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Percy had been living with cancer for eight years, three years longer than expected. It had been rough, and there had been a lot of teary nights, but Percy never felt completely alone. Remy was always by his side.

"Rem?" Percy said one night, "I love you. I know I'm dying soon, and I just want you to know you and Patt have made my life worth living."

Remy smiled and kissed the side of Percy's head, "I know Perce, I love you too."

Percy smiled and rested his head on Remy's shoulder. Remy rubbed his husband's arm. Percy was constantly cold now a days.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Remy asked.

"Sure." Percy smiled, laughing lightly, "just, anything except The Fault in Our Stars."

Remy chuckled and kissed Percy, "Okay."

Remy stood from the bed, going out to their living room and picking up Decendance 3. He walked back in their room and dropped the movie.

~~time skip~~

Patton ran into the hospital room, "Papa! Dad!"

"Hey Patt." Percy smiled softly.

"Are you okay!?" Patton hugged his dad.

Percy chuckled, "I think my time is up."

"What?" Patton whispered.

"Patt, babe, we called you to say goodbye." Remy said quietly, "the doctors aren't expecting him to last the week."

Patton choked on a sob. Percy pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

"Patton," Percy said, "it's okay. It's okay to let me go."

Remy moved to sit by Patton, hugging both him and Percy tightly. Patton cried into his dad's arms. Percy closed his eyes and sighed.

"It's okay kiddo."

Our Truths {prequel to My Secret...}Where stories live. Discover now