Chapter 18

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Camila sighed, her eyes fixed on her own reflection as she allowed herself to take in her changed appearance.

Deciding that transferring to Carrollton would be a new beginning for her and she had to make an actual effort, she ditched her jeans and jumpers for skirts and crop-tops.

Her hair was curled and she had applied a small amount of make up making all of her features stand out more than they naturally would.

Her jacket is pulled over her and her shoes are slipped onto her feet as she waits for Lauren to finish getting ready in the bathroom. 

She bites her lip as her mind wonders to the previous night that the two shared after the conversation with her father.

Her cheeks flush because she honestly never expected the night to turn out the way that it did, she thought that Lauren would believe that things were moving too fast between them instead of too slow.

It makes her insides turn excitedly at the thought of them becoming one in the future and of what is about to come tonight, remembering that she agreed to go on a date with the green-eyed beauty.

According to the older girl, she already has plans for them but refuses to acknowledge the hour long pleading that fell from Camila’s lips once she told her this.

The brown eyed girl released an impatient groan when the time continued to pass by slowly and she banged on the bathroom door, shouting at Lauren to hurry up.

“Lolo, hurry your ass up. I don’t want to be late on my first day and end up getting a detention, I can’t have a detention if you want to go on a date later.” Camila yells and she hears the lock click immediately after, the door opening to reveal Lauren who is shyly looking at the floor in the embarrassment of taking so long. 

Camila giggles at her and takes her hands in hers, squeezing her fingers gently between hers.

“Camz? Please don’t take this the wrong way but can we please keep us a secret? Just for now?” Lauren asks and the girl in question takes a breath, looking down with a frown covering her face as thoughts begin to race through her mind.

Lauren instantly notices the change of emotion on her face and gasps, leading the confused and slightly hurt girl towards the bed before pushing her onto it and carefully straddles her waist.

She places her hands on her neck and forces her to lift her head so their eyes can easily meet each others.

“Are you ashamed of me? Am I not enough for you? Please be honest with me Lauren.” Camila asks and Lauren uses her index finger to smooth out the sudden crease on her forehead.

She shakes her head softly and instead of putting her worries at ease straight away, Lauren closes the small distance between their mouths and presses their lips together in a brief kiss.

“You are more than enough for me Camila, I promise you. I just don’t want my parents finding out just yet because they are not really comfortable with gay people. If people at school find out then they will tell my parents.” Lauren explains and ashamedly avoids eye contact with the girl sat beneath her.

“I promise that it won’t be forever, just until I am comfortable enough with people finding out and when I have a plan just in case my parents don’t take everything I tell them with a smile.”

Understanding to the issues floating around in the girls mind, Camila nods her head in agreement to her wishes and tightly wraps her arms around her.

“You’re beautiful, did you know that?”
She asks softly and nuzzles her nose softly against the exposed skin on Lauren’s neck.

A smile graces her lips as a warm flutter feeling explodes inside of her stomach and she knows that whatever is happening between them isn’t just a fling that will last only a couple of weeks. 

This is real, this is something that is going to last and both of them know that they have to cherish every moment spent together.

Camila steals another kiss before tapping the girls thighs, asking her to get up off of her so that she can stand.

“We’re late already, five minutes isn’t going to make a difference babe.” Lauren laughs and the younger girl just sends her the finger before grabbing her backpack and dragging Lauren downstairs.

It takes an additional ten minutes but the two finally arrive at the high school and Lauren leads Camila through the empty hallways until they reach the principles office.

She knocks on the door, but then pauses when she sees the nerves covering Camila’s face.

“Everything will be ok, you have me and you can stay with me. I’ve got you through this and you are not alone.” She says softly before leading the shaking girl inside of the office, both of the smiling politely at the blonde woman behind the desk.

“Miss Lovato this is Camila Cabello, she is a new student starting today” she introduces her and the woman nods her head in recognition.

The small Latina offers a wave and shyly ducks her head, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the obvious judgment that the woman makes as she scans her body up and down.

“Welcome to Carrollton, I hope you won’t be late everyday. Here is your schedule and your locker combination is written at the top, you can skip your lessons today and I will allow Miss Jauregui here to show you around the building. Is that ok with you both?” Camila lets out a breath of relief that she didn’t realize that she was holding at the fact this woman is actually not as mean as she originally though she would be and smiles widely, nodding.

Lauren drags her from the office and once they are out of sight from anybody, smirks and pushes Camila against the lockers who is immediately stunned into silence by the sudden movement.

Her eyes dart to stare dreamily Lauren’s lips as her tongue pokes out of her mouth to teasingly wet them.

She almost looses herself and moans at the sight but she just about manages to control her hormones. 

She moves her hands to Lauren’s neck and pulls the girl closer to her.

“You should show me around this place, it seems nice.” She says before pushing the girl away from her and teasingly walking ahead of her, knowing already that Lauren is pouting over not getting a kiss.

A laugh forces its way from her lips and she turns around, motioning for Lauren to catch up with her.

“Come on you slow poke, I have no idea where I am going.” She says and laces their fingers together once she is certain that nobody is around and watching them.

Lauren begins to show her around the school, pointing out all of the classrooms and giving her details about the teachers and students.

However, all Camila is able to think about is their date later on in the evening and how she is going to be able to contain herself through it.

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