L-Drago Guardian

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Ryuga was grinning. It had been forever since he last battled. Even if it's Doji, it was still someone. Besides, what better way to get your motivation to battle back than to fight someone you hate from the depths of your very being? He could feel L-Drago was just as thrilled as he is about this.

Crushing that man once again would taste sweet. And this time, he doesn't have to hold back. The first time, he didn't actually kill him, just took away his soul... Though after his defeat to Ginga, it was returned. The second time was unintentional, during his battle against Nemesis, though he was quite happy about it. Now, he was simply a shell of what he was. Just a robot with nothing but revenge programmed into it. And if he gets rid of him here, it'll save a lot of trouble for himself and Ginga.

This way, he doesn't have to go out of his way too much to save the red head, like that time in Hades... Then again, he didn't intentionally save him that time either. It was just that he had issues with Ziggurat and his plans overlapped a bit with the WBBA's.

He looked up at the dark sky. It was perfect. "L-Drago!"

The dragon let out a roar as it looked down on its opponent. But Doji wasn't scared at all. "Fenrir!"

The impact between the two beys made the ground shake. The lights on the floor began to flicker, and one by one the electicity current under their legs switched off. Now, the only ones left in the shock zone were Chi and Ryuga.

"Hang on, you two! We're com-" Ginga was cut off.

"Stay away!" Ryuga snarled at him. "Leave! This is my battle, you hear me?!"

"But Ryuga-"

"He's right, Ginga." Kenta stated, shocking the red head. "If we stay here, we'll just slow him down. This is our chance to get out of here!"

"But Chi is-"

"Ryuga won't abandon Chi, I know he won't!" Because he didn't abandoned me... He swallowed those words before they came out. He doubt his old mentor would like it if they did.

Chi wasn't listening to any of them. She was far too mesmerized by the dragon in front of her. The flames surrounding her were dancing in the cold night wind. It was beautiful. She had missed this image greatly.

Meanwhile, Ryuga was still having the time of his life. He let L-Drago run on a rampage, destroying the walls and whatever rubble was around. There was no place left for Fenrir to hide.

"What happened to all that talk?" The white haired man sneered. "You wanted revenge, didn't you? Come and take it!"

Doji however, wasn't the least bit worried. Instead, he let out his own devious grin. "Very well then, I will!"

Fenrir ran into all the remains of the dragon's rampage, sending the debris into the air. It jumped and pushed them all towards L-Drago.

"Not good enough!" The dragon bey easily broke through, but Fenrir had disappeared. "Wha-?!"

A hiss of pain came from beside him and he looked down to find Chi's arm bleeding. A piece of glass, that he swore wasn't there before, was stuck to the ground in front of her. He turned around and saw Fenrir near the remians of a chandelier. "Why you-!!"

"My, my. You really do have a soft spot for others now. I never would've guessed." Doji's grin seemed to grow wider by the minute. "Let's see if you could protect little Chi, while you try to defeat me!"

The pieces were brought into the air just like the debris and L-Drago broke through them, aiming straight for Fenrir. The wolf got away before the impact and headed for another chandelier. The dragon got in its way, but instead of blocking it, the fragile furniture broke into pieces. With Fenrir's push, they became projectiles, headed straight for the girl.

She didn't have time to think, and neither did he. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of her. Most of the pieces flew past him, creating small cuts, but one hit him on his side. He snarled as the pain seeps in, but he quickly collected himself and pulled it out. Luckily, it didn't went to deep.

However, Chi didn't see it that way and her lifeless eyes grew wide in fear. "Sir Ryuga, you-"

"Cut it out with that 'sir' crap." The white haired man rolled his eyes. "Seriously, I'm only two years older than you."

As more debris and fragile pieces came at them, L-Drago began to go in circles, eventually creating a vortex to protect them.

"No matter what..."

The dragon bey began to spin faster.

"... We will get out of here..."

It began to glow bright red.

"... And make sure Doji never returns!!"

The dragon used the vortex to lift itself into the air. The heat was almost suffocating, but neither of them seemed to mind. The faster the dragon spun, the brighter it glowed.

Suddenly, silver armor appeared on its scales. It covered the upper part of its head and parts of its body, along with its claws and tail.

The man's eyes widened. "It evolved?!"

"DRAGON EMPEROR SUPREME FLIGHT!!" L-Drago curled as it flew downwards and aimed straight for Fenrir. The screwdriver like-movement caused the impact to be greater than usual, creating a large hole between the two and Doji.

The android watched in fear as his bey, wedged in the lower floor, stopped spinning. He turned to the white haired man, who was glaring at him.

"No mercy." L-Drago came out of its bey once again. "L-Drago Guardian... DRAGON EMPEROR LIFE DESTRUCTOR!!!"

It roared and headed straight for Doji. The android had no time to react as his body was torn to shreds. Metal pieces scattered around the floor, and the android's eyes went off, turning lifeless.

But that wasn't all that move did. The floor beneath them began to cave in. The walls and pillars were no longer able to support the pressure.

Ryuga caught L-Drago and looked down at the girl beside him. She was staring at where Doji last stood. Her eyes held no emotion, just as usual.

"You're not grieving for that rat, are you?" He asked sarcastically.

She shook her head. "No. I'm glad he's gone." She stood up groggily and she looked to his side. "You're still bleeding..."

"You're one to talk." He smirk as he shot a glance to her arm.

The ground below them began to collapse, and the man looked up at the empty sky. "Stay close." She nodded and red lightning fell on to them.

When her eyes opened a second later, they were standing right outside the building. Ginga and the rest were a little further away. As soon as they spotted the two, they ran over to them imnediately.

"You're both safe!" Kenta cheered as they got closer.

But Ryuga hadn't taken his eyes off of the place. He aimed his launcher at the crumbling building. The dragon came out and went on a rampage once again, completely annihilating the structure. Soon, everything was gone, from the lowest basement to the highest tower.

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