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Remy and Patton walked down the street, trying to stay in the shadows. It had been just him and Patton for a year now, but Patton never lost his joyful attitude.

"Hungwy." Patton pouted, holding on to Remy's leg.

"I know Patt," Remy said, placing a hand on his child's head, "we'll find some food soon, okay?"

The two year old nodded. Remy sighed and looked around the shops lining the street. That's when he saw it. A warm little bakery.

Remy guided Patton over to the pastry shop, sneaking behind it to the dumpster. He sat Patton down by the back door of the bakery and lifted the lid of the dumpster.

Jackpot! There was an entire box of stale doughnuts.

But before Remy could pull it out, someone opened the back door.

"Well hello there kiddo," the person said, "who are you?"

"I Patton!" The two year old said back.

"Where are your parents?" The person asked.

"Patt!" Remy ran over and scooped up the child.

"Papa!" Patton giggled.

"You're this ones dad?" The person asked, standing up.

Remy nodded, holding Patton closer to himself.

"How old are you?" The stranger asked.

"E-eighteen." Remy stammered.

"I two!" Patton held up three fingers.

The person chuckled, "I'm Percy, would you like to come in and have a bite to eat?"

"W-we don't have any money." Remy told him quietly.

"That's okay." Percy said, "it's on me."

"A-are you sure?" Remy asked, the temptation of food almost too great.

Percy nodded, "of course."

Remy hesitated for a momemt, "o-okay."

Percy held the door open as Remy carried Patton into the warm bakery. Patton jumped down and ran over to look at all the pastries.

"What that?" Patton pointed at the glass of the display case.

"That's a chocolate chip cookie." Percy smiled and took one out, "here kiddo, try one."

Patton's eyes went wide as he bit into the chocolaty confection. Just then, another boy came from the kitchen.

"Thomas!" Percy said, grinning, "Hey can you help me over here?"

"Yeah sure." The other boy- Thomas- said, "what's up?"

"Can you watch little Patton here? I wanna talk to his dad." Percy pointed over at Remy.

Thomas nodded, "of course."

"Thanks Tommy." Percy smiled and walked over to Remy.

"You didn't have to do this." Remy whispered.

"No," Percy said, "but I wanted to."

Remy just sighed and watched Patton play with Thomas.

"So, how'd you end up with Patton?" Percy asked.

Remy bit his lip, "he's my son."

"What about his mother?" Percy pried a bit more.

"Uh, Patt doesn't have a mother," Remy tried to explain, "he never has."

"Did she pass away?" Percy gave the other a sympathetic look.

Remy shook his head, "she never existed."

"But then who gave birth to him?"

Remy tensed, "I-I did."

Percy hummed, "okay."

Remy barely suppressed a sob. He just outed himself to a total stranger. What was going to happen now?

Percy suddenly hugged the crying boy, "Hey hey, it's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of here."

Remy felt a tug on his pants leg, "Papa why you cwying? You feel sad?"

Remy knelt down and hugged Patton, "no Patt, I'm okay."

"Um," Percy cleared his throat, "do you have a place to stay?"

Remy shook his head. Percy frowned.

"Why don't you stay at my place for now?" Percy asked, "my parents won't mind."

"But you've already done so much..." Remy whispered.

"Please?" Percy asked.

Remy sighed "alright, maybe a night or two wouldn't hurt."

"Okay..." Percy paused, "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."

"I'm afraid I didn't throw it." Remy sassed.

Percy blinked, then burst out laughing. Remy smiled along as well.

"My name is Remy." He said.

Percy smiled softly, "nice to meet you Remy."

Remy smiled back, "You too."

"Alright, my shift gets over in a few minutes," Percy told Remy, "You and your kiddo can sit wherever you like. I'll bring you something in a moment."

Remy nodded and grabbed Patton's hand, "Thank you."

Percy smiled as Remy lead Patton to a tall table in the corner. Remy lifted Patton to sit on his lap, the two year old pointing to things out the window. Percy grabbed a chocolate muffin and a chocolate chip cookie, and walked over to them.

"A muffin for the strong dad and a cookie for the kiddo." Percy smiled, setting the sweets on the table.

Remy laughed as Patton lunged toward the cookie, stuffing it into his mouth, "Thanks Percy."

"Any time Remy." Percy winked, "I gotta finish my shift, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

Remy chuckled and nodded, "okay."

Percy smiled and walked back to the counter. Remy picked up his muffin and took a small bite of the chocolate bread. He smiled. Maybe he'd have a chance to give Patton a better life. Remy looked at his son, who had chocolate and crumbs all over his face. He smiled. Things were going up for them, he could feel it.

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