Just Another Useless Motivational Speech

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Whatever happened
to striving for the better outcome
why do we get so astrayed
from our passions
aren't we bound to go after
higher success and climb
the ranks till we reach our
full potential
why are we setting limits
instead of going past
every hurdle
are we not destined
for the greater fortunes
that we've been seeking
is there not enough
opportunity that you'd rather
fail and get stomped on
by the rest and left behind
to rot in your self depreciation
and continue living on the streets
as if you're the exception
to having a productive life
while everyone else was busting
their assess and letting the
corporate bastards ride
on their fucking high horses
what's it gonna take for you
to quit the broken lifestyle
that never did you any good
but instead you like
blending in with the
garbage of the city and
mooching off the working class
as if they owe you a fucking debt
has it ever occurred to you
that it's all just society's
pity on you for not having
the will to pick yourself
up from the lazy filth
you created and do something
to better your circumstances
and finally get on the track
that's been so overcrowded
by lost dreams but maybe one day
you'll turn it all around and prove
you were better than all those

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