The Dying Poet: The Realities Of A Tormented Soul

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Never felt this much hatred for myself
like I do now
Never felt this ugly on the outside
like I do now
Never felt so useless
like I do now
Never thought I could despise
the way I look
like I do now
Never had this much obsession
and discomfort with my body
like I do now
Never felt so alone
and misunderstood
like I do now
Never been this emotional
and broken
like I am now
Never thought I could
hate to be around people
like I do now
Never contemplated suicide
like I do now
Never felt this sad
like I do now
Never felt more afraid
and anxious about
facing the day
like I do now
Never been so stressed out
like I am now
Never lost so much interest
in everything
like I have now
Never wanted to hurt myself
like I do now
Never had a reason
to be so miserable
like I am now
Never thought my thoughts
could be so dangerous
like they are now
Never thought I wanted
to be someone else
like I do now
Never wanted to be
this way at all
like I am now
Never thought I could be
this fed up
like I am now
Never thought life
would come to this
like it has now

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