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It still was dead silent in the room as nobody said a word anymore for minutes now. Dany decided to get up and dressed herself, Jon stood up as well, threw that letter right at her feet and was about to leave the room as he broke the silence "And if I read it right, this wasn't the first letter you two lovebirds exchanged since you came back here from Essos?" you could clearly hear the jealousy in his voice "Lovebirds? Jon you're talking nonsense, I'm not in love with him" he opened the door "But you were" "You're judging me for being in love before I even met you? It would be the same if I would judge you for being with that wildling girl Ygritte" he absolutely hated that word and slammed the door behind him again "But I'm not exchanging letters with her am I?" "Yeah that's because she's dead Jon" it was quiet for a second "Even if she would be alive, I wouldn't dare to write her any love letters while I'm with you" she sighed "They're not love letters Jon.." "But you sounded quite exited that he would come here" he sighed as well "Seems like I'm meeting your ex boyfriend soon huh?" "He's not my ex boyfriend Jon" "Oh he isn't? Pardon me, I'm going to meet your ex lover and bed partner soon" "Why are you so worried and mad, you haven't even met him yet" "Because you probably tell him more right now than you tell me Dany, because you probably trust him more than me right now and it just fucking hurts" "You know what hurts too? A knife in the heart from the man you love. I think I know someone who did something like that, could you help me remember it?" the words hit him and he couldn't say a word, but she just kept staring at him "Can't you remember either?" she teased him and he just sighed again "How often do I need to tell you this? I know it wasn't right and I wish I could take it back, but it's hard enough already and you don't need to remind me of it every two seconds. I think I can never forget it or forgive myself and your childish behaviour isn't really helpful as well" he walked towards the door to finally leave as he couldn't stand to waste another second arguing about this and this douche named Daario "My childish behaviour? Who's Running away like a four year old?" he turned back around once more and sighed as he shook his head and then slammed the door.
Jon was furious as he went out into the courtyard and smashed his sword into a training dummy over and over again. He would always do that when he was angry since he could hold a sword, and it always helped, but right now he could only imagine that this dummy was Daario, his jealousy overtook him and he fell into a trance of rage against this man. "My Lord, this dummy is broken, why are you still using your sword against it?" "Because this man deserves nothing less" then the man grabbed his shoulder and put him back into reality "My Lord this isn't a man" he was breathing heavily, seeing the destructed dummy infront of him and finally noticed the world around him again "I'm so sorry" he then replied, still trying to catch some breath "It's alright, if you may step aside now, I need to fix this" "Yeah of course" Jon stepped aside and started to walk a bit, he didn't noticed that Dany and Sansa both saw his actions out of their chamber windows, if not everyone in Winterfell noticed it. Jon now walked to the Weirwood tree as he just needed some peace and quiet right now.
As he walked the thoughts were spinning around in his head, he just couldn't believe that she had lied to him, he felt so betrayed by the women he loved. But then he thought about how she must've felt after he stabbed her, she may not show it but she's definitely still mad and hurt according to her recent reaction. Jon always thought that they could fix this sooner or later, because of the baby, but right now he just didn't knew how and what to believe anymore.

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