Absolute Loyalty

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He didn't pry any further. Actually, there was nothing to pry for from the beginning. Her life was empty, she had nothing to gain and nothing to lose.

Her undying loyalty to him is what's keeping her alive. She spent years following him, and even more years looking for him. To this day, he still has no idea what she considers him to be.

Her master? Senior? Friend?

Either way, it was deffinitely something beyond whatever bond he and Kenta shared. He hadn't really acknowledged her as much, and yet...

He turned to look at the woman sitting behind him. They were at the private stadium, enjoying the fresh air. She was facing straight ahead, though her eyes were distant, lifeless. Eventually, she began to notice his stare and her blank look turned to confusion. "Sir Ryuga?"

"I told you to knock it off with the 'Sir' stuff." Was his first comment.

She nodded slowly. "Then... Ryuga..?" It felt weird on her tounge, but she didn't dislike it.

He continued to stare her down, but she didn't flinch. She met his gaze easily, still with the same expression. Finally, his mouth opened. "Chi. What would you do if you never found me in that cave?"

"Perhaps help the WBBA." Her answer wasn't one that required much thinking. She owed the people there for helping her out several times in her journey. "I'd serve until all my debts are repaid."

"And after that?"


His eyes widened by a fraction. He knew that it was probably the best answer she could come up with, but he didn't expect her to devote herself to going through with it. Just how much did he mean to her?

Love? No, that's not it. This is obsession. A different kind from Doji's and Ziggurat's, but it's obsession nonetheless. He literally meant everything to her, and she has no intentions on changing that.

It wasn't like him to care about other people's personal interests, but... To say that she would literally die if his own death was confirmed... He didn't feel right about that.

Chi wasn't looking at him anymore. Her eyes had gone back to whatever distant land she was staring at before. She didn't seem to be the least bit bothered by whatever she had said. That infuriated him a little.

"You really think your life's not worth anything but following me around?" He asked once more.

She slowly nodded. "I'm an orphan, just like every other blader in the Dark Nebula back then. I had no purpose in life until Doji came. Months later, I met you." Her Sirius was in her hand, Madoka having finished fixing it a while ago. "I've never seen anything like it. The patterns and movements, the strategies that you come up with on the spot, the immense amount of power and authority you've shown even before Lightning L-Drago. It was something special. Something that just... Commanded respect."

"So you found your purpose when you saw me battle." He concluded.

She nodded. "I pledged my absolute loyalty to you that day. And I've never regretted it. I was supposed to meet my end by becoming L-Drago's pawn in the end of Battle Bladers, but Ginga defeated you... All I've ever wanted is to do whatever I can to be useful to you."

He wasn't getting anywhere with this. Pushing her away wouldn't work either because she was already keeping her distance. Leaving her behind would only make her go out and try to find him again. His only remaining option was to take her with him.

Strangely, he didn't mind that at all.


It was nearly a month after the incident and Madoka had finally given Ryuga his bey back. L-Drago Guardian was greatly similar to L-Drago Destructor. The only difference is that it's now a defense type. Despite that, it still has it's same old absorb mode and attack mode. He could live with that.

"So where do you plan on going exactly, Ryuga?" Ginga asked as he watched the elder male put on all of his gear. He didn't really need to use any of them before, since he wasn't battling anyone.

The man grunted. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because Kenta will miss you!"

"Yeah, nice try."

Ryo shook his head at the two from the other side of the screen. "He's going out to find the remaining branch companies from Hades Inc. Dark Nebula was only one of them and, despite all of our research, the entire WBBA has no idea if Ziggurat had more."

"It's not like you to be helping the WBBA of your own free will." Hikaru's face wasn't on screen, but her voice could still be heard. It was clear that she still want to have nothing to do with Ryuga.

"Not really." The white haired man replied snarkily. "It just so happens that the WBBA's problems aligned with my personal affairs. And I won't ever accept any of you trying to take care of it for me."

"You can't spare even a few seconds to be nice, can you?" Madoka said with a sigh.

The door then opened to reveal Chi, complete with all her gear and bag. "Ready." She said, earning a nod from the man.

"Wait what? Chi? You're going with him?! I didn't hear about this!" Ginga complained.

"Because we know you'd try to stop her if you did." Tsubasa said with a sigh. "Chi has personal ties with the Dark Nebula and Ziggurat as well, so it's only right that she goes along."

"Well then, adios!"


Without letting anyone say goodbye, Ryuga summoned his lightning and took them both away.

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