Chapter 9

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Sona stopped a few feet shy of the door to the theater and straightened her hair and clothes that it didn't look like she had been running. Looking around she spotted Issei who was holding an ice rose in hand and was being cornered by three first years from school next to the door.

Using her enhanced hearing she listened in on what was being said.

"Issei-kun you said you were waiting for someone but I don't see anyone here. Did she stand you up?" One girl, a brunette that Sona didn't recognize at the moment, asked sadly but looking eager.

"I doubt it, she probably just got caught up talking to her sister. Knowing her she'll probably be here any second now." Issei said shrugging slightly as he twirled the ice rose while leaning against the wall, making the girls swoon while Sona smiled relieved that he didn't think she stood him up.

"If she doesn't show up then you can accompany us. We don't mind sharing." The second girl, a blond, offered with a blush while the third girl just kept blushing and looking down. Sona's eyes narrowed and almost flashed red at the girls. He was hers. The only people she might share him with are her Peerage members that were interested! These floozies were about to get hurt.

"Ise-kun! I haven't kept you waiting long have I?" Sona called announcing her presence as she walked over waving at Issei who stood up straight with a wide smile. The three looked over and gaped at the sight of the Student Council president.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Sona-chan! Not at all. You look wonderful as usual." Issei said making Sona blush a bit as she stood in front of him and try not to snicker at the speak of the devil part. That was ironic in this case, and seriously it was even funnier since none of the floozies got it.

"Here I made this for you." Issei said handing the rose to Sona who took it with a smile and put it into her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you." Sona said blushing a bit while the three first years finally regained their voices.

"Wait a second! Issei-kun has been standing here waiting for you for at least twenty minutes! And that's all you have to say Kaicho? Besides where are your glasses?" The blond demanded causing Issei to look at her confused and Sona to glare at her.

"I'm of the firm belief that if a woman looks great then who gives a damn if she's a bit late? Sona-chan always looks amazing so of course I don't mind waiting. Besides it's obvious she's wearing contacts," Issei said shrugging it off and making Sona blush slightly again.

"Oh but we'd better hurry and get our snacks and seats if we want to make it in there before the movie starts!" Issei said blinking as he pulled out two tickets and handed one to Sona before offering her his arm.

"Sorry Ise-kun. I got caught up with Onee-sama and the others. She had gotten me a pair of contacts to wear on our date and I needed some time to put them in properly." Sona said blushing as she took his arm in her own and smiled when he opened the door for her.

"It's alright I kind of figured that was the ca-Sona are you alright?" Issei said before looking alarmed when Sona was shoved roughly by one of the jealous girls behind them, causing her to fall to the floor and one of her contacts to fall out. Her eyes locked onto the girls and Issei, causing three of them to become incased in stone.

"Wow...beautiful." Issei said smiling as he helped her up, looking her straight in her Gorgon eye until she closed it looking panicked.

"Why'd you close it? You look beautiful with purple eyes...and just as beautiful with gold eyes." Issei asked confused as he looked at her before she looked at him with a single wide eye and pointed behind him.

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