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10 years later…

A twenty-five year old Karla Camila Cabello stood before a full length mirror as she allows her eyes to scan over the white dress.

Her eyes water momentarily as she finally comes to realize what is about to happen and that everything she has wanted is finally coming true for her.

The hammering of her heart ripples through he body and vibrates into her ears. She pauses, closing her eyes shut tightly to let herself calm down and to prevent herself from freaking out and causing a scene.

“Bumble Bee…” Camila jumps at the sudden noise, the presence of a new person behind her scaring her for a moment before she turns around and meets the eyes of her father.

However, she has to look away when the tears begin to streak down his face because she knows that she will most probably begin crying in response to seeing him cry.

He walks towards her and embraces his eldest daughter in a tight embrace but being hesitant as he knows his soon to be daughter-in-law will go insane if he ruins his daughters make up.

“You look stunning, Karla; your mother would be proud of you and what you have done with your life in the past 10 years.”

Camila rolls her eyes to look towards the ceiling, willing herself not to cry as she sniffs quietly.

“I love you daddy, thank you for helping us with this and for making it all happen.” Camila whispers and leans to kiss his cheek before he takes her tiny hands in his large ones.

“Have you seen her? How does she look?
Is her dress as beautiful as she is?” Camila asks, the questions rushing from her mouth uncontrollably whilst the music starts to play, signalling that is time for her to get going towards where her soon to be wife is patiently waiting for her.

“Oh my gosh, I am actually doing this. I’m about to get married. I’m about to become somebody’s wife.” She mumbles to herself as her father watches her in amusement.

He shakes his head and leads her towards the sealed doors of the room.
She can feel her stomach curling with the anticipation, it fluttering along with the butterflies that escape into her veins.

Never did Camila expect her life to turn out in the way that it has done, but she honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

The fairy-tale life that she has been living in is almost dream like and something that she thought only happened in movies.

But this is real life and Camila has to repeatedly remind herself of that because she tends to forget at times.

“Are you ready?” Camila looks to her father and nods her head, linking her arm with his as he opens the double doors with his other hand.

Everybody instantly turns to look at her, standing up and gasping at the sight of her.

The small girl blushes at the much expected attention that she knew was going to come when the girls agreed she would be the one walking down the isle.

Her father pulls her closer, sensing her nerves and self-consciousness that she has floating around her body.

She turns to smile at him gratefully before turning her face to look at the woman at the other end of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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