Chapter 10

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Her head is throbbing with such an intense amount of pain that almost sends her mind into a delusional daze consisting of the thoughts and past memories that have sadly returned to her throughout the past couple of days.

She woke up an hour ago, immediately being ordered to go to bed and rest for the remaining hours of the day much to her disagreement and reassurance that she feels completely fine.

That was an obvious lie, she has never felt worse than she does in this moment. However collapsing wasn’t the cause of her disgusting mood and hopelessly empty body.

It is crazy to her, almost disbelieving that one simple action was capable of changing her entire life. She was utterly stupid to fall into their devilish trap to provoke her whilst angry and allows herself to drown in self hate and regret because of her earlier actions that caused her to return here.

Camila feels drained, both physically and emotionally, and wants nothing more than to fill in the gaping hole of pain that is held in her chest.

No words in the dictionary could be put together to describe how empty and completely worthless she feels, nobody could ever understand, not even Camila herself.

She realizes that she should call Dinah, tell her everything that has happened because she knows that the girl will probably turn up at the house she used to live in later the same evening.

But, Lauren remains in her mind and her craving need to have some kind of interaction with her wins against her acknowledgement of having to call her friend.

Camila needs to hear that soothing but raspy voice that gives her reassurance that one day everything will be ok for her again and she needs to see the beautiful face that sends her stomach into a frenzy of butterflies which reminds her that her body isn’t completely empty.

Camila slowly pulls her phone out of her pocket and lets out a hesitant sigh as she glances towards the two other beds that are held in the small space of her new bedroom.

She has no idea when her room-mates are going to arrive back here but she silently hopes that it won’t be until she has finished her conversation with Lauren.

Her thumb freely clicks on Lauren’s name under the face-timing icon, her stomach plummeting into various parts of her body as her nerves rapidly increase.

Camila and Lauren haven’t actually done anything like this since beginning to speak, and the younger girl completely understands that this is a major step into their growing relationship but she needs to speak to Lauren and to see her face.

They have exchanged pictures, they have sent each other small voice recorded messages but nothing that is anything like this. It takes longer that Camila expected for Lauren to accept the call, and whilst waiting she debates if she should hang up and if this was the right decision to make.

But then Lauren answers and it feels as though everything around her magically falls into place as her eyes land on the captivating brunette that she has grown connected to.

Lauren’s face holds curiosity and confusion as to why Camila has suddenly decided to reach out and call her like this without so much as a warning beforehand but she also can’t stop the beaming smile that spreads across her face when she sees the younger girl on her screen.

Camila looks down, tears beginning to brim in the corners of her eyes at the sight of the girl that has been nothing but amazing to her.

“Lolo” she whispers affectionately, her voice thick with emotion and cracking slightly as the word slips from her lips.

Lauren obviously notices that there is a specific reason as to why Camila has called her without a warning and becomes instantly more alert than she was moments ago.

She bites her lip and attempts to fight back her own tears as she watches the girl struggle to find the right words to explain herself. 

Lauren’s heart aches, not only from seeing the girl properly for the first time but also because she is now visually aware of the pain and hurting that is covering her beautiful features.

Camila sniffles, her nose scrunching up in a way that Lauren finds totally adorable and in any other situation she would giggle at it but Camila is clearly upset.

Camila needs her,
Lauren needs to be there for her.

“Camz babe please tell me everything” Lauren says, feeling helpless as she can do nothing than watch the other girl suffer quietly.

The girl finally looks up, her brown eyes glassy and broken with fear and such vacancy that causes Lauren to wince.

“They sent me back, Lo and there is nothing I can do” Camila explains and Lauren’s eyes widen as her jaw hangs open.

Confusion spreads over her features once again because she just doesn’t understand why somebody would let a rare and magical person like Camila slip through their fingers carelessly and let her go unashamedly.

It doesn’t make sense to her and her stomach tightens painfully because she isn’t there to make Camila happy and to stop her from from being continuously hurt.

A tear falls from Lauren’s eye and Camila lifts her thumb to where it drops, a sad smile washing over her features because she realistically isn’t there to wipe away the girls tears.

“Camila, this is not your fault. They are naive and ignorant for not taking the time or making the effort to get to know you and for not seeing what I see” Lauren speaks softly and Camila looks into those green eyes that have her captivated.

“I see natural beauty held within you and radiated on your features also. I see somebody that is hidden because nobody has found her and somebody that wishes to be seen and heard. You are perfect Camila and you are worth so much” Camila rubs her puffy red eyes.

Hearing Lauren speak these words to her instantly puts her mind at ease and she momentarily forgets about the situation that she is now in.

She forgets that there is a world around her and she forgets about how she could possibly never fit into it completely. 

Because Lauren, Lauren makes her feel like she belongs and that is something that Camila knows could never forget.

Camila smiles sweetly at Lauren, her dimples on full show.

“You’re so amazing, it sucks that you’re not actually here with me. I would love an actual Lauren hug” Camila pouts and Lauren chuckles at her, truly baffled at how adorable this girl is.

“Hey don’t laugh Lolo maybe when I am 18 and I can leave this place I will come and search for you” Camila teases, a smug smirk plastered across her face.

Lauren lets out a hearty laugh at Camila’s words, the younger girls heart fluttering at the sound that is welcoming to her like music.

“I would say that I could get you into trouble with the police for stalking but I must admit that I would love if you found me” she replies back, still giggling.

The brown eyed girl sighs,
“someday, Lauren… someday babe.”

Little did they know that someday was sooner than they thought...

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