Chapter 15

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She thought that this was over, nothing like this hadn’t happened throughout the previous two months and she silently prayed for it to never occur again.

Her heart was racing with a mixture of fear and hopelessness as she has somehow lost all ability to allow herself to not show them that they are causing a reaction for her.

She is completely terrified of what they could do to her, remembering everything that they had previously put her through over the course of the past couple of years.

It makes her shudder at the thought and her eyes tightly shut as she awaits the hit to come.

Her body was entirely drained although rapid vibrations are pulsing through her veins.

“Haven’t you got it into your thick head that nobody wants you to be here? That you are not wanted in this school?” a deep voice sneers angrily and intimidatingly into her ear and the hot breath that hits off of the side of her face causes her to cringe.

Laughter is heard throughout the school hallways and the grip on her shoulders tighten painfully.

The words being spoken to her shoot right to her mind and continuously replay in loud screams. 

It is soundless for a moment and Camila cautiously wonders if they have had enough for the day as the hands remove themselves from her body.

However, all of her relief is vanished when a sudden powerful impact is planting itself onto the side of her face.

A cry of pain instantly escapes from her mouth and she opens her eyes to be met with evil dark blue eyes staring back at her.

Gasps are heard from the mouths of the students that had earlier formed a crowd around them and all the petite brunette wants to do is bolt away from everything.

Camila moves to the side in attempt to get past her main bully but the girl just pushes her against the lockers once again, the rattling and shaking noise echoing through the hallways loudly.

Almost everybody watching the scene fold out in front of them were holding their breaths in anticipation to see what was going to happen to her. 

Another hit came flying towards her face and she squeals, trying to get out of the girls harsh grip.

“Please let me go…please” she pleads desperately as tears continue to stream down her cheeks.

The blonde girl holding her chuckles in amusement at her hurting but gets cut short when a throat is cleared behind the two of them.

Both heads turn and the Latina lets out a grateful puff of air when her eyes land on Dinah who is stood beside the schools principle. 

The two friends lock eyes and Camila sends her a thankful look as the principle yells for the crowded students to make their way to class.

As the blonde girl tries to subtly disappear with the rest of the crowd, Camila winces in pain and brings her hand to her face whilst allowing the principle to deal with the girl.

“Girls, to my office now. Dinah-Jane I appreciate you informing me of this incident but can you kindly make your way to class also? I don’t wanting you missing anything” Dinah smiles and squeezes her friends arm comfortingly before walking away down the now empty hallway.

The principle leads the two through to her office and motion for them both to sit in front of the desk.

The woman hands Camila an ice-pack for her swollen and bruised face before making two phone calls, informing both Camila’s father and the other girls parents, suggesting that they make their way here immediately.

As soon as she places the phone back on the holder, the girl speaks up quickly.

“It was all Camila’s fault, Mrs. She was insulting my mother because she got jealous since her mother was depressed and killed herself.” A stabbing sensation rushes through the Latina’s body and she sends a glare towards the blonde girl.

She wipes at the tears coming from her eyes and turns to the girl.

“I can assure you that I did nothing.
As I was walking towards the library for my free period, Emily here grabbed me and pushed me against the lockers. I swear that I said nothing to provoke her and make her react the way that she did towards me.” The older woman can see the honesty in the girls eyes and can hear her pain as she speaks. 

Emily sinks in her chair as she recognizes the look of sympathy wash across her principles face and knows that she has taken Camila’s word as the truth.

“Emily what you did is assault to another student for no reason and I can’t have you not being punished for actions like that. I am sorry but you will be suspended for three weeks, no excuses or buts will prevent this.” She speaks sternly and the blonde teen knows that it is best if she doesn’t argue or try to get out of the situation.

Thirty minutes later, Emily is out of the office and Camila is curled into her father as she cries with the pain that she has been keeping inside.

“Mr Cabello, I can assure you that nothing like this will happen again and I am deeply sorry in regards to what Emily’s actions have caused.”

Camila shakes her head and moves to look between the two.

“I want to move school, this has been happening for a while now. Not just from Emily but other students also and I can’t keep facing it after today.” The small girl admits and both adults look on at each other in agreement to the teenagers wishes.

“Please, just let me leave and find another school to attend where I can start a new.” She pleads and stares at the two adults in complete fear of having to return back to this place.

Her father pulls her into his body and he holds her as she trembles uncontrollably beside him.

“Calm down bumble bee, I promise that we will have you transferred to another school as soon as possible. How fast can we have her transferred? I’m not sending her back here, she is completely petrified.” He asks the principle and she turns to her computer and types in a few details in silence.

She turns to Camila.

“Do you know where you would like to attend? It looks to me as though anybody would give you a place with the grades that you have.” The Latina allows a shy grin to spread across her lips and she thinks of how amazing it would be to attend the same school as Lauren.

Lauren has mentioned it a couple of times since last week when they first met and now is the perfect opportunity to do so.

“Carrollton, I want to attend Carrollton.”

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