Chapter 8

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"Crap! Everything looks too fancy! It's just a movie..." Sona said panicking as she went through the wardrobe back at her room in the Underworld. Serafall had transported them there so she could tell their parents about Sona's fiancée...but had agreed to transport Sona back in time for her date in...two hours.

"Onee-sama!" Sona yelped as she rushed from her room and towards where she could sense her sister in the living room with their parents.

"Yes So-tan?" Serafall asked nearly glomping her sister right there and then.

"Can you help me pick out an outfit for my date? Everything I try seems too fancy since it's just a movie!" Sona asked ignoring the fact that her sister was infamous for her love of cosplaying as a Magical Girl. Right now she just needed help with something and she was closer to her sister than to her mother.

"Sure So-tan! Let's go help you woo your husband." Serafall said making Sona blush brightly.

"Onee-sama! We aren't married yet!" Sona said protesting and blushing brightly as her sister nearly dragged her up to Sona's room.

"Oh hush! He's as protective of you as I am! I approve and so you're married. He hurts you though and I'll freeze him." Serafall said cheerfully with a smile on her face while her younger sister sighed. The scary part was that Serafall was being completely serious.

The last person that tried to attack Sona was a stray devil three years ago...and he was dumb enough to do it while she was having a day out with her sister. Sona didn't even have a chance to react to the threat before the guy was already flash frozen and left in their garden out front as a warning to anyone else. No...seriously. There was a sign in front of him that said 'This is what happens to those that dare attack my sister! –Signed Serafall Leviathan' and then it had a PS. 'This is only if our King gets to you first. The rest of us are just as protective of Sona-chan. –Signed Leviathan's Peerage.'

"Onee-sama." Sona sighed heavily while she finally made it back to her room, the large blue and purple room was usually pristine but was now messy with different dresses thrown everywhere. Neither sister noticed their parents following them and pausing at the doorway.

"Let's's a movie date but he might take you to dinner afterwards...hmm." Serafall began ruffling through her sisters closet while also calling for Akane.

"Yes my King?" The busty Bishop asked looking at her King as she replied to the mental summons.

"Can you help with So-chan's hair? Its fine the way it is but maybe we can spice it up a little for her movie and dinner date." Serafall asked without looking at her Bishop who looked at Sona and grinned.

"Sure thing I got just the right idea. Come on So-tan." Akane said grabbing Sona's arm and pulling her to the bed, grabbing a hairbrush as she did so.

"The Hime style works perfectly for you but let's add a little bit of fluff and layer to it." Akane said sitting Sona down and sitting down behind her as she began brushing Sona's hair.

"So how far do you want to go with him So-tan? You're engaged so it's alright if you want to go all the way...just be sure to use protection." Serafall asked while rummaging in her sisters closet and pulling out some skirts and shirts that were in the very back.

"ONEE-SAMA!" Sona shouted embarrassed as she glared at her sister, her face as red as Rias's hair while Akane busted out laughing like a loon.

"What? I need to know so I know what kind of look I should go for. Cute and cuddly or sexy and smoldering." Serafall said 'innocently' while Sona turned even redder if that was possible.

"I...I want to dress like me, not like some prostitute looking for a good time." Sona finally managed to get out as her blush began dying down a bit, causing Serafall to put one outfit back.

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