Chapter 19

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Camila smiled at herself as she awaited the time to come when she hears Lauren knock on the door to her house so they can begin their date.

Her body feels different at this moment, her body suddenly feels extremely light and relaxed in comparison to the previous years where it always would feel completely drained and stiff.

The young girl can feel herself slowly beginning to allow herself to move on from the emotions and fears that have kept her captured, forcing her to become the sad and lonely person that she has been for the past 6 years.

She knew that this change in her personality was mainly because of Lauren being introduced to her life. Ever since starting to speak with the older girl she could feel her emotions change slowly and she could feel herself becoming unusually happy.

It was as though Lauren was an angel sent to her to force her to stop thinking about everything bad and all of the possible ways of how her life could become worse.

Having Lauren in her life and being able to share everything with her has made Camila a completely different person, a better person.

The girl no longer cries herself to sleep, she doesn’t have constant bags under her eyes or she doesn’t have those voices in her mind reminding her of everything that has happened to her.

Obviously it doesn’t totally disappear and she still remembers the things that she has been through but it doesn’t affect her as much as it used to.

She has Lauren, she has somebody that cares about her and somebody that wants to be there for her, to hold her and to listen to her.

She has her father, who willingly gave her the answers she has been waiting for and promises to never leave her again. 

She is finally happy again, after 6 years her body is entirely relaxed and overwhelmed with the good kind of butterflies.

A throat being cleared behind her causes her to jump slightly and turn around, snapping her out of her inner thoughts.

Her eyes widen and her stomach tightens in powerful knots at the sight of Lauren stood before her, completely overdressed for just a simple date.

She smiles widely at Camila, her green eyes sparkling with happiness and causing sparks of electricity to set off in the smaller girls chest.

Lauren walks closer to the girl, taking her time to admire the beauty stood before her before circling her arms around her slim waist and pulling their bodies flush together.

Camila blushes and an embarrassingly girly giggle escapes her lips, sending Lauren into a bliss because of how cute the girl before her is. 

She leans in and presses a lingering kiss to Camila’s red cheeks and then one to her nose. “You look beautiful, Camz. I’m so lucky to be apart of your life.” Lauren whispers quietly making the girl melt instantly because it is things like that which make her fall even harder for Lauren.

She is continuously complimenting her, telling her how beautiful and amazing she is even when she doesn’t need to.

For example, two days ago the two were sat watching The Lion King and Lauren randomly turned to her, looked her in the eyes and started naming everything about Camila that had her hooked to her.

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