9: Jhope: the accomplice

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Jhope brought Jungkook to a different bar, this one had a bunch of neon lights and an energetic atmosphere. Earlier that day Suga had told him his plan to see how Jimin and Jungkook feel about each other so Jhope's mission was to find out how the maknae feels about Jimin.

After they ordered drinks and food, Jungkook asked, "So why couldn't we just go with Yoongi and Jimin?"

"Ummm..." Obviously Jhope ain't good at lying. "Well we never hang out just the two of us so.. yeah."

Jungkook slowly nodded, "I guess..."

"So uh, you and Jimin.. you two good?"

"Uh yeah.."

Jhope leaned in, "How good?"

Jungkook was startled. "What do you mean hyung?"

"You know.."

"No, I don't know Jhope and if you don't tell me soon I'm gonna—"

"Okay okay, calm down, I mean... do you like each other? More than friends..."

"What the heck? Of course I like Jimin as a friend. Nothing more. Why would you say that?"


"Because what??!!" Jungkook was starting to get angry. Or maybe it was embarrassment.

"Okay fine! Yoongi said he has gay-dar or something weird like that and he told me to find out if you and Jimin like each other!" Jhope confessed.

"Yoongi is so dead." Jungkook muttered.

"Don't say that about my Yoongi!" Jhope barely had a sip of alcohol and he already was losing part of his thought process.

"Your? Yoongi?" Jungkook repeated.

"Umm what no wait..."

"Too late hyung the tables have fucking turned. You and Yoongi are a couple?!!"

"Yes... just please don't tell anyone."

"Fine with me..."

And so the two drank the night away... and Jhope unfortunately wouldn't remember what Jungkook said, "Whhhyyy would Yooongi think I like Jiiiiminie?? Just becausssse I waanted to kissss him in my dream? Juust because I watch porn with him?Juust becausse I alwaaays want to be around him?? That doessssnt meann anyyyyyything."

"Jhoope lets go hoome I want Jimin"

"Yeeeee I want my Yoooongles."

At least Jhope was smart enough to call an Uber instead of driving.

What Jhope didn't know was what Drunk Jungkook would want to do with Jimin...

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