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Dany and Sansa left their room almost at the same time, as they both wanted to have a word with Jon, and bummed into each. "What are you doing?" Sansa asked "I'm looking after Jon, I need to talk to him immediately" "I don't know if you just don't want it or forgot, but here in the North you have to call me your grace my lady" she teased her "I'm sorry, I seemed to forgot" she paused "Your grace" she then said as she faked a smile. They were both walking towards the same direction without talking to each other, as they arrived down at the courtyard Sansa broke the silence again "I noticed that Jon stormed out of your room before he went out, did you had a fight?" Dany stopped walking and sighed "It's none of your business your grace what your brother and I do in our room" "It actually is my lady, as I'm the queen and I worry about my people. So what was it about that made him so furious?" "Nothing important believe me" "Don't lie to me Daenerys, I know we're not friends, but he's my brother and I get worried when he just destroys stuff in the castle" "He got jealous as I wanted to invite an old friend from Essos" "You wanted to invite someone here without my permission?" again she was quiet for a second "It seems like I just forgot to ask you your grace, but he won't cause any trouble" "No he may not, but his presence will definitely cause trouble with my brother" "Yeah that's why I wanted to talk to him Sansa, it'll be fine" she started to walk away "My Lady I cannot allow that your friend stays here in Winterfell as it seems I know my brother better than you do" then she stopped again "He's already on his way and will probably arrive soon, I promise it'll be fine" "And if not you and you're friend will have to leave Winterfell" she said and Dany was quiet "What? You cannot do that" "I can and I will" "But what if-" Sansa interrupted her "It doesn't matter to me, he's my brother and I need to protect him, even if I need to protect him from himself " Dany got angry "Don't protect Jon like he's innocent" "I'm just protecting my family" "You're aware that he isn't your brother are you?" "He's my brother, he grew up with me right inside these castle walls and nothing will ever change that" she said looking directly at her "Would you apologise me for a second your grace?" Dany said quietly as she left. Sansa just stood there confused as she then continued searching for her brother. Dany instead was fighting with tears, just thinking that she never had that, she never had a family, she thought she would've found some kind of family with Jon, but it just wasn't the same anymore. Sometimes she wished that she never had come to Westeros in the first place, 'cause she at least got some love and support in Essos, here she just received fear and rejection.
Sansa arrived at the Weirwood tree where Jon was sitting at the same spot as their father used to with his face covered by his hands. "Jon?" he immediately lifted his head "I didn't expect you here Sansa, I" he paused as he tried to cover the signs that he had cried "What is is?" he said smiling, while his eyes were still red and his voice a bit broken "Why did you do that?" "Did what?" "Destroyed the dummy in the courtyard" "Daenerys lied to me" "Is it really true that she invited a friend from Essos" "Not only a friend Sansa, her ex lover, how do you know about that?" "I met her and she told me" he sighed "I just can't believe it, why would she do that? Sometimes I .." he took a break to breath "Sometimes I wish she'd never come back at all" Sansa didn't knew what to say so he just continued talking "I mean I love her more than anyone in this world and I wished I'd never done it but.. but now that she's back it feels even worse than before, I think we can never be the same, we weren't the same since I got to know about my parentage" "Do you think she'd not only been lying about the letters?" he nodded "I don't know anymore if every word she told me was true or not and if all the things she told me weren't just things she needed to say because she's got something planned to destroy me, I mean she would have any reason to still hate me" "It could be possible, but it don't has to be, I mean she still loves you as well, you can clearly see that"
"I also loved her when I killed her. Sansa I already feel like I cannot trust her anymore after she invited a man she used to love behind my back into our home, I cannot imagine how she has to feel about me right now. For what reason do you think she suddenly invites such a man here?" "I don't know, I guess we'll find out soon enough" "I guess we will" he paused as he decided not to tell her about what else he read in that letter "I cannot promise that I can hold myself back when I see this man Sansa, I'll try my best not to kill him the second he arrives here, but I already apologise for anything I might do"

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