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T.W.: rape, misgendering, deadname, hospitals

Remy limped back home, tears staining his face, his mind still reeling from what had occurred. His mother had gotten him a tutor, a eighteen year old boy. What his mother was thinking leaving her sixteen year old child with an older boy, alone, was beyond him. But that was only one thing on his mind. He shuddered as recent memories flashed through his head.

"Hey, Sadira?" Augustus asked, "Do you wanna do something?"

"N-no, not really."

"Oh come on baby, it'll be fun." He insisted.

"N-no, get your hands off of me!"

"Its okay baby."

"No! I'm not your baby! Stop!"


"Shut up!"

Remy took a deep breath, trying to keep the memories out.

Pain. Tears. Begging. Remy clawed at the boy on top of him, trying to push him off.

"Stop stop, I don't- I don't want this."  Remy sobbed quietly.

Augustus put his hands around Remy's throat, blocking his airway, "oh Sadira, you're so good."

Remy sobbed again, making it to his door.

"S-st-top!" Remy coughed.

The vile human on top ignored him, grunting and groping.

"Sadira?" Remy's mother asked, "What happened to you? Are you alright?"

Augustus sighed and stilled over Remy, who was sobbing and covered in a multitude of bruises. He pulled out and grabbed his pants on the floor a few feet away.

"You'll never say anything about this or you're dead." Augustus hissed.

Remy continued to cry heavily, covering his face with his hands.

"And if you're pregnant..." Augustus leaned down by Remy's ear, "abort it."

Remy's heart broke. He knew he couldn't do that. Not to his child.

Remy's mother pulled him into a hug, "What happened darling?"

"A-augustus." Remy choked out, "h-he hi-hit me a-and he rap- he raped m-me."

His mother gasped and hugged Remy as he fell to the ground. He heard his mother call his father over.

"We have to get her to the hospital." Remy's dad said, picking up the sixteen year old.

Remy's dad set him in the car and started on their way to the hospital. Remy couldn't focus on anything as they drove. He held his stomach, trying to just breathe.

The car stopped and Remy's dad picked him up again, taking him into the ER. Remy was handed over to the nurses and doctors.

"Hello dear, can you tell me your name?" A nurse asked once he was in a room.

"S-sadira Kishu." Remy replied.

She nodded, "how old are you?"

Remy took a shaky breath, "s-sixt-teen."

"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked.

Remy let out a sob, "h-he raped m-me."

The nurse sighed, "oh dear... I'm sorry hon. I have to call the police. They'll ask you a few questions and they'll have to take pictures, then we gave to do a few more tests and patch you up."

"W-when can I go h-home?" Remy asked.

"After we make sure you're okay." The nurse said.

Someone knocked on the door. The nurse opened it, letting a young woman with a police uniform and a camera in.

"Hello," the police woman said, "Are you Sadira?"

Remy cringed and nodded.

"I'm officer Berri." The woman said, "I need to take some pictures of you for evidence. Can you strip and stand over there?"

Remy nodded and started to take off his clothes, dysphoria creeping up his back. The boys hands trembled as he stood infront of the police woman. She took a picture and told Remy to turn around, taking another picture.

"Okay, I'll let you get dressed before asking you questions, but I need your clothes for evidence." Officer Berri told the boy.

The nurse handed Remy a gown to put on. Remy got dressed as the police woman put his clothes in an evidence bag. The boy sat on the hospital bed, wincing.

"Alright." Officer Berri said, "do you know who raped you?"

Remy nodded, "H-his name is A-augustus Aeneid."

"What was your relation to Augustus?"

"H-he was m-my English tutor." Remy responded.

A few questions later, the officer left. A doctor came in to run some tests. One being a pregnancy test.

"Alright, well be back with the results soon." The doctor said, letting Remy's parents in before closing the door behind her.

"Oh Sadira..." Remy's mother pulled him into a hug, "I'm so sorry."

"Sadira, im disappointed in you." Remy's father said, crossing his arms.

"W-what?" Remy whimpered.

"Well you could have stopped it!" His father cried, "didn't you try and tell him no? Or you could have left! There were many ways Sadira-!"

"Axel!" Remy's mother yelled, "That is enough!"

Axel scoffed, "you know it's true Sarah."

Remy whimpered, curling into his mother. Axel scoffed again and plopped down in one of the chairs. Someone knocked on the door.

"Sadira?" The doctor said, walking onto the room, "I have your tests back."

"O-okay." Remy took a deep breath.

The doctor sat on the bed, "you're healthy other than a few bumps and bruses. However, you're pregnant."

Remy's eyes went wide, "w-what?"

"I'm sorry Sadira, we offer counciling if you would like." The doctor said.

Remy nodded, feeling numb. The boy rested his hand lightly on his stomach. He had a child growing inside of him. He was going to have a son.

Son? Remy blinked, surprising himself. Somehow he knew he was going to have a boy.

"Sadira?" Sarah said softly, "Are you ready to go home?"

Remy nodded. His mom stroked his long, honey-brown hair.

"Okay." Sarah whispered, "the nurse is bringing you some spare clothes and then we can leave."

A few minutes later, the nurse came in, handing Remy some clean clothes for him to wear. Remy's parents left as he got dressed. Axel scoffed as Remy walked out.

"Get in the car." He scowled.

"He's not angry with you hon, I promise." Sarah whispered to Remy, then added under her breath, "at least I hope so..."

"M-mom?" Remy's voice shook, "I wanna k-keep the baby. W-will you help m-me look at names?"

Sarah smiled at her baby, "of course I will hon."

(Welcome one and all to the prequel/sequel to My Secret...!)

(If you haven't read that book yet I recommend that you do as some events in the future will intertwine between the books and if you haven't read the first one it may cause some confusion.)

(But anyway, thank you for checking this out and I hope to see you in future chapters!)

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