56: Diminie's Birthday pt. 2

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"Jungkook. Hellooo? I asked you a question," Tae said and laughed. "So do you like Jimin?"

Jungkook's face froze. He wondered what happened to make Tae ask him that. "We've been over this before, Tae..."

"But something changed over your little Tokyo trip didn't it?"

Jungkook blushed and fidgeted. "What did Jimin say."

"Just tell me the truth, Kook. Come on you used to tell me everything. Why are you getting so distant with me now?"

"I— I'm sorry, I didn't mean to it's just... things are complicated."

"Then talk to me like a normal friend would. Why can't you just tell me how you feel about Jimin?"

"Why do you wanna know so bad?" Jungkook questioned.

"Because I want to help you, Jungkook! I'm just trying to look out for you."

It wasn't that Jungkook didn't trust Tae, because Tae wasn't the type of person to lie on purpose. But Jungkook wasn't sure why something about Tae was just off. He's never felt this feeling around him until now. It was as if something was tearing up and eating away at Tae from the inside out.

"Tae... are you sure you're okay? Something about you doesn't seem right and it's not like you," Jungkook said honestly.

Tae looked away and took in a sharp breath. "I guess I've just been... really... agonizingly lonely. I have a secret to tell you, Jungkook. I tried to text you about it in Tokyo but you didn't answer."

"I'm so sorry Tae it was a busy three days....But what do you need to tell me?"

"If I tell you, you have to tell me all about Jimin okay?"

Jungkook considered it for a moment. "Okay, fine."

Tae nodded. "A little before we went on break... Yoongi and I started dating."


"I-is thiiiis the baAthroom?" Jimin asked, trying to squint his eyes to see in the dark room.

The two bodies froze on the bed.

"He's drunk..." Jiwoo whispered. "He probably won't remember this..."

Kei smirked. She was still on top of her girlfriend. "Well then... how about he joins us?"

Jiwoo's eyes doubled in size. "What?! Are you crazy, Baby? What if he remembers?"

"WHAtttt Are youuu guUys taking about?" Jimin asked, stumbling toward them. "Cannn you just saaay if this is theeee uhhhhh... wait what was I looking for again?"

Kei chuckled and hopped off the bed, getting closer to Jimin. "Can you see us?" She asked.

"I can't sEe anythinggg," Jimin slurred his words a bit. The alcohol was just kicking in more and more.

Kei and Jiwoo were both completely naked, sweaty, and their hair was disheveled. They sounded out of breath as they talked as well. And before Jimin interrupted, Kei was already fingers-deep into her girlfriend.

"Well good... You like fun right Jimin?" Kei asked with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded with an innocent smile.

"How about.." she bit her lip. "Having fun with us?"

"Kei are you sure about this? Would Jimin be alright with it?" Jiwoo asked before Jimin could answer.

"If he wants to do it drunk, he wants to do it drunk," Kei shrugged. "And he's my friend so... it's whatever. Now Jimin, you wanna play with us?"

"Whhhaat are we playinng?" Jimin asked, and almost lost his balance before Kei grabbed his shoulder to steady him.

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