Chapter 5

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"Wow Peko-tan. Outside of a fight I've never seen you teleport so roughly. You weren't in a fight were you?" Serafall asked looking at her Knight amused from where she was messing with Sirchez in his office while Grayfia was trying to keep them from destroying it.

"No Serafall-sama. I just received some shocking news from your sister right as I was about to teleport." Peko said standing and bowing to the two Satans as she dusted herself off.

"So-tan! How is she? Is she alright?!" Serafall quickly launched herself at her Knight, clinging onto her at the mention of her beloved baby sister.

"Sis-con." Sirchez coughed, causing Serafall to stick her tongue out at him.

"I don't want to hear that from you Sis-con King! At least So-tan doesn't mind it as long as we aren't near strangers!" Serafall said making Sirchez pout. It was an ongoing thing with the two of them. They both adored and spoiled their little sisters rotten...but whereas Sona only minded her sister's actions when they were in public or around strangers...Rias detested her brothers Sis-con nature and actions around everyone and even when they were alone.

"Sona-hime is fine. In fact I'm hear upon her request." Peko said distracting the two as she turned towards Grayfia who was nearby with a neutral face although her lips did twitch ever so slightly at the two Satans rather childish antics.

"Grayfia-sama Sona-hime sent me to ask for your assistance." Peko said making everyone tense. Why would the heiress of the Sitri Family request the assistance of the Queen of Destruction?

"Is everything alright at the school?" Grayfia asked her eyes narrowing as she thought about why she could be needed and only came up with bad reasons.

"If it wasn't, I wouldn't be here. I'd never leave Sona-hime somewhere danger is present." Peko said tensely and glaring slightly at the maid. She'd never leave her princess in danger!

"She's requesting your help because she has found a student there, a boy a year younger than her, with strong Ice magic that is constantly at war with his fire-type Sacred Gear. It is tearing his body apart from the inside and makes him sickly enough to cough up blood at times. From what I have learned while checking in on Sona-hime, he is predicted to die within the next year if something is not done." Peko said making the others look confused and worried all at once. Such conflicting elements inside of one person was never heard of before.

"Why didn't So-tan send for me then? I have Ice magic." Serafall asked pouting slightly and making Peko look at her King.

"I asked the same question Serafall-sama. The boy has strong Ice magic but very little to no Water magic. Your Ice magic comes from strong training of your Water magic. It's different from Grayfia-sama who has Ice magic naturally and little Water magic as a result of it. Sona-hime thought she best to help him try and control his powers due to the similarities of the powers." Peko said making the three nod, that made more sense when it was described like that. Although considering the rarity of that type of magic and how she emphasized that his magic was exactly like Grayfia had Sirchez raising an eyebrow.

"I can understand that but might I inquire why this boy seems so important to Sona-sama?" Grayfia asked making Peko glance at Serafall and wince. This would likely...not...end...well.

"Despite him rejecting her offer of becoming a reincarnated Devil unless he died of something other than his 'illness', the two are rather...close. I once saw Sona-hime punch one boy at the school for hitting the boy in the stomach which made him cough up blood. She hit him hard enough to break his jaw in two places." Peko said making Serafall grin slightly.

"That's my So-tan!" The current Leviathan said proudly although she was a bit worried about why Peko was hesitating on the reason.

"It also seems that...well...he beat her at chess." Peko said wincing when the room went silent before an explosion of power came from her King.

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