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Chi stayed over at the WBBA, and so did all the children. Tsubasa had promised to provide them the transportation they needed to get to the WBBA's main headquarters. Quite a few changes were made since the Nemesis crisis and now, there are two WBBA HQs in Japan. One for the Japanese branch, which he was the director of, and one as the main base, which Ginga's father was still the director of.

A helicopter had been prepared early in the morning. Everyone but Tsubasa, Kira and Yoshio were going. Tsubasa couldn't leave as the director of the branch, and Kira and Yoshio already had other plans with the rest of the Bridge To The Future group. Some were worried about Benkei leaving, seeing as he's the manager of Bull Burger, but he said he has it covered.

"Besides! I get to see Kyoya after so long! I can't miss this!"

"Don't you see him every three months though?" Ginga pointed out. "And he never stays to say hi! He always leaves before I could catch him! He's not fun anymore!"

"Kyoya has his family's company to take care of now, Ginga. Geez..." Madoka sighed. "If anything, you should be glad he's not ambushing you every few days like he used to!"

"He's my number one rival!! He should still come battle me every once in a while!" He complained. "And if I come to TC, Kakeru keeps kicking me out!"

"He's a really busy man now, you can't blame him for that."

"Busy or not, he always makes time for Benkei! And Hikaru even! What's with that?"

"...Ginga, you're really dense."


Chi pushed them both from behind. "You two can continue your married couple shenanigans later. Get in the copter already!"

Once they took flight, Zyro tried to reconfirm. "So we're heading to the... TC building first, and from there we'll get a ride to the WBBA HQ?"

"Why don't we just go to the WBBA directly?" Eight asked, slightly impatient.

"They don't have a helipad yet." Maru stated as she looked up some images. "That building is still fairly new, so it's not running 100% like Director Tsubasa's building."

"Okay, but then, what's TC?" Ren asked. "I know I've seen the logo on the manager's apron, but..."

"TC stands for Tategami Corporation." Benkei explained. "Kyoya inherited his father's company a few years ago and has been the CEO since. If you didn't know already, Bull Burger is a smaller company managed by TC."

"It's basically Benkei's heaven." Ginga laughed. "Surrounded by burgers, and close with Kyoya."

"I got this job by my own skill I tell you! Kyoya is my biggest motivation, but he didn't have to pull any strings for me, no sir!"

"So then..." Kite began, gaining their attention. "The legendary blader, Kyoya Tategami will be at the place we're headed? This is perfect! A battle with the best defense type of this era against the best defense type of Ginga's era! I can see it now! The ultimate victory for I, Mr. Perfect himself, Kite Unabara!" He proceeded to laugh to his heart's content.

"How long until we reach TC?" Shinobu asked, ignoring him.

"Another ten minutes and we'll probably see the building already." Chi said, looking out the window. "I came to Metal Bey City from TC by train and that took just a little over an hour. I don't really see why we have to take the helicopter, but I guess it is faster this way."

"I can't wait!" Takanosuke said suddenly. "We'll be meeting Kyoya Tategami and Kenta Yumiya! Two legendary bladers that has been Ginga's friends since he started his journey! We're also looking for the great Ryuga, who was Ginga's strongest rival!"

"If anyone could give us a hint on where Ryuga is, Kenta's deffinitely the one to go to." Madoka said, remembering the Nemesis crisis.

"We might be able to use Dragoon to help us as well!" Ginga said. "Thank you for coming with us, Sakyo."

The red head simply stared at him. "I am curious about that man. I know of his legend and I want to confront him, dragon blader to dragon blader. That's all."

"Yeah, right, sure." All the other kids teased him a little, which he didn't respond to.

It wasn't long until they got to their destination. On the roof, a green haired man was waiting for them, but it wasn't Kyoya. This man had shorter hair and no scars on his face. His expression was gentle and calm, contrasting to the fierce look Kyoya usually has.

"Welcome, everyone." He greeted them with a smile. "My name's Kakeru Tategami. My brother's waiting for you guys in the lower levels. I'll take you there."

"Hey Kakeru." Ginga called, sliding over to the younger boy's side. "Any chance I could..."

"Sorry, but he doesn't have time today. He'll just be there to see you guys off." Kakeru dismissed him before he could finish his question.

"Oh come on!"

They took the elevator down to the basement. When the doors opened, it revealed the green haired man they came to see, barking orders at some people in suits.

He was wearing clothes the kids would never thought he'd wear, especially considering his reputation as a wild beast. A long sleeved button-up, a proper belt, not the ones for his bey gear, a tie... He even had his hair down. He didn't seem to be as ferocious as the videos they've seen of him.

"... And then you can come right back." As he finished his explaination, the men he was talking to got into the driver's seat of two different cars. They both prepared for departure.

"Kyoya buddy!!" As soon as all the people in suits cleared the area, Benkei ran over to his old friend. "It's been a while!!"

"It's only been three weeks since I came over Benkei." Kyoya sighed.

"Kyoya!!" Ginga ran over to him as well, seemingly ready to tackle his rival.

"As much as I want to battle you, we're both in a hurry." The man said, crossing his arms. "Believe me, if I have time, I'd like to crush you right this second, but I don't."

As everyone got in, Chi turned to look at the man. "Thanks, Kyoya."

"I owed you for helping Kakeru out when I couldn't. I'm just paying back the debt." He replied, rather coldly. "I don't like that guy, but if he really is alive, then good luck on finding him."

Chi nodded and thanked him once again, but before she got in, he suddenly spoke. "Oh, and Chi?"


He showed a fang as he smirked. "That challenge from 8 years ago is still valid. When you find him, send him over here for me to crush along with Ginga."

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