Chapter 11

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"Sochi." Grayfia said smiling as she appeared on the roof of the school just as they arrived. Thankfully the roof was deserted with only the three devils in attendance because she scared the hell out of them!

"Ma-ma." Issei said smiling slightly as he hugged his mother who hugged him back and then walked over and hugged Koneko and Sona, much to their surprise.

"You are a member of my sister-in-law's peerage and my oldest son sees you as a sister. Feel free to call me mom whenever, Koneko-chan." Grayfia said hugging the cat girl for a second before turning and hugging Sona.

"You're engaged to my oldest son and I approve. Feel free to call me mom as well." Grayfia said smiling slightly at Sona who blushed slightly at this and nodded suddenly feeling very shy. Her parents were always busy, emotionally distant, and even scared of her because of her mutated eyes. Honestly? She was raised more by her older sister and her peerage than by her parents.

"You would not come here just for that mom." Koneko said taking to the new title easily, she had been too young to remember her mother before her death and the less said about her sister...

"You are right musume-chan. I came to get Issei-kun and take him to Ajuka-sama. Hopefully he can figure out how Issei-kun has a sacred gear, and try and help with his illness. Not to mention he needs to get his pieces." Grayfia said smiling while Koneko blinked before smiling slightly at being called daughter. It...felt kind of nice.

"Ajuka?" Issei asked confused.

"Another of the Four Great Satans, like your dad and my sister. He's the head of the technology division and in charge of handing out the Evil Pieces. He collaborates with my family for the hospital in the Underworld." Sona explained easily and making Issei smile thankfully at her.

"We only have half an hour." Issei said making Grayfia nod with a smile at him.

"That's plenty of time for a scan and for the Evil Pieces to get started. They won't be ready until this afternoon however." Grayfia said summoning a magic circle around the four of them.

"Ajuka-sama are you here?" Grayfia asked as she stepped towards a door in what looked like a medical science facility.

"Ah Grayfia-san. Welcome welcome. Yes I'm here like you requested. Now what was so importa-" The green haired man froze as he stepped to the doorway and caught sight of Issei.

"What massive powers of different origins. I can see why he is coming for an Evil Piece set as well as a checkup. The differing powers must be effecting his body in some fashion, most likely negatively. Come inside young one." Ajuka said his eyes staring at Issei but softening slightly when he noticed the wariness in the boys eyes.

"He may act serious and scary at times but he's usually quite nice. He prefers to create things than actually do his job as a Great Satan but he's more serious about it than Onee-sama is." Sona said reassuringly as she held hands with Issei, smiling at her fiancée.

"Besides, he has a younger brother himself and given how rare it is for most Devils to have any'll find that those with younger siblings generally tend to be quite protective of other young devils." Sona added making Issei smile slightly.

"Well older siblings are created to protect the younger ones." Issei said making Grayfia give him an approving smile and loving look. She knew the sentiment and shared it, considering she had a younger brother once, and she couldn't wait to introduce her youngest son to her eldest. Millicias had been thrilled to learn that he had an older brother.

"I can't wait until Friday when I can bring you back to the Gremory home and introduce you to your little brother Millicias." Grayfia said smiling warmly down at her son who blinked but grinned.

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