Chapter 1

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School was great. Everything was great in Salisbury. I've lived in this house since I was born and I have gotton to know so many different people. Salisbury is the perfect place for me to be. I have so many memories in this house, in this city. I lost my first tooth, had every birthday party here, learned how to ride a bike, and took the same picture every year on Christmas in the same position as the last year. It was like a tradition just being here, untill everything went completely wrong.

Woah, Woah, Wait! Hi, I'm Abby Jones. I'm a freshman, and today I found out that I was voted Into Homecoming court! The list for Homecoming court was posted In the cafeteria and I saw my name on the list. I'm so excited for tomorrow so I can find out who won freshman Homecoming court. Oh wait, I can't because of what my dad told me today after the great school day ended. So back to the story, I should probably start from the beginning.

"Abby! Get up your late". Crap. I rolled over to check my phone and it was 6:30. Which means I had 20 minutes to get ready to go to my bus. I looked and looked through my drawers to find my favorite knitted sweater. After 10 minutes of searching I finally found it. I skipped breakfast so I had to time to brush my teeth and hair. I was out the door at 6:50. Perfect timing. My mom walked me to my bus stop like she does everyday. As we were walking she told me that my dad had great news to share at dinner. I knew she wouldn't tell me what It was so I didn't bother trying to get it out of her. I gave her a hug and I got on the bus.

What in the world could it be?! After what felt like forever we finally got to school. My phone fell out of my pocket and as I bent down to pick it up and saw somebody else's hand was also reaching for it. I looked up and it was my best friend, Riley.

She seemed way to excited for being at school. "Guess what?! You were voted for Homecoming court!" I looked over at her shocked. She took me to where the list was and she showed me my name. I couldn't believe I was voted for Homecomingb Court!: Everybody else on the list was the popular kids and Im the only one on there that isn't popular. This couldn't be right. But whatever, my name is on the list so I couldn't be more happier.

Throughout the entire day I felt like everybody was staring at me or talking about me. Probably the homecoming court thing. So I just let it slide. The first 3 periods of school went by super fast and the next thing I knew it was time for lunch. At lunch it was even worse. The list for homecoming was 10 girls. There are 10 girls considered popular and I knew they were looking at me. The 10th popular girl was talking to the other popular kids and they all talked, looked at me, then laughed. Live simply so others can simply live. My favorite quote that my friend Riley showed me. Dont know where she got it but I think its cool.

It was finally last period, my favorite class. Algebra. Riley is in my group and we always talk about the new guy that sits across the room always looking at us. During class we noticed that he was writing in his journal. He spent half of class writing in the journal. Since he was new the teacher didn't mind. At the end of class, our algebra teacher lets us have 5 minutes to talk. During the 5 minutes we went over to talk to him. When he saw us walking over he quickly put the note away. "Hey, whats your name?!" "Chris". When the 5 minutes where up, I quickly said bye to Chris and Riley and quickly went to my bus before the homecoming situation gets me into trouble with some people. Well this has been an okay day.

I always sit in the middle of the bus because the front was for people who got off before me. When I got off my mom was waiting for me at my stop. What is she doing? She never does this. I got off and hugged my mom. I don't care if its lame. My mom is my best friend. "Soo.. how was school today?" Well...good and bad. "Great. I made Homecoming court!" Her face was both excited but sad at the same time. "Are you okay mom?" She nodded and put her arm around me and we walked home in silence. My dad's car was home, which never happens when I get home from school. We went inside and everything was in boxes and wrapped up.

"Whats going on?" My dad was buried under boxes and boxes. He got up and looked around as if somebody else would answer my question. He looked at me and said something that made this okay day into the worst day ever. "Abby, my boss promoted me and he's sending me, your sister, and your mom to California". I stared at him in awe. So thats why mom looked excited and sad. I looked at my mom and my dad and I saw my little sister, Mya, in her room packing slowly as if she is feeling the same as I am. I ran upstairs and slamed the door as loud as I could. I snatched my phone out of my pocket and quickly texted Riley to come over as soon as possible. She responded immediately and said im on my way.

"ABBY!! RILEY IS HERE" I oped the door and she came in. "Why is there so many boxes?" I was do anxious to tell her. Ao I blurted it out. "My dad got promoted and now were moving to California". Her face was the same as mine when I got the big news to. Riley isnt just my friend but she is like a sister. I have so many other friends, both guys and girls, and I dont want to have to say bye to each and every one of them. My mom came in and said im not going to school anymore because she already picked up my stuff. "Riley can you ask to skip school tomorrow and spend the night?" She called and her mom said yes. YAS! (also got from Riley)

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