Chapter 1

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The simplicity of their conversation shouldn’t of caused Camila to react the way that she is; she barely knows the girl and only just learnt her name but the butterflies won’t disappear.

It is extremely hard for her to focus on her surroundings throughout the entire day and she continues to bump into things; people, walls, doors.

This is usually normal for the girl but not as much as almost 20 times in the tiny space of 30 minutes.

Her unusual, irrationally small concentration span concerned the teachers so much that they even went to the extent of sending the oblivious girl to the nurses office to get checked out.

Camila knows that her thoughts consuming Lauren shouldn’t be this deep within her already but she just can’t stop herself from wanting to know more about this girl.

She realizes that this is just something that she has made up in her head throughout the day and will be crushed when she arrives home to see that Lauren has forgotten all about her and the messages they exchanged.

It was almost laughable to her that she actually gotten herself emotionally attached to Lauren even though she has barely spoken to her.

She knows things about her, she knows as much as Lauren knows about her and that is through her blog that tells Camila the things that Lauren most probably doesn’t share to the people she knows in real life but that is it.

Lauren hasn’t shared a conversation with her that connects the two of them together in a way that is unbreakable to anybody.

“Mila!” Camila freezes and snaps out of her daze, turning her attention towards her mother in a manner that makes the woman growl at her like she is some kind of animal.

The girl fights the urge to roll her eyes, annoyed already by the presence that is disrupting her from pulling out her laptop and seeing if Lauren is online.

She has waited patiently throughout the day for this and it almost seemed like years before that bell rang and now she has to wait longer because of her idiotic mother?

“Your father and I are taking Sofia on holiday for the week, money is on the counter downstairs” the woman speaks to Camila sternly and turns on her heels, leaving the room before the teen can respond.

She won’t deny it, being excluded from things such as family vacations without a choice of staying behind hurts but she is used to it by now since it has been happening for the past 4 years.

“Kaki” she turns her head to see the smaller version of herself sprinting towards her with an excited smile attached to her lips and a glimmer in her eyes.

The sight causes her to grin, her little sister is happy and that is all she cares about. She watches with great amusement as Sofia attempts to lift herself up onto her bed beside her, failing miserably to do so making the teen laugh before pulling the girl into her arms securely with little effort.

“Kaki we is going Disney” Camila smiles at the six year old, trying to muster up as much as an attempt to look excited as she could but inside it feels as though somebody has stabbed a knife through her heart.

When she was younger, she remembers the times she spent at Disney with her parents. Her real parents. They would go up their at least once every month and remembers the rush of adrenaline that pumped through her whenever she was their.

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