Chapter 5

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Camila frowned, she hadn’t thought this one through when she had declined her friends offer to stay over at her place for the night.

It was pat 10, the streets silent and the sky was black as she made her way home which was unknowingly to her before now, further away than she originally thought so.

Dinah had offered to drop her home in her car, but the smaller Latina had declined that too, reassuring her that she wanted the peace and time to think before being bombarded with questions from her adoptive parents once she arrived back home.

She could feel it, the presence of somebody around her but every time she paused to look around her wearily, nothing was there.

Was she insane? Had she actually passed her breaking point and gone crazy?

They feeling didn’t go away though and it made her feel extremely uneasy.

“Who is there? Come on, you’re creeping me the fuck out” Camila asked aloud but still nothing moved and she closed her eyes as she exhaled a deep and shaky breath.

She stopped and sat down on the pavement, her legs to her chest as she buried her face into her hands.

“I’m gonna get killed, I’m going to die” she mumbles to herself and screams when a pair of hands cover her eyes from behind her.

She tried to fight out of the persons grip, she tried to push them away and turn around to see who the hell it was but she had no success.

The stranger lifts her from the ground and snakes one of their hands around her waist, pulling her into her securely.

Camila can feel the person’s rapid breathing against her ear and the increasing heartbeat against her back and it is now clear to her that this stranger is a girl because of the obvious breasts that are pressed to her back.

She closes her eyes and tries to clear her head because this somehow makes her feel a spark in her stomach.

Being in this position with a stranger who could potentially kill her should make her cry for help and she is confused as to why she is not.

The way this girl is holding her makes her feel and explosion of butterflies in her chest and her chest quivers undeniably.

She has Lauren, Lauren is the only person who has made her feel like this and made her emotions go this crazy.

“Please don’t hurt me” she whispers and she can feel the person behind her shaking their head no which calms her nerves at the reassurance from them.

But then the person speaks up,
“I will never hurt you, Camz.”

It all happens in slow motion, something unexpected that causes Camila to drop to the ground in tears.

The all too familiar voice ringing in her ears. She hadn’t thought it to be humanly possibly for her feel numerous amount of emotions at the same time, the immense power of uncontrollable instincts taking over her as she looks up at the green-eyed goddess with nothing but admiration, jumping to her feet and crashing her lips against the girls before her once her eyes confirm it to be truly who she thought it was after hearing her voice; Lauren.

Their lips move together slowly, passionately portraying all the emotions that they have felt towards each other for the past two months.

Camila felt arms wrap around her waist tightly and she immediately melted into the embrace, lifting her arms to snake them around the girls neck and bringing her in closer all whilst tilting her head to deepen the kiss.

The kiss was everything that they both imagined it to be and more.
It send explosions of fireworks of in the pits of their stomachs and made their chests heave heavily with the amount of joy and happiness being suddenly piled down onto it.

Their lips fit together perfectly, in a way that made them both believe that they were made to be pressed together and locked into each other lovingly.

Neither of them had felt this way before, they had never experienced this sort of intimacy with another person and both felt naked in each others embrace, even though they are both fully clothed, their emotions were naked.

Lauren took the lead, licking at Camila’s upper lip asking for permission to enter to which the girl accepted as she parted her lips to allow Lauren access.

Their tongues met and both of them released deep moans at the feeling of them dancing together inside Camila’s mouth before Lauren’s moved to explore the newly discovered area in more detail; licking the roof of her mouth and along her perfectly white teeth.

After a while, Camila pulled away breathlessly but kept her forehead pressed against Lauren’s, finally taking the time to let her eyes study the girls face and how beautiful she actually is.

“Wow. Yo-you’re…why-how?” Camila stuttered out, not being able to form an actually sentence as she attempts to ask Lauren how the hell she is stood before her right now and how she knows where Camila was.

Lauren just laughs, tears of her own making her way down her flushed cheeks as she looks Camila in her deep brown eyes. 

What just happened seems surreal for them both, having come face to face with each other after just communicating over the phone and internet for so long.

The feelings inside them are barely containable and it makes both of them light-headed as they think about it. 

Lauren moves to slide her hands down Camila’s arms, lacing their fingers together and making them become one.

Neither of them speak another word, the world around them slowly disappearing to them and becoming dis-interesting as they get so caught up in looking at each other and not allowing the other to slip away from their hold. 

“I would love to come up with some big romantic gesture on how I found you, but really I just saw you at the pizza shop and followed you all the way here” Lauren admits are a few minutes of just staring at each other and a laugh bubbles up in the Camila’s throat at her words, escaping her and hitting against the older girls lips because of how close together they are stood.

“I can’t believe it is actually you” Lauren grins and Camila melts at the sight, lifting one of her hands to cup Lauren’s cheek softly, stroking the girls cheekbone. 

Lauren leans into her touch, her eyes fluttering shut and that is when Camila knows. 

Looking at this beauty before her, it becomes clear to her; this girl is everything that she has ever wanted,

“Lauren please be my girlfriend?”

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