2: Votre Destin

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"Oh Kookoo,...you know I have to punish you for that." Jimin made sure it sounded seductive as hell and everything. I mean come on it's mother-fucking Park Jimiiin. (If you know where that's from ily)

"Punish me?" Jungkook asked genuinely confused. He clearly did not understand what that meant. Give the poor kid a break, he doesn't read 21+ fan fiction when he's not even 21 cough cough.

"Y-you mean, you're going to spank me or something?" Jungkook asked, almost scared.

Hehe something like that, Jimin thought. Unlike the innocent Jungkook, Jimin was fully educated in this "field".

"Maybe. Maybe not. You'll just have to find out when we get home." Jimin winked. Jungkook looked disgusted.

What the hell is happening? Jungkook thought.


Jimin skipped down the sidewalk. The pretty city lights illuminated his silhouette. He seemed extra happy and even hummed the melody to Boy in Luv.

Jungkook on the other hand slanked down the walkway and just watched from behind, disgusted that Jimin could be so two-faced. The crew and Bts were walking to a restaurant for a late night dinner.

They made it inside the French establishment called Votre Destin. Jungkook who was done with Jimin took a seat on the very end of the table to hopefully avoid him.

It worked. Until Jimin oh so "politely" asked the staff member next to Jungkook to move.

Jimin placed one of his hands on his cheek and tilted his head as he looked at the maknae, an innocent expression on his face.

"Kookie, why didn't you want to sit next to me?"

Jungkook wanted to yell at him. " 'Cause you're annoying me hyung." He grumbled, trying to maintain his composure.

The staff at the table said that as they wait for the food, they would have every member answer some questions for the upcoming Festa.

Namjoon was first and made sure to keep his answers varied so that every member was chosen for something. Jimin, however, already knew what he was going to say for every question.

The questions were: Who brightens your day the most?
Who would you take alone on a trip?
Most intelligent?
Most angelic?
Most passionate?
Makes you the happiest?

Jimin's answers went a little something like this:

Each nickname made Jungkook's face turn redder. Not from embarrassment this time, from anger.

Jimin smiled when he was done answering, enough to make his eyes close shut.

"What Jungkookie? It's all true." Jimin giggled.

I swear to god this kid is more shameless than my left fucking nu-

"Jungkook! Please answer the questions." One of the staff said, ready to write his answers down. Jungkook gulped. He knew Jimin wanted him to choose him.

"Go ahead Kookoo," Jimin said.

Can he not?! arghhhh

"Hmm the person who brightens my day is... Hobi" Jungkook said. Jimin had a 'ya whatever' look on his face.
"Mm I'd go on a trip with my eldest hyung, Jin." Jungkook continued. Jimin's eyes narrowed.
"Namjoon is the most intelligent to me." Jimin rolled his eyes.
"The most angelic is... Tae." Jimin grinded his teeth.
"Suga is extremely passionate when making music." Jimin held his tongue.
"Jin is the most handsome." Jimin hissed.
"And the one who makes me happiest is..."

Jimin bursted out, "ME!!" And slung his arm around the younger.

"No... I was gonna say Tae..."

"But Jungkoooook you didn't choose me for anything!"

"Yeah, and you didn't choose anyone BUT me."

Jimin pouted again and muttered something about Jungkook being a big fat meanie.

"Can someone trade spots with me?" Jungkook asked.

"No." Jimin said abruptly.

"Hyung," Jungkook sighed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because... I'll tell you at home."


"I said I'll tell you at home, along with your punishment." Jimin whispered that last part.

Jungkook got up, not having it anymore. "I'm leaving, see you guys later." He stormed out without even eating anything. And he definitely did not turn his head back to see any possible reaction. Little did he know how much he would regret this decision. Or maybe it was destiny.

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