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"I can't believe it's already been two years since then..." Ginga said longingly. "I kinda miss his weird laughing and her staring."

"Tsubasa and Director Hagane are getting reports every few months about whatever base they got rid of." Madoka stated. "There's been about 12 of them so far. They're all scattered around the world. If we hadn't taken Ziggurat out when we did, who knows how many problems we'd be facing right now."

"Ryuga and Chi are an awesome duo." He agreed. "Well, since it's those two, there's really nothing to worry about, is there?"

"You're right about that!"

"Ah! Kenta!"

The green haired boy ran up to them happily. "Hey, Ginga. Hey, Madoka. Where are Benkei and the kids?"

"They went on ahead already." The red head replied. "What about Yuu and Hikaru?"

"Yuu said he's meeting up with Tsubasa first. Hikaru's with Kyoya." The younger boy smiled. "I'm so excited I could barely sleep last night!"

"Same here! Today's gonna be the best day ever! Because...!!"

As they entered the Bey Park of the Main WBBA HQ, they found all their friends from all over the world chattering happily with the children.

"It's the 10th year anniversary since we defeated Nemesis!"

"Hey Ginga! What's up?"

"Looking good, Madoka!"

"It's been forever!"

"How are you?"

"I can't believe it's been 10 years already!"

All their legendary blader friends had gathered. So has everyone else from the World Tournament and Battle Bladers before Nemesis. A private party to commemorate their victory.

It all started when Tsubasa petitioned the idea of a battle royale exhibition. A lot of them agreed, but Ryo was concerned for the safety of the audience, which made a lot of sense. In the end, they settled with just a regular battle royale. No cameras, no audience. Just lots and lots of battles.

"By the way, Ginga." Da Xian spoke up. "I wanted to thank you and the WBBA for getting rid of all the rogue bladers in China."

"Huh? Rogue bladers?"

"Yes, they had appeared several times a year, but thanks to the WBBA, they've suddenly stopped."

"Us too." Julian said, inserting himself into the conversation. "Europe had several sabotage incidents in some important facilities. But the WBBA presumably raided their main base and put a stop to them."

But... We didn't do that...? Ginga blinked.

The more comments and appreciation he got from his friends, the more confused he was getting. Eventually, it got a bit overwhelming and he called for everyone to stop.

"Wait! Just hold on a minute! We didn't do any of those things!" He stated. That sentence alone erupted the confusion of everyone else.

"But we got an email from the WBBA when those cases ended!" Masamune interjected.

Ryo and Tsubasa exchanged glances. They had nothing to do with them either. Seeing their expressions, Hikaru excused herself from her conversation with the Tategami brothers and went to Madoka, who happily handed her the monitor.

Aside the constant clatter from the keyboard, it was fairly silent. Some comments here and there, but nothing that disrupted the tense atmosphere.

"I can't believe it! It actually lines up!" Madoka exclaimed.

"There's no other explaination. It's their doing." Hikaru nodded.

"And they just gave the WBBA all the credit?"

"Well, they did say they wanted to be discreet..."

"Who are you two talking about?" Sora asked.

The two girls exchanged glances before turning to Ryo and Tsubasa. Almost instantly they understood and the four of them, with additional help from those involved, explained the events that occured regarding a certain duo.

It was a shock to everyone really. Then again, if they put it into the dragon blader's perspective, he was probably doing it for his own gain. And he never did like being assumed that he was helping people. They didn't think much about Chi as she was probably just doing whatever the man wanted her to.

Tsubasa then got a message on his phone.

'Heads up'

Before he could react, red lightning crash to the side of the open roof. The smoke cleared to reveal the two they were talking about mere seconds before. Neither had changed much in appearance, but Chi's eyes seemed brighter than when they parted and Ryuga was... smiling.

"A legendary bladers' party, but you didn't invite the most powerful one of you to join in?" He said, a hand on his hip. "I'm disappointed in you, Ginga. What happened to all that 'friendship' crap you used to blabber on about?"

"Since when were you his friend?" Chris hadn't meant to say it out loud, but he did.

However, the white haired man ignored him and jumped down to the upper bleachers. He aimed his bey down on them and Chi made her way to sit beside Madoka and Hikaru.

Everything became chaotic from that moment onward. The battle was destroying he entire stadium, but none of them seemed to care. Not even Ryo was against it, but he will have a lot to say when it was over.

As the destruction ensued, Madoka turned to the other brunette. "So Chi, did something good happen?"

Chi shrugged. "It was as good as it could be."

Hikaru, who seemed to be completely ignoring Ryuga's presence by now, raised an eyebrow at her. "Meaning?"

She showed them a warm-hearted smile, one they had never seen her have before. "It turns out, spending two years on a journey to extinguish your previous life's sins with someone like him could really change your point of view on the world." She looked down on the bey in her hands, seemingly flustered. "I thought I'd be satisfied by just following him around, but... I learned a lot of different things. He guided me through as well, even if he didn't realize it. I think that, even if he leaves me behind now, though I highly hope he doesn't, I can still find my own purpose to keep going."

"A lot of self-discovery in the past two years, huh?" Hikaru nuttered. She didn't entirely believe it, but seeing Chi's smile made her want to.

"I owe him so much." The brunette said, laughing slightly. "I want to do whatever it takes to repay him. I want to stay by his side until the end of time if possible!"

Madoka shook her head at that, watching as the white haired man in question unleash his special move, destroying half the stadium itself. "You know... You really need to sort out the people who influence you."

He wasn't sure if it was a joke, but he smirked when those words reached his ears. "It's no use telling her that, trust me. She's just one heck of a loyal mutt!"


Ryuga is an awesome character. I'm upset with how he just disappeared after Metal Fury, so I made this based on my own theory and just put in my OC for the sake of plot.

As for any questions regarding whether or not Chi loves Ryuga... To be honest, I have no idea myself. (lol)

Hope you guys enjoyed this dragon-tastic journey! o(^▽^)o

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