About A Girl

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"She’s my everything
and I’d do anything
to be with her
and show her
what she means to me
because I’ve loved her with
every part of me
and nothing can change
the burning desire
I feel for her
Oh if only I could be apart
of her world in some way
How I long for us to meet
and fall in love all over again…."

It’s safe to say
that our history is
mostly in the past now
but I’d be lying if I said
my feelings were gone
with the wind that carried
away every memory I held onto
but I’m still crazy for that girl
and if I couldn’t be anymore
blunt I sure as hell wish
whatever we had could
slowly find it’s way
to the present
because I’ve been chasing
after her in my dreams
for way too fucking long

She always had a way
of saying the right
things and I always needed
an excuse to have her attention
and to feel a little less ignored
and I guess all this time
I was searching for a reason
to keep things going steady
between us but
nothing ever really
does turn out smoothly

I was the clingy one
and she was always
too preoccupied with anything
but my selfish pettiness
but all I ever wanted
was a bit of her time
and I wish I would’ve known
her better then maybe
I wouldn’t have missed out
on all her little quirks
and embarrassing secrets

I had a thing
for her feminine type
beauty and I find it hard
to move on from that
because I’ve always had
a tendency to get stuck
on a certain attractiveness
but it was always her persona
that made me fall even harder

I made myself believe that
she was growing more
distant each time
and I haven’t stopped blaming
myself for having dragged her
down so far deep
and just maybe I wouldn’t
have overanalyzed everything
but I let my anxiety
get the better of me

I never really
wanted to open up
to her and
it would’ve been easier
to go on faking for the sake
of not ever having
to be so exposed
but I found it hard
to hide my angst
I just never really thought
she would’ve given
a shit in the first place
and I wonder if she really
just felt sorry that
I was another
lost cause too stubborn
to accept that I was
at least half decent
in her eyes
but far from perfect
and despite all the odds
I think it’s safe to say
that I wouldn’t take
back whatever it is
that we had even its
all mostly over now
because after all these years
she still loves me

"I love you....."

Please leave likes and comments and share it. Will update soon.y

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