A Dragon's Calling

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Ginga and Kenta were first to the man's side, making sure he was alright. He didn't seem to have any physical injuries, in which they all sighed to.

Kite got straight to work on the hacking, but as soon as he plugged his computer in, the lights turned on.

A chuckle was heard and Ginga's eyes widened. "That voice!! ... Again?! SERIOUSLY?!"

"I'm going to assume this is the part where you all say 'Doji?!' in a voice full of utter disbelief. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I? Did Ginga just say 'That voice'? I'm sure he did."

"Show yourself, Doji!" Zyro demanded.

"Isn't this wonderful? Now I can get rid of both you and Ryuga in a single plan! Two birds with one stone!"

"If you want a fight, you got one!" Ginga yelled out, taking out his launcher.

"I'm sure you're all eager to fight me. When I found out you all escaped the DNA building, my hate for you increased to levels higher than even I ever thought it could. I spent the entire year re-planning everything. But when I found out that blasted Ryuga is alive, I thought, why don't I take you both down at the same time? I really must thank you, Ginga. If it wasn't for you and that little brat, Chi, I never would've been able to get the sweetest revenge possible!" A scornful laugh followed after.

"He's not responding to any of us. It's a pre-recorded message." Shinobu concluded.

"Then that means Doji's upstairs!" Zyro stated. "We have to go! Hurry it up, Kite!"

"I'm trying! But..." The brunette let out a frustrated growl. When his screen blinked red, he banged his fist to the floor. "Argh!! No matter what I try, the system just won't budge!"

"No way, something even Kite can't hack?!" Ren said, and she wasn't the only one surprised.

"Big bro, you really can't do it?" Eight asked.

He clicked his tounge in annoyance. "Ugh..." No matter how many times he tried, the result was still the same, enraging him further.

Kenta took a look around and his eyes landed on a strange device on the side of the capsule. "Huh? ... It looks like a bey could fit in here..." He took out L-Drago from his pocket. Madoka had given it to him before they departed. He turned to the others as the thought crossed his mind. "Guys! Stand back for a minute! I want to try something!"

They all did as he asked and once everyone was out of the way, he placed the bey on it. The device lit up and a wire connecting it to the capsule began to glow blue. The capsule itself suddenly began emitting a menacing aura.

The man inside glowed red. The glass started cracking from all sides. When the red completely engulfed him, his eyes snapped open and the cover flew off, forcefully opened by a pillar of light.

When he sat up, his body still had the aura around him. His eyes were blank, but slowly, it was replaced with anger. "That bastard..."

"Ryuga!" Kenta called out, smiling wide at the man's awakening.

The white haired man stood up and stared at him. "Hm? Kenta?" He spotted the rest coming out from their hiding spots. "Ginga? And a bunch of brats..."

"Hey! Who are you calling a brat?!" Eight said, jumping out from behind his brother.

"That's right! We just saved you!" Ren added.

When the man didn't even acknowledged their complaints, Kenta chuckled. "That's Ryuga alright."

The man walked over to the device and took out his L-Drago. Seeing his puzzled face, Ginga smiled. "Madoka and Chi fixed it up for you. You were stuck on that island because L-Drago was too fragile at the time to use its abilities, right?"

"I didn't ask, Hagane." He rolled his eyes. Then they narrowed. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Chi was attacked on the island after Doji abducted you." Kenta explained. "Then, when we got back, he sent a note to her with L-Drago as well. The note must've made it pretty clear to her that Doji was behind this, so she went ahead without telling the rest of us. We found you while looking for her."

The man felt his bey pulsing and looked up at the cieling. "Up there, huh?"

"You can sense Sirius from all the way down here?" Shinobu asked.

He didn't reply. Instead, he aimed his launcher upwards.

"Whoa, hey! Hold on!" Kite yelled, trying to get his attention. "If you do that, then you'll bury us alive!" At Kite's words, all the kids began to panic.

Kenta remained collected. "Ryuga, please take us with you!"

That made them all stop. Take them with him? On what? The two bladers simply stared at each other. The rest kept their eyes on the white haired man. He closed his eyes for a second, before reopening them. The image of his L-Drago appeared behind him, scaring them.

But Kenta stood his ground. "I told you, right? You're glare won't make me run away."

The man smirked. "You're not a crybaby anymore. Who knew." His eyes went back up to the cieling. "Destroy everything in your path, L-DRAGO!"


Sakyo was first to realize the sudden earthquake. He dragged both Takanosuke and Maru back to the previous hallway.

The three watched as the head of a large dragon suddenly broke out from beneath the floor and continued up through the roof. It then circled in the air and proceeded to go down head first towards them.

The two boys got ready to shield Maru from the impact, but it never came. Just inches before it hit them, the dragon disappeared and before them stood the other group along with Ryuga.

Ginga got up from the floor with a wince. "Oww.... So that's what that felt like..."

"You get used to it eventually." Kenta commented with a laugh. "Though using lightning is usually a lot faster... and slightly less destructive."

The white haired man ignored their chatter and simply walked on. L-Drago spun in front of him, destroying all obstacles in front of them. The rest followed suit.

Eventually, they stopped in front of a door, and withot a word, L-Drago broke through mercilessly.

When the dust cleared, they found an android Doji laughing and Chi on one knee, panting hard. Sirius was just barely spinning.

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