Dragon Island

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Sakyo had pointed out he was at the south east for a holiday that time. After pin pointing the exact location, the adults, aside Chi, realized its the exact same volcano they met Ryuga at when they started looking for the legendary bladers.

"They don't take kindly to strangers..." Madoka stated, remembering what happened last time.

"The people there know me." Sakyo stated. "There won't be any problems as long as you don't provoke them."

"Really?" Ginga beamed. "Having you with us is some seriously good luck, Sakyo!"

"Could you contact them, just to let them know we're coming?" Upon Chi's request, the dragon blader nodded. The rest of them began to prepare to head for the airport that evening.


Benkei decided that he would stay behind to hang around Kyoya, and Kenta wanted to join them instead. After dropping them off at the airport, Hikaru bid them good bye and good luck.

The trip took over half a day, with them sleeping on the plane. When they arrived, they took a boat to the island they were looking for.

"Man, I'm so tired..." Zyro said, sighing.

"We've been travelling without proper rest since we left Metal Bey City, so it makes sense." Ren said, equally tired.

"Big bro, I'm hungry."

"Just hold on a little longer, Eight. We'll be there soon."

"We will be there soon, right Sakyo?" Shinobu asked.

Instead of getting his reply, Maru pulled out her monitor and nodded at him. "Yup! Just a few more minutes and we should be there."

"Gosh, the memories here..." Kenta said with a sigh.

"Ryuga taught us a good lesson back then." Ginga nodded. "Remember how pissed Kyoya got?"

"Remember the chaos you guys caused?" Madoka deadpanned.

"Sakyo, is your friend waiting for us on the island?" Takanosuke asked, quite curious about who his friend's contact was.

"She's not a friend. She's a little brat that I just so happen to know." He corrected.

"You don't sound all that irritated though." Chi pointed out bluntly. He didn't reply.

"There! Up ahead!" Zyro suddenly yelled. "I can see the shore!"

By the time they actually got there, it was almost midday. The sailor told them that the next boat would arrive in two more days and, as soon as they thanked him, he sped away.

"Let's go." Sakyo immediately started walking into the forest.

"Whoa! Hey! Wait up, Sakyo!" The rest of the kids took chase.

"I'm getting a sense of deja vu." Madoka deadpanned once again.

"Come on, Madoka." Ginga held his hand out. "What if we switched luggage for now? I can lift that suitcase of yours while you take care of my bag. You wouldn't want to get stuck like last time, would you?"

"Thanks, Ginga."

They got through the forest easily with Sakyo leading them. It wasn't long until the village came into view.

"Almost there, Eight." Kite said to the boy on his shoulders.

"Can we go a little faster?"

"We're all starving, Eight." Ren groaned.

"All this talk about being hungry is making me hungrier." Zyro sighed.

"Sakyo, which route is the fastest?" Shinobu asked, getting tired of their complaining.

Before he could reply, a voice cut in. "Sakyo!! I'm over here!" A girl about Takanosuke's height waved at them excitedly.

Madoka, Kenta and Ginga stared at her before it began to sink in. Dark brown hair, violet eyes, and the childish smile she had was all familiar.

Kenta blinked. "Sala?"

The group of kids turned to the adults behind them. The girl's smile widened as she ran past them and tackled the three. "Kenta! Madoka! Ginga! It's been so long!"

"No way! Sala, it's you! You've grown up so much!" Ginga said excitedly.

"I never thought you'd be the friend Sakyo contacted! What a twist of fate, huh?" Madoka giggled, just as happy.

"My dad and Sakyo's parents are friends, so he comes here in the holidays." She explained. Then she turned to the red head. "But you haven't been visiting recently. Your parents always say that you're going on your own journey. That's not fair!"

"Maybe if you grow up, your dad will let you." He commented dismissively.

After getting introductions out of the way, Sala led them all to her house, where her father was waiting. He greeted Ginga, Madoka and Kenta happily and, over lunch, told them all about how beyblade has returned to the village. They have their own beypark with a cyclone bey stadium as well.

Sala explained to the rest about their journey to the volcano last time. Sakyo's heard the story several times already, but he never actually paid attention until now. He always thought she was just making it up to get him to talk. Seeing how well she gets along with the adults, especially Kenta, is a sign of truth.

All the while, Chi sat by the window, staring blankly at the volcano. She wanted to climb it right this second if she could, but she knew it was suicide for her to go alone. That mountain was also a sacred ground for the villagers, so sneaking in would very probably provoke the villagers.

Simply imagining the fire and lava in that mountain made her nostalgic. It reminded her of the flames she saw from Meteo L-Drago. Those beautiful, beautiful, flames... The crimson lightning that heeds to his beck and call... The fierce glare from that dragon... She missed seeing him in the midst of all that chaos. She missed seeing him battle in his destructive ways. She missed him.

Love? Is that what they call it? She knows that wasn't the case for her. She has read stories before. Her stomach isn't full of butterflies when she sees him. Her heart doesn't do somersaults when she's around him. She doesn't stutter when she talks to him.


The highest form of respect she could ever have for a person.


Her will to keep following him to the end of the world.


Sacrificing everything for her master is as natural as breathing.


"... I'm going outside for a while."

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