Chapter 1

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"Issei! There you are man! We were beginning to think something happened to you!" A shaven haired male first year at Kuoh Academy called waving to a normal looking teen walking over in a modified boys uniform. The brown haired boy had the vest open and the first few buttons of the dress shirt undone, showing a red shirt underneath.

Nearby the Student council President, Second year Souna Shitori, looked up as she finished trouncing the second last first year male in a chess match when she felt a warm but powerful presence wash over her devil senses. She had heard an undertone of worry from the shaven boy who seemed to be a pervert and both he and a taller glasses wearing boy were looking at the newcomer as if assessing him for injuries.

"I'm fine guys. Missed the bus and you know my bike got stolen last week so I had to run here from my place." The newcomer said smiling warmly at his two friends that only looked more worried and a bit angry. Souna tilted her head a bit, the two open perverts were worried and protective of the powerful spike haired boy who felt both cold and warm to her senses? Interesting.

"Dude you know you could have called us right? Our bikes are equipped with two seats for a reason. Your house is like ten miles away and running that far after what happened a few days ago..." The shaven one, what his name was Souna couldn't recall at the moment, said looking concerned.

"It's fine. A bit of a run won't kill me, and I walked most of the way if it makes you feel better. And come on guys we agreed to leave that behind us when we got accepted here remember?" The spikey haired boy asked glaring slightly at the other two who sighed and nodded. Souna's eyes narrowed. So this powerful boy had a secret in his past that he wanted to erase but caused the other two to be concerned. Hmm...

"So what's going on?" The boy asked his friends as he looked around before his eyes met Souna's, making her breath hitch almost unnoticeably. Such warm and caring brown eyes.

"The President of the Student Council is playing chess against anyone who wants to try their luck and she's really good bro. She's beaten all of the other male students and might even beat you and you're a whiz at the game." Glasses said motioning at Souna who sighed slightly. Another person with slightly above average skills that bragged then? Shame and he was so interesting.

"Mind a match Senpai-san? If that lazy behind says you're good then you must be really good." The brown eyed boy asked walking over to stand in front of Souna who blinked for a split second while the Glasses teen gave out a shout of protest at being called lazy.

"Very well. You're the only first year male that I haven't played already... which side do you prefer?" Souna asked setting up the board again while the male sat across from her.

"Ladies first Senpai, so you pick the sides." Brown eyes said smiling slightly at Souna whose lips twitch slightly. At least this one seemed to have manners.

"Giving me the white pieces, forcing me to make the first move so you can test the waters and react to any strategies I make." Brown eyes noted idly in amusement as she moved the board around to give him the white pieces. She smirked slightly at his observation and the fact that he held no ill will against her for the subtle manipulation. The last one who noticed had a fit over it.

"Let's begin shall we?" Brown eyes asked smiling slightly as the match began. Five minutes in Souna realized with a start that he was countering all of her strategies and making her sweat without seeming to notice. He seemed to move the pieces at random!

"Hey Issei check this out. A new rework of the series!" The Glasses boy interrupted the match as he showed Brown eyes, Issei?, a magazine. Issei finished moving his rook to a random spot on the board as he turned and looked at the magazine while she made her move after thinking for a moment.

"Really? Sweet! Can't wait to see what they do with it! Better graphics and fight scenes maybe? That last battle was a total cop out!" Issei commented as he moved a pawn without looking to take a bishop that she hadn't even noticed was in the path.

"Ugh don't remind me! They built that fight up for seven episodes only to cop out like that? Bull crap man." Shaven said speaking with Issei as well as Souna scrutinized the board and winced when she had to sacrifice a rook to take out his queen.

"With how many people ride foul on that I'm surprised that there weren't any riots or protests. Betcha he got a lot of hate mails for that though." Glasses said looking amused while Issei chuckled a bit as he took out her Rook without noticing the trap she set for his Queen, which she quickly claimed but he didn't even seem to care as he merely glanced at the board and moved a Knight!

She winced two turns later when he took out her own Queen with a Pawn, he had already promoted two Pawns to Rooks and he was close to promoting a third. All the while he conversed with his friends over a reboot of a show and barely glanced at the board!

"Promote to Rook." Issei said moving the final Pawn into place and standing as he continued talking with his friends.

"Give up already?" One boy taunted Issei who just smirked as Souna stared at the board shocked. His three promoted Pawns had two blocking off the sides the king could move, the third blocked the king from moving backwards and could claim him on the next turn. A Bishop had retreating forward blocked off and the sole remaining White Knight and Pawn had the rest of the paths blocked off. Souna's king... was well and truly trapped.

"No... he won. He has me in Checkmate. I can't move my King without it being taken and it can't remain there without being taken and there are no ways for me to get it free." Souna said looking at her Peerage who all looked shocked as they looked at the board.

"Great game Senpai! Best match I've had in a while! Let me know if you want a re-match anytime!" Issei called back waving with a smile as Glasses dragged him off with Shaven carrying his bag.

Souna and her peerage merely stared after the boy in mute shock as the crowd dissipated. He just beat her at chess. The one thing that allowed her to remain single... and he didn't even realize what really happened.

He had beaten her at chess and became her fiancée as the agreement with her family stated... and the powerful boy didn't know it. Tsubaki was the one to break the shocked silence with a small smirk and something that had Souna blushing and rushing to stop her cackling queen.

"I call dibs on telling Leviathan-sama about her new brother-in-law!"

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