Chapter 7

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A/n flashback in italics


“Mommy! Cans we go feeds da duckies?”
A three year old Camila Cabello ran towards her mother without a care in the world, throwing herself at her resulting in the older woman spinning her daughter around almost effortlessly.

Camila giggled happily, her eyes sparkling with a joy that nobody else could comprehend and her entire body radiating, glowing with a sense of joy that families walking past envied because they didn’t have what they had.

It didn’t bother Camila what they thought of her though and it didn’t bother her mother either as they had each other and nobody else could take away that happiness that they caused one another.

Sinuhe Cabello held her only daughter on her hip, giving the flushed cheeks small kisses making the girl the squeal and try to get out of her grip giddily.

They are both laughing, their bodies showing nothing but adoration towards each other and both of them believed that a love this strong and powering would last forever.

“Of course, bumble bee. Did you really think that I would forget to do such a thing?” she asks and Camila giggles again.

The two walk towards the duck pond with their hands swinging together between them, both with bold beaming smiles spread across their enthusiastic faces.

As soon as Camila spots the ducks, she runs towards them quickly and bends down adorably at the edge of the pond.

“Mommy! Comes look! Dey is super cute” Camila yells, her mind obviously amazed by the animals before her that she has already seen probably a million times before this.

However, the magic never disappears and the tiny girl finds herself even more enhanced by them every time her mother brings her to visit.

Sinhue rolls her eyes but does as her daughter asks, pulling her into her and further away from the edge of the pond since she knows how clumsy Camila can be at times; she really doesn’t want her baby falling into the duck pond.

Sinhue watches as her daughter looks at the species with a fascination that is beyond her. She understands that most children enjoy visiting the pond to feed the ducks but is appears to her that Camila has taken an extreme passion towards them.

Whenever she comes here, her eyes light up in a way that cause them to sparkle blissfully and her whole body to ache at the need to watch the animals.

It was something ridiculously simple, to just stay contently watching a bunch of ducks but it was so Camila that Sinhue enjoyed attending their pond trips as much as her daughter did.

She kisses the top of Camila’s head, pulling her closer and the pair equally savor the warmth and comfort that is caused when spending time together.

No words are spoken, although that doesn’t make this time any less important to the times where they would speak for hours on end. They cherish this time together, where nobody is around to interrupt them and it as though the world is theirs.

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