him a week after I met him. You just need to talk to him more. Like Mikes doing." "Mike will talk to anyone." Ashton laughed. "Does your mum know about Calum? And how he's ten years younger than you." Ashton nodded. "She also thinks he's my rebound. I don't know okay? Time will tell. Maybe I'll marry him and we can have kids together! You're treating me like I'm fifty!" Luke had made him angry with all the questions. "It's getting late we should probably go." Luke remained on the couch watching his friend go into the kitchen. "Hey cal, we should probably go. I have lots to do at work tomorrow." Calum nodded and gave Michael a hug. "Hey give me your number before you go. I really need a touch up." They exchanged phone numbers and then Michael waved them goodbye. "Bye ash love you! See you around Calum!" They were driving away now and Calum could feel how tense he was. "What's wrong babe?" "Luke pissed me off. He's the third person to say you only want me for money and that I'm too old to mess with you. I'm only thirty four! Why should they care?! Luke and Michael got married four months into their relationship!" Calum frowned rubbing his hand up and down Ashton's thigh. "Ash Im not using you, I promise. And so what that you're older than me? That's not a crime babe." Ashton sighed. "I don't want you to think you're some sort of rebound Cal." "I might be and that's fine, we've all done it right? How bout we get home and celebrate?" Ashton blushed. "Come on baby, we can head back to my place, no James, just us." Ashton nodded taking the car towards the familiar rode. "I've been thinking," Calum said, "Your fingers are pretty fucking long." "Are you saying you want me to finger you?" "And fuck me while you're at it."

They were inside now and things were already heated. Ashton was on top of Calum and they were making out. Ashton had left hickeys on Calum before and now it was calum's turn. "You're so hot babe, especially when you're at work, wearing the fitted suites with the ties on. Gets my blood flowing, if you know what I mean." "Oh yeah?" Calum made a noise of approval before taking the elders shirt off. "Just wanna fuck you already cal." They quickly undressed themselves and continued to grind on each other. Ashton moved down and circled the boys hole. "Got any lube?" Calum shook his head no. "There's a piercing on my dick you think I use lube?" Ashton rolled his eyes and spit on calum's hole before inserting his finger in. Calum closed his eyes loving the pain and pleasure of it all. "Fuck ash so good babe. I love it." "What do you love? Tell me." "I love your fingers. Fuck they're so long. Big hands too." Ashton nodded and inserted another finger. Watching the younger boy squirm. "Come on ash take your anger out on me." "What?" "Hit me!" Ashton slapped calum across the face watching the mark come up. "Calum are you okay?" Ashton asked with a concerned look. Calum nodded. "Again." Ashton went back for a second hit earning a moan from the boy. Ashton went down and kissed the spot where his hand was seconds ago. "Beautiful boy." Ashton took his fingers out and rubbed his tip against him. "Ready babe?" Calum nodded loving every second of the pain. Ashton wasn't an average dude with an average dick. Before Ashton could ask calum was already begging for him to move. "Please Ash go!" Ashton started thrusting in and out loving how calum felt around him." "Fucking hell Ashton just like that!" Ashton hadn't seen this side of the boy but he was loving every second. "Fuck ashy so good." "Yeah baby? You like this?" Ashton leaned down and started leaving hickeys on his new boyfriend. He loved this. Everything was so different to him. He went back up and stopped thrusting. He put his hand on calum's cheek caressing him lightly. "So fucking beautiful Cal." He slapped him again making the younger boy moan lowly. He began thrusting into calum again. Calum's back was arched with his eyes rolling all the way back. Ashton loved it. Calum tapped on Ashton's thigh signaling him to stop. "What's wrong babe?" "Nothings wrong," Calum panted, "just wanna fucking ride you." Ashton nodded and fell back on the bed. calum slowly inched himself down resting his head on Ashton's shoulder. "Been wanting this since we fucked for the first time." Ashton laughed lightly. "Yeah? How come you didn't say anything baby. Talked about fucking a dilf when all you really wanted was to have me buried deep in you hmm?" Calum only nodded moving slowly against his boyfriend. "I wanted it so so bad." Ashton started moving his hand up and down rubbing his hand against calum's slit. "I love when you're mad, gets me all hot and bothered." Ashton gripped calum's hip and started slamming into the younger boy. Calum's thighs were shaking and his toes were curled loving how aggressive Ashton had gotten. He felt his hand touch his neck squeezing onto it. "Come on baby let it go." Calum let Ashton's dirty talk take him into his climax. He felt Ashton cum with one last thrust and felt himself crumble under the mans touch. "That was so good." Ashton mumbled kissing all over calum's neck. "I agree with you." Calum moved himself from Ashton's laps and laid back cuddling into Ashton. "I know we've only known each other for three weeks, and have been dating for a day, but I think I've fallen in love with you Calum. You're not like everyone I know. Boring, suites, closed off." Calum kissed Ashton lightly. "I love you too Ash. How bout we go to bed?" Ashton turned off his night lamp and kissed his boyfriend. "I'm sorry if I hurt you tonight." "Trust me you didn't."

Okay so what did y'all think? pls comment what ship you'd like next!

Not into writing CALM i apologize

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