Chapter 3

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A month into the school year Issei was called into the Student Council office without the president there, only Sona and her peerage were there.

"You sent for me Shitori-san?" Issei asked only to receive a glare for the honorific, causing him to grin sheepishly.

"Um sorry. Habit. You called for me Sona-chan?" Issei tried again earning a smile from the girl who he had steadily been getting closer to over the last month. Usually when Matsuda and Motohama were out peeking at someone Issei was either with the Student Council Vice President and her shadow, Tsubaki, or he was with the two first year Kendo girls Katase and Murayama who had become quite protective of him. Although lately he had also been talking with two girls in his class that were on the Student Council, Reya and Momo.

Turns out that they both wanted to be teachers when they graduated school and if he wasn't predicted to die before he graduated high school, Issei said he'd be a teacher too specifically an art or music teacher. He had spent a lot of his time in the hospital drawing, sketching, painting, or learning how to play the piano and a few others since he spent most of his childhood in the hospital.

It didn't take long for the message of Issei being protected by the Student Council and Kendo Girls to spread to the rest of the school although all the students were tight lipped on why. They didn't want to tell Issei's secret after all. It was his choice.

"Issei...what if I were to tell you that Devils were real?" Sona asked resting her fingers together in front of her face as she looked at him from behind her desk.

"You know?" Issei asked surprised and making Sona look surprised as well.

"You already know of Devils!?" Sona asked looking surprised while Issei nodded.

"Yeah. I've been able to do this..." Here Issei held out one hand that turned into a rather draconic gauntlet with a green gem on the back of his hand. He held out his other hand and everyone watched as an icy rose appeared out of nowhere.

"For as far back as I can remember so one of the ladies at the church when I was little explained to me that I had powers and that plenty of people would come after me. Aunt Grizelda told me a lot about Devils and Angels and Fallen Angels. She's been trying to help me control my powers when she can but she was placed in charge of a budding swordswoman and became an exorcist in Italy because that's where the church sent her so...kinda hard to keep in contact." Issei explained as he gave Sona the rose, making her blush a bit while also looking shocked that he knew one of the most dangerous women in the world.

"Thank you Issei. Now since you are no doubt curious I feel I should inform you that everyone in this room is-"

"You're all devils. I know. I can just tell, like how I can tell the Occult Research Club is made up of Devils too." Issei said cutting her off when she looked nervous about spilling the secret.

"I only know of some exorcists, Angels, and mostly Devils that can sense others like that. Tell me something...Issei what do you sense from me?" Sona asked narrowing her eyes as she wondered something, such a strong Sacred Gear that was Dragon in origin meant that was where the Fire she felt came from. The Ice however...could Issei have Devil heritage? It was a common trait amongst the Supernatural for those counted as such to sense others of their kind but so far Sona knew that only a Devil could sense another Devil's power.

"Water with a hint of ice but mostly water still and also a commanding presence." Issei said without hesitation making Sona nod slightly. That confirmed it. Issei had at least partial Devil ancestry.

"Issei...what do you know of your family? I only know of Devils that are able to sense other Devil's powers." Sona asked looking serious and slightly concerned. If Issei had Devil Heritage that meant that he was a bastard child of a Devil...most likely a high class one given his pure amount of power...and Sona only knew of two families that had Ice powers.

"I don't have a clue. I'm adopted. My parents found me when they saw some strange looking guy with leath...and I'm an idiot. They only found me when they saw a Devil leaving me in an alleyway while they were on the way home from the movies." Issei said face palming slightly when he realized what he was saying and that he never put the pieces together.

"That explains the powers. Tell me Issei...can you control water as well?" Sona asked steeling herself for the answer. There was only two outcomes she could think of at the moment. One was where he said no and it was a member of the near extinct Lucifuge family that had Issei...or he said yes and her mother or father had a bastard child.

"No not really. I mean I can focus really hard and manipulate it but it almost always causes me to have an attack. Ice is almost as easy to control as breathing though." Issei said shaking his head and making Sona relax a little. So Issei wasn't her half-sibling. Good, very good...

She also knew he wasn't her sisters child. She would have learned as soon as Serafall did if her sister had been pregnant.

That left the Lucifuge family...of which she was aware of only one member alive.

"Okay. Moving on to what I called you here for...honestly Issei? I want your permission to reincarnate you as a devil." Sona asked putting aside the thoughts of Issei's parentage right this moment as she got back to the matter at hand.

Issei gave a small smile at her that looked highly familiar, Sona recognized that smile and it caused her eyes to widen minutely.

She had seen it several times as a little girl when she would spend time with Rias, or when she would be at the Gremory manor and see Millicas with his parents the few times when they were both off duty.

"I'm sorry Sona-chan but I don't think that's a good idea."

She idly heard and acknowledged the refusal as she kept her eyes on that smile. Only one thought went through Sona's brain at the moment.

'He has Grafiya-sama's smile.'

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