Back again

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"A lot happend since you were gone, do you know all that?" he looked at her as they headed back towards Winterfell "Yeah, well, partly do be honest. I know that Sansa's queen in the North and Bran is the king of the, now, six kingdoms" she paused "What I still don't understand is why they made him king and not you, you had a real claim, the only real claim" "Cause they put me in a dungeon for killing you, I was a traitor. They send me to the Night's Watch again, but I went beyond the Wall with Tormund, Ghost and the Wildlings" she didn't know how to react, I mean yeah he was a traitor, kind of, but if they all conspired this with him, they should've given him the crown or shouldn't have locked him up at least.. "But you're here now, why?" he searched for words as she just stared at him "I.. I didn't wanted to live the rest of my life beyond the Wall and I simply couldn't handle your death, so I left" "But did anything happend, wasn't he your best friend, he surely tried to cheer you up" "It did happen something yeah" "And what?" he sighed "Tormund wanted me to hook up with a girl" she could clearly see that this really bothered him "It's okay Jon, you didn't knew I was coming back" "No I didn't, but it still felt like I betrayed you again" she smiled "You don't need to apologise for moving on Jon, it's just .." she took a deep breath "You still killed me and betrayed my trust, we can't just move on like nothing happend" these words really hit Jon, he knew they were true, but as things seemed so perfect yesterday he almost forgot about it "I know .." both of them couldn't find words right now, so they were just looking at each other. "I love you" he said breaking the silence "All I can do right now is say and show you this as much as I can, we're going to be a family soon and we need to trust each other. I know you cannot do this right now, so all I can do is tell you that I'll never betray you again and protect you with all I have" "I wish it was that easy Jon" "I know it isn't easy, it won't get any easier with our little prince or princess on the way, I know that we'll fight, but we need to be strong for our baby" "But you say that like it will be easy, you're not the one who got stabbed by the person you trusted more than anyone in this world" "I was stabbed by my own men as well darling" "And you executed those men" she said cold "And I executed those men, but you cannot do the same do you?" "I can Jon" she paused and he started to get nervous "But I won't, I grew up without my father or mother, that's ain't a good life for a child" 'Being a Bastard neither' he thought to himself but he didn't dared to say it.
They arrived at Winterfell and haven't talked the rest of the way "Remember last time we arrived here?" he laughed "I do" she forced herself to smile as they entered the gates and everyone immediately recognised the Targaryen hair. "They're all staring at me Jon" she said as she kept herself close to him "Don't worry, I'm the one who violated against the queen, you did nothing wrong".
He knocked on Sansa's chamber door "Who is it?" "Jon" he said already opening the door "Can I come in?" "Close the door there's something I need to tell you" "To be honest I just-" "Bran said Daenerys is still alive and she was resurrected in Volantis" he smiled "That's your reaction, are you ser-" "Sansa just let me show you something for one second" "What do you want .." he opened the door and Dany was standing right next to him "Sansa I need to tell you something as well, Dany is- " he stopped for as second as Daenerys pinched him "We've met when Jon was riding away from Winterfell" she finished, Sansa was confused as she just whispered 'Don't' into his ear "Wow .. I don't quite have words right now, you guys must be tired after you got back here, we better get her a chamber and you Jon- " "It's okay Sansa we can share one" Dany again stared at him angrily "Okay, then she can go to your chamber as well and Jon could I have a word?" "Of course, I just wanna show her my chamber quickly" she nodded as they both left the room again "Jon I know you trust your sister but don't you remember what happened the last time you told her a secret?!" "But she's my sister Dany and one day she'll know it anyway" she sighed annoyed "Jon that's not the point, but you betrayed my trust and running to her and tell her that won't help restoring this trust!" "How long will it take, what do I have to do to earn your trust again?" "I don't know that now Jon, but just start by having some faith in me and don't talk to your sister about what happened or happens between us, I'm in a relationship with you and not her" she paused "Do you understand that? When it's about us, talk to me instead of her, we need to try and fix this on our own first, involving her will only cause more troubles, she didn't like me before and she surely doesn't like me now" he nodded "I promise" "I hope you mean it this time" she said as she closed the door infront of him. He sighed as he walked back to Sansa as she already waited tensely "Jon? Close the door when you come in" "What is it Sansa" "It's about your queen" he sighed again.

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