Chapter 13

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"Issei! Please don't do this to me." Sona nearly begged, her composure shot to shit as she appeared beside Issei. She collapsed on her knees next to him and checked his pulse and heartbeat. Faint. Very faint but there.

"Come on. Stay with me Issei." Sona pleaded as she started trying to use the healing aspect of her water magic but it didn't seem to do anything but wash the blood off of him...for a little while since he was still bleeding from the hole in his chest and back.

"You idiot. We just got together officially. You can't go and die on me like this. What do you think will happen to your parents huh? Or your little siblings? Or...what do you think will happen to me?" Sona asked as she brought out her extra pieces, the pieces her sister had given her and placed them on his chest. She had to bring him back. She'd been hiding her feelings for him for a year now and they only just got together officially. She couldn't lose him.

The pieces glowed weakly but they weren't strong enough. Sona barely noticed the glow of a transportation circle near her as tears began burning her eyes.

"Here." Ajuka said his face set and serious as he put the mutated King piece in his hand on Issei's chest as well, causing all three pieces to glow brightly and begin sinking into his chest.

"Amazing. Not just a Mutated King piece but also two Mutated took all three to revive him. He truly will be stronger than his old man." Ajuka said as Sona whispered the spell for resurrecting him as her servant with a shaky voice.

Putting her head onto his chest Sona listened closely for a moment before an explosive sigh left her mouth and she smiled slightly.

A heartbeat. A strong steady heartbeat.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Sona muttered in relief as she kissed Issei's forehead before jumping slightly and blushing in embarrassment when Ajuka put a hand on her shoulder.

"Let's get him back to his house where you can use the skin method to heal him. I'll go let Grayfia, Sirzech and Milli-kun know that he's alright n-" An explosion of power from Issei knocked Ajuka back while Sona didn't feel a thing except a warm and cold protective hold from the pressure.

Looking at Issei again they noticed that his hair that had once been brown now had some streaks of silver through it, just like Grayfia's, and his skin had a slightly darker tint to it but only enough to be noticeable if you were looking for it. Ice magic, Fire, and something that looked suspiciously like steam, swirled and circled around Issei and Sona by extension but it didn't hurt either of them. Scales grew over his skin for half of his body while the other half turned to Ice before two skeletal dragon wings erupted from his back, then shot back into his back.

"Well...that was interesting." Ajuka said getting up and dusting himself off as he watched the ice and scales recede and leave normal skin in its wake.

"You have a talent for understatements." Sona said with a small snort as she kept one hand on Issei's chest, over where the hole had been. She could feel his heartbeat under her hand and it grounded her.

"Thank you So-tan!" Ajuka said playfully using her sisters nickname for her, earning a blast of water to the stomach.

"I'll go let Grayfia-chan, Sirzech, and Milli-kun know that Issei-kun will be fine now while you go and use the skin method." Ajuka said grinning even as he winced at the strong magic blast to his gut, Sona was getting stronger and stronger every time he saw her.

"Right." Sona said gently picking up and cradling her fiancée close as she disappeared in a flash of water.

"She just...I don't think she even realized that she didn't use a contract or transportation circle." Ajuka stared at where Sona had just been in disbelief. The girl had just done something that he had only seen Serafall do and didn't even notice it!

$#$# $ Line break # #$#

Issei began to slowly stir the next morning as the light from the window hit his eyes, only to snap awake when he felt an undoubtedly female body pressed against skin. Feeling a gentle pressure on his chest he looked down and went wide eyed at the sight of a familiar face sleeping peacefully on his chest, her ear over where the hole through his chest had been.

"S-Sona?! What?" Issei asked sitting straight up and staring at his fiancée shocked as the blanket moved to reveal that they were both naked as Sona woke up from his movements.

"Mmm. Morning Issei." Sona said rubbing at her Gorgon eye with the back of her wrist as she smiled up at Issei.

"Morning to you too but why are you in bed with me? Naked? Especially since I'm damn sure I died yesterday!" Issei asked about ready to freak out as he looked at Sona who gave him a stern look and slapped his face.

"That was for going and nearly dying on me! Honestly Issei. You scared me half to death when I felt you get stabbed and then...when I heard your thoughts...I thought I lost you." Sona said glaring at him and trying to stubbornly blink back her tears.

"I'm sorry Sona. I never expected to be attacked while hanging out with Moto and Matsu...well...not by a Fallen at least. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Issei said his face instantly soft as he pulled her into a hug so that her head was over his chest again.

"You're just lucky that your Evil Pieces got done when they did and that Ajuka-san had placed a contract on your hand in case of an emergency. If he hadn't showed up and used your Mutated King Piece along with my Mutated Rooks..." Sona felt tears begin to slide over her cheeks as she buried her face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry Sona." Issei said softly as he pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her hair. He never meant to worry the woman he loved or scare her so bad.

"Don't ever do that to me again okay? I don't care what I have to do to keep you from doing something like that again. I'll marry you right here and now if that's what it'll take. I'll let you get me pregnant even though we're still both in school. I don't care what it takes just...don't do that again okay. I...don't want to lose you." Sona said blushing a bit at what she was saying but meaning every word of it. She didn't care what it'd take to keep him from scaring her like that again. She'd do it.

"Please...don't leave me Issei. Don't die on me. Your illness should be gone now since you're a full devil now so please... Please don't leave me." Sona nearly begged as she curled close to him, her tears falling onto his chest.

"I won't Sona. I promise. I'll be here for as long as you need and want me to be." Issei whispered as he held her tighter, feeling guilty that he had caused her so much pain. To think that he had kept denying her turning him into a Devil so selfishly...when his death when he'd turn eighteen or so would have hurt her just as much. He couldn't even begin to guess how his death would affect his parents, both sets, and his two siblings...

The two were interrupted by the door opening and Emiko Hyouduo coming to wake up her son only to freeze when she saw her son naked with his fiancée practically in his lap with her head in his chest. Thankfully Sona's eyes were obstructed from view by curtesy of being buried in Issei's chest. Closing the door quickly Emiko ran back down the stairs yelling for her husband while Sona and Issei blushed brightly at being caught naked in bed with each other.

"HONEY! ISSEI IS IN BED WITH HIS FIANCEE NAKED!" Emiko could be heard shouting.

"THAT'S MY BOY! WE'LL HAVE ADORABLE GRANDKIDS IN NO TIME!" Iseki could be heard booming proudly making the couple turn even redder.

"GRANDKIDS!?" Emiko screeched torn between terror and happiness.

Issei and Sona were both bright red in the face but they took one look at each other and they both busted out laughing.

For a moment there was nothing wrong in the world as the two laughed together.

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