Meeting the Group

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The WBBA headquarters wasn't too far. She was able to find her way easily too, thanks to how tall the building was.

It was a peaceful walk, and when she entered the building, she was met with Hikaru once again.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked kindly.

Chi nodded. "Yes. Thank you." She looked down. "I came here to repay my debt... Whatever Mr. Ryo Hagane wants to know, I'll answer the best I can... Although, I'm not sure it'll be much use now."

"Any information you can provide will be of great help, believe me." She said, smiling. "Even if it couldn't help us fix the past, it'll help us prevent future repetitions."

She nodded and followed her up the elevator. The blue haired girl led her through a series of hallways, until she was met with a tall red headed man.

"Sir, she's here." Hikaru adressed the man as she left her side.

"Ah, yes. Come on in." Chi nooded and stood in front of the desk, staring into the man's eyes. She was sure she would recieve an earful, but what she got instead was a smile. "Why don't I introduce you to my son and his friends? Since Nemesis hasn't appeared anywhere on radar, I'm sure a short introduction wouldn't hurt. Hikaru, stay here and contact me if anyone finds anything."

"Yes, sir."

Nemesis? She followed the man out of the room, knowing that even if she didn't ask, she'd get her answer soon enough. After all, Ginga Hagane always somehow manages to get himself into all kinds of messes...

He led her down to a room full of children her age. They seemed to be having a serious conversation before they came in. Some seemed to recognize her, while others stared in confusion. She suddenly found herself feeling flustered at the many eyes watching her.

The director cleared his throat. "Everyone, this is-"

"Chi!!!" A kid with orange hair- Yuu Tendo, jumped on her. "Oh my god!! Is it really you, Chi?!?! I thought you were a gonner!! Where have you been?! HOW have you been?!?! What were you doing all his time?!?! I have to tell Tsubasa! He'd be so surprised when he sees you!!"

"Yuu." She pressed her tone. "Tsubasa already knows I'm here. I've been in this city's hospital for months now."

"...wHAT?!? AND HE DIDN'T TELL ME?!?" Yuu pouted. "That Tsubasa! This is stinky!"

She found herself sighing. "Glad to see you haven't changed since then."

"Yuu... Do you know her?" Another kid Yuu's size, with purple hair this time, spoke up in confusion.

"Yeah, I do! Thiti, this is Chi! She's a super awesome person even though she never battles! She always gets me ice cream when no one else would back then-"

"You're the kid from Dark Nebula back then." A gruff voice spoke up. Chi didn't bother to look at him. She had been trying to ignore Kyoya's gaze since she came in.

"The Dark Nebula?" Ginga immediately took a defensive stance. He vaguely remembered her from that time before the World Championship finals too.

"B-b-bull! What's a Dark Nebula member doing here?!" A rather large man yelled out. She knows him from Battle Bladers. Benkei Hanawa, if she wasn't wrong.

"Wait, I remember you too!" Zeo said, narrowing his eyes at her. "Ziggurat took you in not long after Battle Bladers, didn't he?"

Everyone turned to her for answers, which she didn't bother to give. She was a little busy staring at another much shorter green haired boy. The kid who's been following Ryuga around... She was a little jealous, but it wasn't like she could do anything about it.

"Now, now kids, calm down." Ryo finally said, gaining all of their attention. "Back when Hades City was sinking, we found her in a very critical state by the shore. Chi here is an ex-member of both organizations. She was taken in by Doji when she was young, and after Battle Bladers, Ziggurat took his place in a way."

"They don't mean anything to me." She interrupted. "My loyalty is to the Dragon Emperor and no one else."

"To Ryuga?" Kenta asked, finally meeting her eyes.

"I don't care who I was, am, or will be working for. Sir Ryuga is my priority." She stated blankly.

"You got in trouble for that right?" Zeo's voice changed to worry. "Didn't Ziggurat locked you up too because you didn't follow his orders to capture Ryuga?"

"He locked me in an arrangement capsule, yes."

"An arrangement capsule?"

"Uhm..." A blonde from one corner spoke up. She remembered him, Chris from Beyster Island. "I'm at a huge loss here..." And a lavander haired boy, sitting next to Ginga, nodded at his words.

Introductions were done first and foremost. Afterwards, Ryo and Ginga, with the addition of some others, explained to them the entire thing that happened from the Dark Nebula to Hades Inc. With a little extra help, they too explained to her what's been going on with the star fragments and 'God of Destruction'.

"So the world's ending again?" Chi summed up, clearly unimpressed.

"That's... One way to put it." Madoka nodded, seeing why the other girl would use that tone. "We have no idea where they disappeared to either."

"Back to you, Chi..." Ginga's eyes landed on hers. "You said you were trapped in the arrangement capsule. How did you get from there to Dad finding you on the shore?"

She shrugged. "Sir Ryuga saved me."


Her bey endlessly cried out for help. She felt the pain seeping into both her and her bey. But she didn't yell. She couldn't. She was forced into this comatose and she had no way out.

Suddenly, she felt the world around her shaking. Once, twice. Just what is going on out there...?

Then, just as she thought it had stopped, she felt another rumble. This one felt like the source was much closer.

"So you're here."

Sir Ryuga! She wanted to call out, but her mouth wouldn't move. Her eyes wouldn't open either.

"Seems like L-Drago still has some of Sirius' energy. Oh well. Let it rip!"

A sudden burst of heat, and then nothing. She felt something small, perhaps her bey, being placed into her uniform's pocket before hoisting her up onto something.

Her body felt a tingle, but before she could confirm where it came from, it left. Instead, she felt a rough surface beneath her.

"We're even now." Those were the last words she heard before the lightning took him away.

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