Chapter 16

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"Why would you treat someone that way Rias? Especially for what seems to be no reason?" Lady Gremory asked looking disappointed as she looked at her shocked daughter who was staring wide eyed at Issei.

"He had the gall to grope Rias and then say it had been an accident." Kiba said glaring at Issei who looked at him confused while Ibuki gave a small snicker from Serafall's group.

"You groped Rias?" Sona asked looking at her fiancée torn between confused and upset.

"Not on purpose. The only time I interacted with her before those rumors were started, I had fallen down some stairs and crashed into her. I didn't even know who she was when it happened and I tried to apologize and tell her what happened but she seemed determined that I had done it on purpose just to grope her." Issei explained making Motohama and Matsuda nod in agreement to back their friend up when Rias began to open her mouth.

"Yeah we were there when it happened. Issei's foot slipped on the stair and down he went despite us trying to catch him. I don't see how it could be considered groping anyways, his head landed on her stomach and his hands were on the ground from trying to stop his fall. He broke one wrist like that and fractured the other badly." Matsuda said making Sona frown heavily at that as she thought back.

"When you had the casts on your hands and wrists. You said you had fallen down the stairs but I didn't know that you had fallen on top of Rias. I probably should have put the pieces together since she had went on a rant about an arrogant human trying to feel her up by the stairs and claim it was an accident." Sona said while Grayfia immediately began checking on her eldest son's wrists and arms.

"Ma-ma I'm fine. They healed fully and correct last year." Issei said smiling at his mother while Sona frowned a little harder at that.

"When it would have normally taken twice as long as it did to heal. Another clue I should have noticed." Sona said frowning seriously and beating herself up for never noticing the things that pointed to Issei not being...completely human. Or well not noticing all of them.

"You were focused on trying to keep me from dying and also trying to get me to agree to being resurrected should I die." Issei said smiling over at Sona who frowned for a moment longer while his parents flinched at the thought of him dying.

"Don't remind me. It took a mutated King and the two mutated rooks my sister gave me to bring you back." Sona said making Issei wince and rub the back of his neck sheepishly while Rias and her peerage gaped in disbelief.

"Really but the Devil King Devola thought that it was impossible for anyone to require three mutated pieces to bring back someone?" Lord Gremory said looking amazed and shocked at that just as well as his daughter did.

"Yeah well." Issei covered his younger brothers ears and then continued onwards.

"Fuck Devola. If it weren't for Sona and Ajuka-Oji I would be dead right now." Issei said making Sona snort slightly but smack his chest lightly for his language.

"Issei." Sona warned with a stern look.

"Yes dear." Issei said sighing and making Ibuki give a whip cracking noise while Sirzechs patted his sons shoulder in sympathy.

"Get used to it son." Sirzechs advised his son making Sona blush a bit and look away.

"But wait if Issei was born a pure blooded devil then how did he get a sacred Gear?" Akeno asked frowning as she thought of that and making the two Satans in the room exchange grim looks.

"The system is a bit...bugged you could say. There are things like this that happen from time to time. Plus whatever strong magic was used to turn him half-human might have also hidden his demonic presence from the system which would automatically register him as a human then." Sirzech said coming up with that almost literally right off the top of his head. The fact that God was dead was a closely guarded secret. Not even the parents of the Satans knew and it was definitely probably not a good idea to tell his younger sister who would likely spread it around or his young son who wouldn't understand why the information should be kept silent.

"That explains how I could be born a pure blooded devil and still get my gear." Tsubaki said making the two Satans nod although they weren't as happy as some thought they should be.

"So how does having my own king piece and Sona's two rook pieces work?" Issei asked uncovering his brothers ears and instead stepping over to wrap an arm around Sona's shoulders as he looked between his parents and his grandparents.

"What do you mean Sona's two rook pieces? Sona already used both rooks." Rias asked although it would have probably been better if she had remained quiet for a while if the stern look she was getting from her mother was anything to go by.

"You forget that despite most people believing that Lord Sirzechs saved Koneko-chan, it was in fact onee-sama who did so. The only reason she was joined as a part of your peerage is because Lord Gremory bribed the councilmen. As an apology onee-sama gave me her unused mutated pieces, two rooks. Those are the pieces I used to save Issei." Sona said giving Rias a stern look as Koneko walked over to stand beside Issei and Sona, earning a small smile from Grayfia who pulled her close beside Millicias.

"Before I forget Millicias. Issei adopted Koneko-chan here as his little sister of that makes her your big sister doesn't it?" Grayfia asked her youngest who blinked for a second before looking up at Koneko and beaming widely, hugging the Nekomata happily.

"...Otouto-kun." Koneko said hugging the boy back after a moment and making most of them smile at the slightly heartwarming scene.

"Looks like you got the family you always wanted Gray-chan. Two handsome little boys and a cute daughter!" Serafall said near jumping on the queen with a hug, a wide beaming grin on her face.

"So what will Rias's punishment be?" Mukuro got them all back on track as she looked at Lord and Lady Gremory.

"She left her own nephew for dead, whether she knew that at the time or not, almost cost the alliance between Sitri and Gremory households, and has in fact been manipulating the students in her school with various lies and rumors for the last year." Mukuro laid out the bare basics making everyone wince at how it was said so clinically, especially Rias.

"Well she's-" Lord Gremory began only for his wife to shoot him a sharp look and grab him by the ear. Pulling him up and out of the room with just a few sentences to let the others know why, although Sirzechs and Issei both were wincing in sympathy for their father/grandfather respectively. They both knew how painful that ear pull was.

"We're going to discuss that right now. We'll be back in just a moment."

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