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You could hear their steps as they walked and all eyes followed them until they both stood infront of everyone in the room. They looked at each other and she just nodded "My Lords, my Ladies" he began to talk "I want to thank you all for this amazing night and my lovely sister that made this all possible, she even managed it to convince my adventures little sister to come back for this special day" he looked back to them smiling, but as always they looked very grim seeing him standing there with Dany "But it's not only my name day, it's also the day where I want to share some other special thing with you" he has never been that nervous talking infront of people, he didn't wanted to mess this up, but as he looked at her she was smiling and that gave him the confidence to continue talking "I know that most of you don't think much of Daenerys Targaryen, but she saved us by providing her army and dragons to fight the Night King and the Army of the Dead, without them we wouldn't be here today, none of you. She helped us to defeat Cercei Lannister, now the North is an independent Kingdom, with the eldest daughter of Ned Stark as it's queen and his last living son being king of the remaining six kingdoms. But still, most of you reject her, you won't trust her, even after she gave her life for all of you, the second she rode into the gates of Winterfell you judged her without even knowing her" he took a break to breath and a short look into the faces of the Northerners who where all just listening silently "But I know her. And judging her simply because she is a Targaryen isn't right. She's no different from the rest of us, she's a human and we make mistakes sometimes but that doesn't make us mad or monsters. Also do people feel grief, hate or" he paused for a second "love" Jon looked her in the eyes and then turned back "I know that some of you have suffered from the mad king, but I ask you not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father. Not to judge any Targaryen, neither Daenerys nor our child that will soon come into this world. I want it to join a word where it's not judged by its last name, as I've been for being a bastard." it took a second for everyone to realise what he just said, it was dead silent in the room and Jon started to get a little nervous. The second he wanted to add something he heard a voice behind him "Now raise your cups to Jon's name day and the bright upcoming future of the North, Westeros and House Targaryen" Arya suddenly said to break the silence as everyone then cheered. Jon looked back to his sister who returned with a smile. The feast continued as he now stood there for another moment smiling proudly "Dany about what you wrote in that letter.." he said turning to her "Can we talk about that later?" "But-" he was interrupted by a kiss "Well that's a good enough reason" "I'm proud of you" she said as they both sat down. "Thank you Dany" "And that line you said, wasn't that what I said on our first meeting, about my father?" he nodded "That's the reason I've said it" she smiled and he laid his hand on hers, watching the feast from above, together, as he wanted. "Congratulations big brother" a voice said from behind "Thank you Arya, and for what you did" they smiled at each other "So that's what you wanted to tell me after, but then Dany came and you just told everyone?" "Kind of yeah" again she smiled and then got back to her seat. "Now it's official" he said turning to Dany "Now it's official. And what you asked about that letter.." "Can we talk about that later? I wanna enjoy this for another second" she nodded as she turned her head away from him. "It's going to be alright, I know it" Jon said as he turned her head back to him, kissing her after "I'm sure we can do this, not only for us, but for our baby, what better reason is there?" she agreed "We can" "Well there is one more reason, but.. that's a more complicated one" Dany just looked at him confused "I love you,
I love you like I've never loved anyone in this world and I don't want to lose that ever again" "Me too" she said very quiet "But that's indeed more complicated" he wiped a tear from her cheek as he laid his hand on it to kiss her again "But worth it".

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