Chapter 17

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"So now instead of the Heir of the Phoenix Clan marrying the heiress of the Gremory clan...The Heir of the Gremory clan will be marrying the heiress of the Sitri. That's sure to cause a swarm in the political arena." Sonia said the next day when the missive about what Rias's punishment would be came in, as well as separate notes for Sonia and Issei as to what that meant for them in particular.

"Since when did we give a damn about politics? They're a pain in the ass." Issei asked from where he was lying with his head on Sonia's lap while she read the missive to him, as well as the notes about their wedding date being moved upwards.

"I have to as the heiress of a clan, especially considering my dream of opening a rating school for all classes of devils." Sona said although she didn't bother scolding him for what he said.

She fully agreed with politics being a pain in the ass.

"That means that since I'm the new heir of the Gremory clan I need to care about them as well doesn't it?" Issei asked earning a nod from his fiancée who ran her fingers through his hair.

"Although since it is openly stated that we are to be one will bat an eye if we get a bit more...physical in our relationship." Sona said smirking slightly at Issei who glanced up at her and smirked back.

"Which kind of physical do you mean? The kind where I hold your hand and kiss you in public and claim you as my girl...or the kind where I make you my woman?" Issei asked making Sona blush a bit but nod.

"The second." Sona said making Issei grin at her and lean up, his lips less than an inch from hers.

"You'd like me making you my woman. Claiming you as mine for all the world to know and see that you are forever off of the market. Wouldn't you?" Issei asked causing Sona to blush a bit brighter as her glasses fogged up but she nodded her head almost dazedly in response.

"What about the risk of a...consequence?" Issei asked pulling back a bit and looking at her seriously, one hand dropping to her belly to signify just what kind of consequence he was referring to.

"It'd be much more likely to happen now than in a few years...but...I...wouldn't really mind. Would you?" Sona asked looking a bit unsure and making Issei stare at her blank faced for a moment.

She began to feel nervous at how long it was taking him to answer and the blank face he had, but then he smiled at her.

He smiled at her in a way that had her relaxing as his hand rubbed small circles on her belly.

"Not at all. I'd love for us to have a kid or two someday. One just as beautiful and smart as you." Issei said pressing a kiss to her cheek and making her whole face turn a brilliant shade of crimson as she looked away.

"Ah-hem." Tsubaki interrupted their moment with a forced cough, getting their attention and making Sona turn as red as Rias's hair when she realized that most of the Student Council had just seen and heard their little moment.

"How long have you all been standing at the doorway?" Issei asked without moving his gaze away from Sona for a long moment as he took in the embarrassed and ashamed look on her face, quickly erasing it with another kiss to the cheek.

"Since you mentioned a possible consequence. I thought it best to interrupt you both before you went too far into your own little world." Tsubaki said without a hint of remorse and instead she looked amused at having caught the two talking about such a thing.

"What did you need Tsubaki?" Sona asked trying to beat down her blush as she glared at her Queen while Issei laid his head back down on Sona's lap, more than content to just stay in that position at the moment.

"There's been report of worrying things involving the old church as well as Rias-san." Tsubaki said much more serious now and making Sona narrow her eyes as she adjusted her glasses.

Rias hadn't taken the loss of her position as heiress very well at all, but knew better than to act out against Sona and Issei themselves. After all Sona was a match for Rias in pure magical combat, without even using her secret eye abilities, and with Issei thrown in...there was no way for Rias to win a face to face confrontation.

That didn't mean the red haired devil couldn't and didn't make her moves and plans in the shadows. She'd be a good shadow ruler one day, but right now that shadow ruler was against her and Sona was not happy about that.

The fact that said shadow ruler used to be her close friend and had a grudge against her fiancée did not help.

"Should we go confront her? After all if Koneko-chan knew anything about this then you know she would have told us immediately." Issei asked without moving as Sona's hand dropped to his head and her fingers began carding through his hair again.

"Rias was not happy that she was forced to trade me for an unused Rook from you. Especially since the rook turned into a normal one as soon as you gave it to her while mine became mutated. It's likely she's trying to...forcibly recruit someone again." Koneko spoke up from the window, causing Sona's head to whip towards her with her eyes wide and her face burning brightly.

"How long have you been there?!" Sona demanded in disbelief and making Koneko smirk slightly.

"The whole time. When am I getting a niece or nephew?" Koneko asked as she stretched a bit, making it look like she had taken a cat nap on the windowsill.

Issei was trying not to laugh as Sona went so red you could pick her out from space.

"Well dear. You did want us to start getting more physical, and you know what might happen because of it. You brought this on yourself." Issei cheerfully told her and didn't do anything but laugh when she shoved him from her lap and onto the floor.

Poor Sona wasn't going to be able to look at any of them for at least a week.

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