Chapter 2

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She is undeniably smitten.

Her step contains an extra bounce as walks through the hallways.

Her face is constantly glinted with a beaming smile.

It has only been a week but this is the best she has ever felt in her entire life.

The people in the hallways attempted to not notice this transformed girl who was shy and unknown last week but it was almost impossible to them.

Everybody started to see her.

They began to see her beauty and how her whole body glowed as she graciously strolled effortlessly down the hallways that parted for her.

Camila tried to ignore it, she didn’t want to fall into a friendship that was only formed because of a sudden switch in her personality.

She wants a friendship that is honest, with somebody that doesn’t only like her for her looks and how peppy she is.

She talks with Lauren everyday, they even previously exchanged numbers throughout the week so they can talk whilst in school.

Things are going fantastically between them and Camila is falling deeper and deeper with every new message that is sent between the two of them.

Their relationship is different to any others that she has witnessed and it causes her insides to vibrate with joy at the knowledge of that.

The connection that they share, the bond that has grew is incredibly magnificent and neither of them would like for it to be broken.

It felts as though they have known each other since the second they were born, that they have spent every moment of the past 16 years getting to know each other when it reality it has only been 7 days.

“Miss Cabello, do you wish to spend the afternoon in detention?”

Camila jumps at the sudden interruption to her inner thoughts, pissed at the fact her daydream of meeting Lauren and spending eternity together was cut short.

“Whatever” she snaps in irritation and rolls her eyes in an overly annoyed manner that makes the teacher’s eyes widen dramatically at the unexpected attitude from the normally perfectly behaved student.

The girl seems to immediately regret her words as they finally register in her mind and she sends the teacher an apologetic shrug.

Other pupils watch in both shock and anticipation for what is about to happen and how their teacher is going to react to the rudeness.

Nobody ever imagined Camila, the unknown loser and teachers pet, to speak to a teacher in such a disrespectful way that most of them were stunned into silence.

“Detention, Cabello” he bellows, his voice loud and frightening making a couple of his students to shudder at the sound of, but his eyes portray forgiveness and worry as to why Camila responded in the way she did.

“Now pay attention before I send you out” he sternly scolds her and she managed an ashamed nod in agreement to his suggesting words.

She can’t allow her school work and behavior to be affected by this petty crush that has been formed, she can’t afford to.

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