Chapter 25

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Abby P.O.V.

"Abby! Wake up!" I heard someone yell while someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes and it was Mya.

"May, what is it?" I asked her rubbing my eyes.

"Its Christmas!" She yelled, Mya and I absolutely love spending Christmas together. We hang out all day. My face lit up and we both ran into Mom and Dads room. We jumped on their bed until they woke up. We danced on the bed and they finally woke up to see us having fun. They smiled and we all laughed. So far Christmas has been amazing. We all ran down the stairs and I saw Riley on Skype with her parents. Her parents and I got along like we were best friends to. I jumped on Riley and yelled Merry Christmas to Rileh and her parents.

"Hi Abby!" Her mom waves to me.

"Hi Hailey!" I said waving back. I positioned the laptop so they could see us open our presents. Rileys presents were under our tree to. Her mom packed them secretly and sent my mom a message to get them. We each took turns opening one present at a time. Mya was opening her when my phone off. As I went to grab it from the counter I noticed everyone left.

"Hey Riley! Where did everybody go?" I asked yelling from the other room.

"They went home so they could wake up today at home with their family. They said they will come by a little later." She answered. I got back and Mya showed me her present. The packaging was really big but light. She had opened the first box and it had another box inside. She opened that one and there was another box inside. When she opened the last box she screamed so loud and jumped onto the couch knocking the box on the side. Mom and Dad freaked out a bit. I looked into the box and out came a little husky. He was absolutely adorable. I screamed and picked him up. I held him in my arms while Mya was still in shock. She came over and was all over the puppy. Mom and Dad brought out another box filled with dog nescesities. Mom brought in a bowl and a paint brush.

"What are you going to name it?" She looked at Mya and Mya pulled me aside.

"How about we name it.... Wait," she looked at mom, "what gender?" She asked.

"Boy" Mya nodded and proceeded.

"How about we name it...Ash?" She asks me. I think it over and I agree.

"We are naming him Ash" Mya says proud. Riley and I laugh and I pick up Ash to show to Riley's Mom.

"Meet Ash" Riley says to her mom.

"Omg sups adorbs" her mom says making me laugh.

"To much Mom" Riley says laughing shaking her head. I hand the pup to Mya while I go and get my presents for everybody. I hid them in my room so Mya wouldn't go through them. I came downstairs with 4 presents. One for each.

"Mom," I hand her her present and give her a hug, "can I tall to you later?" I say into her ear so nobody heard.

"Of course" she answered. We sat down and waited for her to open. She opened it and she started to tear up. She covered her mouth and couldn't believe what was inside. She slowly took it out as if it would have smothered into pieces. She held it to her chest and cried. I hugged her and told her, "Merry Christmas Mom, I love you" she hugs back and replies.

"I love you to" she says through gasps.

"What is it?" Mya asked eagerly. Mom turned it around and showed everybody. I had gotten her a picture of her and her mom. It was a professional picture of them looking at each other with their heads touching and their hands together,and behind them was the pretty colorful autumn leaves falling to the ground. My mom lost her mom from a heart attack and she took all of her pictures of her mom and her and buried it with her because that's what she wanted. I asked grandpa if he had a pictures and he did. He told me he saved it because he didn't have any single picture of her without anybody else. So he kept the one.

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