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Routine is what
drives me insane
so much so
I could tear out
all my organs
My days are
practically dried out
all I really have
are the everyday
but what's to look
forward to
when life becomes
empty and your stuck
in a shitty

Misery is just as
familiar as the
sketchy places
I've grown up in
It's better to be
away from all
the chaos
that only builds up
my anxiety
I only become
more bitter
and distant
with everything
around me
that's why I have
to filter out
all the oversaturated

I've overdosed on
enough stress but it's
only killed
part of my youth
and maybe
that's why I've 
missed out on all
the fun cliches
but I couldn't be
bothered with
a society that's
lost touch
I prefer my little
The best thing
about being an
outsider is
observing the stupidity
of others
I've learned to
embrace my introvertedness
yet being alone
still sucks

I mostly see my depression
as something that
affects me in a
minor way
I guess that's why
I don't feel the need
to have a mental
breakdown so
I felt pretty
pathetic falling
down the same
spiral of petty
sadness again
but those
emotions are only
in my subconscious
far off maybe
in some other
some warped reality
that doesn't make sense
and all that stays behind
is the usual numbness

My life at this
is a dull
and uneventful
that repeats the
same boring cycle
again and again.........

Please be sure to leave likes and comments and share it. Will update soon

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