51: 'First Night In Love'

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It took Jimin a second to remember the hickies covering his throat.

"Answer me dammit!" Jungkook yelled as tears pricked his eyes.

The older looked away from him and bit his lip. If he said the truth Jungkook would be mad. If he said someone else gave the hickies to him, he'd also be mad.

When Jimin didn't answer, Jungkook felt so hurt. Beyond betrayed, especially because he had just confessed his feelings to Jimin only a few hours ago.

Out of anger and hurt, he slapped Jimin across the face. The older gasped and winced as he cupped his stinging cheek, feeling tears well up in his eyes. Then Jungkook quickly shoved him off his body and headed for the door.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin said through tears. "It's not what you think," he sobbed.

"Then what is it Jimin? Because it looks like someone gave you a ton of dark marks to show that you're theirs!" Jungkook yelled as he stood near the door.

"it was you..." Jimin whispered as he still sat on the bed.

"What?" Jungkook asked angrily and stalked closer to the other boy.

"It was you, Jungkook! You gave me these marks last night!" Jimin wept in his hands. Why'd I have to take off my shirt? If I didn't I'd be sleeping in his arms right now! Jimin thought, making himself even sadder.

"No I didn—"

"Yes you did. I remember because I didn't get as drunk and wasted like you," Jimin said. "We were watching... Jikook 'porn' and you were really tired and out of it so.. you kissed me and then we drank the wine in the corner and one thing led to another..." He trailed off.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Jungkook almost shouted. "Or better yet, why didn't you stop me last night?!!"

"B-Because I knew you'd be mad if I told you! I just wanted to have a good day at Disney with you!" Jimin answered, the first question.

"Damn right I'm mad.." Jungkook grumbled. "You didn't answer my other question, Jimin. Why didn't you stop me?!"

"... because I...I thought that you would never like me the way I like you... but when you were drunk, it felt like you did...so of course I didn't stop you."

Jungkook shook his head and walked across the room and went outside on the balcony. The moon was now covered by a gloomy cloud, making the night darker. A few stars poked out here and there but the city lights made them hard to spot.

He sighed and rested his arms and head on the railing, and breathed in the cold air.

What's wrong with me? Jungkook thought. How could I let myself do—that— with Jimin the other night? What the hell was I thinking?

In the midst of his thoughts, he felt an arm drape as across his shoulders and a hand in his hair. He looked up to see Jimin with a sad smile.

"What.." Jungkook spat as he looked down at the city.

"I know you're more angry with yourself than me," Jimin said.

"How did you.."

"Because I know you, Jungkook. And it's okay, little Kookie. Please don't be mad at yourself Darling, we all make dumb impulsive decisions sometimes."

Jungkook blushed when he called him 'darling.' He let out a big sigh before finally saying, "I'm really sorry, Jimin-Hyung. I wish I didn't let myself do that no matter how tired, horny, and drunk I was. Because I never want you to think I only love you when I'm drunk. I just... until today I couldn't come to terms with my feelings about you..." Jungkook apologized.

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