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The orphanage was her earliest memory. She couldn't even remember what her parents looked or sounded like. She just knew that they didn't like her.

If they did, why would they send her here?

The place was always dark, and every step made an unpleasant noise in the wooden floor. The young ones are helpless from the elder ones who keept taking their food. The adults never did anything but beat them when they complained or misbehaved.

She had given up on fighting. There was no point.

None of them had names. All they had were initials. Hers was CH1, though she didn't understand what it meant.

Every night, there was always one child to be taken away. Whether it was adoption or someone bought them as something else, she didn't know. They just never came back.

On a rainy day, she remembered it was her turn to run errands. When she got back to their 'caretaker', she was met with an unfamiliar man.

He looked up at the door as she gave him a curt nod. She placed the groceries beside the desk and resumed to the rest of her duties in that room.

The man continued to watch her. He didn't say anyhing and neither did she. However, as time passed by, she noticed the smirk that began to grow on his face.

When the 'caretaker' finally came in, she tried to dismiss her, but the man held a hand up.

He approached the young girl with a look that would make anyone uneasy. But she met it with her own dazed look.

Her expression didn't change. She didn't blink, she didn't twitch. She simply stared back and wondered what the man wanted.

After a minute of silence, he finally spoke up. "She's very obedient."

"Yes. Out of all the kids her age, she's the one we struggle with least."

"How old is she?"

"Ten... Sir, you have not taken a look at the other children, but do you already intend to buy her?"

He hummed. "I think it would be nice to have a little mouse for help every once in a while."

"Very well then." The woman stood up and clapped her hands, gaining the child's attention. "You are to go to your room and pack your belongings. You'll be leaving this evening."

She nodded, but before she could leave, the man placed a hand on her shoulder. "Brown hair and red eyes are a rare combination. What's your name, child?"

She shook her head.

"Don't have one? Then let's see..." He looked down and spotted her initials. "CH1... Then from now on, your name is Chi. 'Blood'. Don't you think that fits?"

She only nodded once and left. She didn't think much of it at the time. She knew she was getting out of this hell, but that man gave her the feeling that her life is about to turn for the worst.


That was ages ago. Now, she's 16 and has absolutely no connection with that man whatsoever.

It's for the best. She thought. She never liked him after all.

She felt... something crawling on the back of her spine when she tried to sit up. She was sure it wasn't pain, but it was enough to make her stay down.

It's been this way since she woke up. She had been stuck in the hospital for who knows how long and the only ones to ever visit her were this one old redhead, a cute blue haired girl, and a boy with pretty silver hair...

Actually, now that she thought about it, she has met that silver haired man before. A couple of years ago, around the time before Battle Bladers began. She knew the blue haired girl from that tournament too, though she didn't last long since Ryuga was her first opponent.

Ryuga... SIR RYUGA!! Remembering him gave her an instant boost of energy to push herself up, but it died down as soon as she realized she had no idea where he was. Her body went back down to the bed.

Sighing to herself, she reminisced about all the things that happened with that man, Doji.


He had...

The word 'adopted' would be a bit of a stretch here.

He had taken her away from one hell to another. Of course, her life was better under him. He gave her proper food and shelter, just like all the other kids here. She had no idea why he would want her when he already had so many under one roof. She remembered her first day.

"Merci." He called out. "Please escort little Chi here to her room."

"Will do, Master."

But what she couldn't understand was why this place was giving her such a negative feeling. As she let the computer that runs this building tour her to where she'll be staying, she spotted hundreds of other children with some kind of toy.

That must be the 'beyblade' game that everyone's been so into recently... She kept her thoughts to herself, unsure if the AI would even respond to her if she spoke.

Entering her room, she found that the closet was opened and that an outfit was already waiting for her. A button-up shirt with a purple 'D' imprinted on the left. She assummed the 'D' was their emblem, as it was above the front door as well.

"The Master would like you to come immediately to his office as soon as you've tidied up your belongings." The robotic voice stated.

She gave a simple nod and proceeded to do as she was told. It didn't take her any more than an hour. She didn't have much to begin with. As soon as she got changed, she let the computer lead her the way again.

The man was waiting for her on the top floor. There was a very long dining table and only one chair, for him. She stood still on the other end, waiting for him to speak.

After muttering something about pinnaple and pizza, he turned to her with a menacing smile.

"My dearest Chi," He said, pointing the wine glass at her. "Welcome to the Dark Nebula."


Aaaaand my Ryuga fic starts!! Enjoy :D

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