Chapter 14

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Lauren took her hand in her own and silently lead her back upstairs to her room so that they can have their privacy, knowing that her parents and younger sister will most likely return home within the next couple of hours.

Tears continuously streamed down her face as she was dragged by the girl gently and she was unable to stop her body from trembling with all the emotion that is overpowering her, vibrating through her veins.

She was softly pushed onto the bed by the green eyed girl and pulled into her body as Lauren held onto her tightly.

Deep breaths escaped her mouth in attempt to calm down and stop crying, wanting to be able to properly speak to Lauren without being a complete emotion wreck.

Her insides turned at the knowledge that they can now freely talk and spend time together minus a phone or a computer being stuck between them.

It bewilders her really, how they live only minutes away from one another but still never once bumped into one another on the streets.

“I'm sorry for crying all over you” Camila apologizes quietly and lifts her head off of Lauren's rising chest to look her in the eyes.

Lauren smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind the girls ear before shuffling closer to and wrapping her arms around her.

Camila instantly leans into the touch and allows a smile to grace her lips at the feeling of being in Lauren's arms.

Her heart beat increases and her mind goes blank for a moment as she just stares at the beauty that is before her.

“Don't apologize, I am here for you.
If you need me then I will be here to hold you and to make you feel better.
Camila, you are no longer alone and I am going to do everything I can to give you a loving home that you feel safe and happy in” Lauren says softly, her voice promising and makes the smaller girls body feel slightly lighter.

She smiles thankfully at the girl.

“I have to be getting back soon, I stayed here and they're probably thinking that I ran away. I saw my dad yesterday” Camila explains to Lauren who nods her head in understanding, already previously figuring out that her brother had most likely brought the girl back the night before.

Both of them feel as though they are trapped inside a bubble where the world around them doesn't seem to matter, where they are free to be themselves and not worry about what anybody else thinks.

“You don't want to make things better with your father?” Lauren questions softly as Camila shuffles on the bed to put her head in the girls lap and look up at her, resulting in Lauren running her fingers through the long dark, silky hair that is draped across her freely.

The younger girl allows her mind to wonder for a minute, thinking deeply about the question.

She knows that wants things to be better with her father and to work on getting their relationship back to how it was if possible.

However she fears that if she does forgive him and lets herself become part of his life once again that he could just abandon her once again as he had no problem with doing it before.

Camila closes her eyes momentarily and Lauren moves to lace their fingers together.

Although the gesture is simple, it allows both of them to become one and both of their insides begin to explode with the knowing possibility of one day being joined in every way.

“If I get the chance to, then I think that I want to. But I don't even know if he is staying here in Miami or where he is right now, I just ran when he spoke to me without replying ” Camila admits and a groan of frustration escapes her throat when she realizes what her actions have done.

“Can you take me back to the foster home so I can tell them not to call the cops?
Then we can go talk somewhere?” Lauren grins at Camila's shyness and chuckles when the other girl avoids eye contact.

She pulls the brown eyed girl into a sitting position and allows her hands to cup her cheeks gently.

“You don't have to be scared or nervous or shy around me now that we are actually together. I am no different than I have been throughout these past months ok?
I am here for you whenever you need me just like I have been except now I can actually hold you and wipe away your tears.” Lauren softly reassures her which puts an ease to the smaller Latina's buzzing nerves.

Camila changes into some of Lauren's clothes and an hour later, the two are walking inside the foster home hand-in-hand.

Neither of them have particularly realized that their hands are intertwined, it happened subtly as they knuckles continued grazing whilst they walked.

Then she notices it and she almost turns around, running back out onto the streets before they could notice her.

This couldn't be happening, how could they even allow him to just take her back after all of these years?

Sure, he didn't sign a paper that officially handed her over to them but still it shouldn't be that easy.

“Lauren that is him, he is going to take me” she mumbles to the girl pressed to her side and the green eyed girl attempts to hide her hatred as she looks at the man.

This is the man that started all of the pain for the girl beside her, for the girl that she knows deserves nothing but happiness bubbling inside her body.

She protectively pulls Camila into her and the two slowly begin to walk towards them.

“Don't worry, this means he is serious about rebuilding your relationship and plus it would make it easier for us to get to properly know one another” Lauren whispers into her ear which allows Camila to crack a smile at the thought of actually getting to know Lauren personally instead of behind a computer screen because although she already knows most things, there is still so much more that she can only learn whilst spending time together.

Her heart races and Lauren squeezes their joined hands. The fact that the green-eyed beauty is beside her is enough to relax her and she takes a calming breath as they reach the two adults.

“Bumble bee, I am serious about this.
You are coming with me, unfortunately I can't take Sofia as easily and I have to go through a process before getting her. But please, come with me. I love you so much bumble bee” her eyes water at the words she has longed to hear for so long and she basically throws herself into his arms, the man embracing her quickly.

Lauren watches with a smile, knowing that this is the beginning to Camila getting her life back and the beginning of the process to receive her happily ever after.

She has Lauren, her father is back and begging for her to accept his offer. This is what she has been waiting for and it is slightly overwhelming for it to be happening on the same day.

“Ok daddy” she whimpers and pulls away to wipe her eyes.

“Can Lolo come with us? Please?” she pleads and he shares a knowing look with Lauren, nodding his head slowly in agreement.

The older girl grins, “I told you that things are about to get better for you” she says and winks towards the beaming girl who looks at the floor with flustered cheeks.

Everything is finally falling back into place, all she needs to do is be patient and allow it to happen.

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