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T.W.: blood, violence

(Have fun!)

"So there's three kinds of chocolate in those?" Roman asked, pointing at the patton-cakes.

Patton giggled, "Yep! That's how you make patton-cakes!"

"Quiet boys, we don't want to wake Virge." Remy reminded the boys.

Patton was showing Roman how to make triple chocolate cinnamon pancakes, or as Patton likes to call them, patton-cakes. Remy was supervising... more or less.

"Hey," Virgil yawned, walking into the kitchen, "guys."

"Virgil!" Roman yelled, holding his arms open.

Virgil smirked, walking over and falling against his chest. Roman chuckled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

Patton giggled, "Morning kiddo! Want some patton-cakes?"

Virgil nodded and closed his eyes again. Remy shook his head fondly.

"Still tired hun?" He asked.

"Mhm." Virge hummed.

Remy gave a small smile and ruffled Virgil's hair, "why don't you two go sit and Patt and I will finish breakfast."

Virgil grumbled, "too comfy."

"I guess I'll just carry you then." Roman said, picking him up bridal-style.

Virge relaxed and became dead weight. Roman stumbled and almost fell over, but Remy caught them.

"Okay boys," he laughed, "let's not hurt each other."

The two laughed. Virgil perked up, wrapping his arms around Roman's neck. Roman leaned down and kissed him.

"Alright, take me to the table." Virgil laughed.

"Bossy boyfriend." Roman smirked.

"Oh hush you." Virgil smiled.

Roman laughed and carried Virge out to the table. Remy smiled and helped Patton pike the patton-cakes on a plate for the boy to carry out. Patton left with the plate as Remy grabbed some jelly and syrup.

Tgere was a knock at the door. Patton ran over just as Remy was sitting down. They started eating and Roman looked like he's never had a better pancake in his life.

"Patt's been at the door for a while." Remy said.

"He's probably making out with his boyfriend." Roman said, "I'll go check on them."

Virgil moved off Roman's lap. Roman gave him a short kiss before moving to the door.

"How are you feeling Virge?" Remy asked.

Virgil nodded, "I'm a little sore, but over all I'm okay."

Remy smiled, "that's good. Just tell me if you have any pain of need to talk."

Virgil nodded and continued eating. Moments later, Patton ran in.

"Papa! T-the door, I-I-"

"Calm down Patt." Remy stood up, interrupting the boy, "I'll go take care of them."

Remy walked out to the door. Roman growled and tried to lunge towards the man standing there. He was stopped by Remy's hand on his shoulder.

"Good morning." Remy said, "what brings you to our humble abode."

The man scowled at Remy, "my son, Virgil, ran away last night. He likes to walk this neighborhood."

Remy twitched.

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