Chapter 9

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She felt suffocated, misunderstood and completely humiliated and heartbroken as she is forcefully pushed into the house that she hadn’t seen for almost 6 years.

Tear stains marked her puffy face but she no longer cried because her entire body felt utterly numb with the amount of hurting that is compulsively rips through her.

Her hands shake at her sides and her heart hammers almost violently in her chest, searching for a release that she knows will most likely never come to her.

The place still looks familiar; bright lights coming from the ceiling, colorful drawings painted on every wall and music constantly playing in the background to try and hide the pain and suffering that comes along with living in this place.

Small kids run through every room, not understanding fully what the meaning of being here truly is and the reality of not having an actual family.

Camila lets out a breath and rolls her eyes in attempt to force away the tears that are threatening to appear once again.

She doesn’t want to give them the satisfaction of watching her cry and seeing her suffer even more because of them, she doesn’t want them to know that this effects her in the slightest bit because that is what they want from her.

“Karla, I didn’t think that I would be seeing you back here” Camila turns her head and her eyes widen as immediate recognition rushes through her.

She runs forward and throws herself at the small girl who seemingly hasn’t grew an inch since Camila last saw her.

Ally holds her just as tightly as Camila releases everything, crying into the shoulder of her friend that she hasn’t seen in 6 tears.

After a couple of minutes, Camila pulls away and wipes her eyes as she attempts to calm herself down whilst taking in the girls appearance.

Her hair is longer and she has changed the color, other than that she still looks exactly the same as she did all those years ago when her and Camila were practically attached to each others hip.

Camila smiles at her and points towards her old adoptive parents who are talking to the woman in charge with her suitcases surrounding the two of them.

Ally nods her head in understanding to what the girl is silently trying to tell her and her heart aches with sadness for the younger Latina before her.

“Excuse me, Ally. I’ve got to say goodbye to Sofia” she excuses herself quietly, her voice cracking and laced with such an intense amount of pain that it causes shudders to race throughout Ally’s body.

She watches as Camila walks towards her little sister hesitantly, the little girl looking up with deep confusion as to why Camila is leaving to come live here.

She takes Sofia’s tiny hands in her own as she bends down on the ground so that the two are of the same height.

Her throat clenches and her stomach tightens as she allows her eyes to study the beauty that her little sister contains for what could possibly be the last time.

For 6 years Camila has been the protector, the person that would do anything to make sure that the smile stayed glued to the adorable face.

For 6 years she would make promises to never leave her side, to always be there for her and to not walk out on her unlike their parents but now she is doing the opposite of exactly what she promised.

It hurts, her whole body is shaking with the emptiness that fills her as she takes the slightly chubby cheeks in her hands.

“I love you so much and I want you to know that none of this has anything to do with you. I want you to know that this wasn’t my choice and I hate to break all of my promises to you” Camila whispers quietly so only her sister can hear her final words, wanting them just to be for her and nobody else.

Sofia is crying openly, her bottom lip trembling as she finally understands what is happening and why they have been brought back to this place that is strangely familiar to her.

“Why? Please don’t go” she begs her sister desperately, fear evident in her voice as she grips onto Camila’s hand this is still held up against her face.

Camila shakes her head, her heart sinking at the sight before her but she knows that nothing she can do will convince those two people to allow her to continue staying with them. 

She sighs and closes her eyes, tears dripping down her cheeks. “I have to stay here, I have to baby girl but that doesn’t mean that I love you any less ok? I love you so much and I need you to remember that every time you miss me. I need you to remember that I am always thinking of you and that my heart will always be with you” she whispers and Sofia falls into her, sobbing into her chest hysterically.

Her hands tighten around her sister, refusing to let her go. “I love you too. I love you so much and yous the best sister ever” she whimpers against Camila’s chest, causing the older girl to cry even more at the words dripping drop her little sisters mouth.

After a few minutes, a throat being cleared making the two of them reluctantly pull apart from one another and Camila places one final kiss to the girls head.

“I love you ducky, forever and I promise that one day we will be together again”
she whispers when she notices the couple growing impatient with her keeping Sofia behind for longer than they would like her to.

She squeezes her little sister tightly in her arms and closes her eyes when she feels a soft pair of lips kiss her cheek before disappearing soon after.

Her eyes flutter open just in time to see Sofia being dragged away by the woman who she despises the most in this world. Her chest rips apart as their eyes lock and Sofia lifts her hand to wave goodbye to her, tears still coming from their eyes.

As soon as they are out of sight, Camila

drops down to the ground fully and heart-wrenching sobs escape from her lips. The other people in the room look at Camila, their own eyes watering slightly at the scene that just went down before them. 

Ally snaps out of her emotional daze first, running over to her childhood friend and embracing her tightly.

“They took her! They took my ducky!” Camila attempts to yell through her sobs although her voice is weak and cracks, hiccuping as she does so.

The older girl holds her closer and rubs her back soothingly, allowing her to get everything out that she knows she needs to.

“She’s gone, my baby is gone. They made me leave her like everybody else did” she whimpers, her tears becoming dry and nonexistent as her entire body becomes empty.

Her grip loosens on Ally and she lifts herself from the ground, her mind becoming blank and unfocused as everything begins to spin.

She feels as though she is about to be sick, her stomach clenching and tightening at the continuous thoughts that rush through her mind.  She can feel her a lump being formed in her throat.

Her knees become weak.

Everything goes black.

(Author's note)

A/N: Tears. Next chapter will have some camren for you ;)

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